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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Watch Egyptian posters running to tell us how great their army is yadadada
They are good guys and sure that they are ashamed by their inability to change things and help Gaza more, at least Total amd Gomig, do not throw guilt on ordinary people here who have limited or none impact on egyptian state policy which is really shameful and passive at the moment,
Hamas is equally responsible and will pay for their sins.
This was gaza before the yagog magog called hamas attacked. Yet some brainwashed on tgis thread will tell you "tHeY WeRE GoNA DiE AnYWaYas"

Wow one dude Infront of a mirror, life under a siege from a horrendous apartheid Israeli state must be great, why doesn't the rest of the world live under siege

You dope
Watch Egyptian posters running to tell us how great their army is yadadada

It doesn't matter if its Egyptian army, Saudi army, Turkish army, Pakistani army, Iranian army. Coward military is who cannot even open their own borders on the behest of others to help their fellow brothers. What if its an earthquake and your million man military is shivering due to foreign order of staying shhhhh.

Egypt should immediately improve relations with Turkey and Iran, then Egypt should declare emergency and send 50,000 troops to South Gaza to give aid. Whats Israel going to do about or Usa? Absolutely nothing.
Bias for Israel? Stop this song,you've been repeating it too much. There's truth in some of their claims just like there is truth in some of the Hamas claims as well. As for the "prolonged violence",we've seen what prolonged violence brought to Palestinians. It failed as a tactic. It literally brought no strategic gain to the Palestinians. On the contrary,it brought it caused them to lose even more land and support.

It's HISTORICAL REALITY. It's a fact. Look where they started in 1947 and look how it went from 1948 onwards!

This was the tactic they tried:

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Tell me,what did all that achieve? On a strategic level,what did the Palestinians achieve with this?

Resistance is everything

Once you stop resistance, the only option is acceptance of occupation and oppression
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