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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


The U.S. says Hamas operates within and beneath hospitals,


The United States has intelligence that shows that Hamas has been using hospitals in Gaza, including Al-Shifa, as command centers and ammunitions depots, a spokesman for the National Security Council said on Tuesday.

John Kirby, the spokesman, said that the intelligence, gathered from American-generated sources, supported Israel’s allegation that Hamas has been operating out of hospitals, which Mr. Kirby said amounted to a war crime.

Mr. Kirby declined to provide details about the U.S. intelligence, but he made clear that it goes beyond the information collected by the Israeli intelligence service. “It comes from a variety of intelligence methods — of our own, of our own,” he said, adding that the classification of the intelligence had been downgraded so that it could be shared publicly.

“I can confirm for you that we have information that Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad use some hospitals in the Gaza Strip, including Al-Shifa, and tunnels underneath them, to conceal and to support their military operations and to hold hostages,” Mr. Kirby told reporters on Air Force One as President Biden headed to San Francisco for a summit with Asia-Pacific leaders.

“Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad — J.I.D. — members operate a command and control node from Al-Shifa in Gaza City,” he added. “They have stored weapons there, and they’re prepared to respond to an Israeli military operation against that facility.”

The revelation of the U.S. intelligence comes as Israel is under harsh international criticism for attacks on and around hospitals as it conducts a war against Hamas in the wake of the armed group’s terrorist attacks on Israel on Oct. 7. Israel says more than 1,200 people were killed in the attacks and that 239 others remain hostages.

During Israel’s ensuing military campaign to eradicate Hamas, it has repeatedly said that its military seeks to avoid casualties among civilians, including patients and doctors at hospitals. But they have insisted that Hamas uses such people as human shields.

Mr. Kirby said that the United States does not support attacks from the air on hospitals, despite what he said was the confirmed use of the facilities by Hamas.

“We do not support striking a hospital from the air,” he said. “And we do not want to see a firefight in a hospital where innocent people, helpless people, sick people are simply trying to get the medical care that they deserve, not to be caught in a crossfire. Hospitals and patients must be protected.”

He called that concern an “added burden” for Israel in its military campaign against Hamas.

Palestinian officials and doctors at Al-Shifa have denied that the hospital has been used by Hamas. But Mr. Kirby said that the newly revealed U.S. intelligence supported Israel’s arguments as its military closed in on the hospital.

“We have information that confirms that Hamas is using that particular hospital for a command and control node and probably storage of equipment weapons up underneath,” he said. “That is a war crime.”

Well that’s confirmed that.
Those people that. Said Saddam got WMD are now saying Al Shifa is a Hamas base - must be true……

Yep,my thoughts exactly....
There's tunnels all under Gaza. The fact that this is some point of discussion is outrageous. There's guns in Gaza too. Are Muslims not allowed to have weapons or take defensive measures ? It's simply dehumanization.

No government or country has a right to genocide. And having weapons is not a crime. The Jewish terrorists in Tel Aviv have tunnels, bunkers, missiles, bombs, and plenty of guns. Is it justified to declare war on them for having all these weapons ?

Deadly clashes at West Bank refugee camp​


Joel Gunter
Reporting from Jerusalem

Seven Palestinians were killed in the West Bank’s Tulkarem refugee camp this morning in clashes with the Israeli military, the head of the local hospital confirmed to the BBC.

Three were killed by live ammunition and four by shrapnel injuries from a blast, said Dr Amin Khader, who is also a surgeon at Thabet Thabet hospital.

He said 12 people were wounded, four critically, and some were still in the operating theatre.

The Israeli army and police said in a statement that their forces came under fire and killed several Palestinian gunmen in return fire.

A local journalist at the scene told me that the clashes were still going on, roughly 100m from the Thabet Thabet hospital.

"I can still hear gunfire and some explosions, I don’t know if it's Israeli or Palestinian. There is a lot of light ammunition fire," he said.

He said the IDF had demolished streets and buildings in the area and were present in the camp with armoured vehicles.

Footage published by local Palestinians earlier this morning showed what appeared to be Israeli bulldozers ripping up streets.

According to the Palestinian Authority health ministry, at least 180 West Bank Palestinians have been killed since 7 October by Israeli settlers or in clashes with the IDF.

So what’s going on here? Why are your brethren cooking up lies? Don’t you think going to this level to cover genocide and war crimes is unbelievable?

Must say when i first saw this i had doubts too . Something about the body language did not look right.The part where she described how she had to set a fracture of a child , with out morphine , was where i let my emotions get over my logic. Someone exploiting this is indeed sick.

But that does not change the fact that Hamas is cynically using hospitals as headquarters , has his man hiding in tunnels underneath and is holding our hostages in them.

This has been confirmed by US inteligence as well and evidence of what is happenning in the basements of those hospitals keep coming up,

Real evidence , not some clip by a stupid blogger as disgusting as it may be,

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Trust me brother it's not gonna make a difference. Only thing that will make difference is Hezbollah responding with full force. This whole thing has been planned for a long time. The CIA, Mossad planted ISIS cells in Sinai to make excuse for Sisi to raze the city of Rafah down. Now it's empty space meant to house tents so Israel can forcibly expel and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.

US 'released' what they called assets for Iran, around $10 billion. As reward for not activating Hezbollah.

Only thing that can save Palestine is if Egyptians, Iranians, and Arabs go against their leadership and take measures for Palestine.
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