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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

LOL It seems Ukraine can be ignored for now.

US antisemitism envoy: Barbaric attack most lethal assault on Jews since Holocaust​

By Jacob Magid
Today, 6:10 am

US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt, center, speaks with the head of the American Jewish Congress Ted Deutch at a conference in New York City, September 19, 2023. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)
US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt, center, speaks with the head of the American Jewish Congress Ted Deutch at a conference in New York City, September 19, 2023. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)

Weighing in on the Hamas terror attacks on Israel for the first time after the Simchat Torah holiday, US antisemitism envoy Deborah Lipstadt says, “No one has the right to tell Israel how to defend itself and prevent and deter future attacks.”

“Yesterday’s heinous, barbaric terrorism against Israeli civilians is the most lethal assault against Jews since the Holocaust. There is no justification whatsoever for this mass murder. None,” Lipstadt tweets.

https://www.timesofisrael.com /liveblog_entry/us-antisemitism-envoy-barbaric-attack-most-lethal-assault-on-jews-since-holocaust/

Keep crying you nasty beings. The amount of Palestinians that got killed, raped and tortured mean nothing to these henious animals.
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There are no 'original' inhabitants anywhere in the world unless the history of humanity was kept by some angels or whatever, since the birth of humanity. But, to be specific, from my reading of the Bible, Abraham was promised land to the Jews but the land was NOT empty!! There is no hard and fast criteria for who belong and where--how far will we go back to??!! 50 years? 500 years? 5000 years? to claim some land??!

Don't you know the history of the Jewish people in exile for a millenia? Don't you know that they too fought against hard odds under occupations? So why despair for the Palestinians?? If the Jews refused to be boot-polishers or Muslims or Christians for a millenia then why should the Palestinians not have the same option now??

Yes, Palestinians in Gaza did that as did other resistance groups throughout human history when they perceived some of their own as 'traitors'. I suspect some of you Greeks did that too during your War of Independence against the Turks before the First World War.
But in case you want to pursue this 'logic': Why is the West Bank erupting for 'Hamas' right now?? It is because there is no strategic differences between the goals of Fatah and Hamas. They are the same entity and your Divide and Conquer strategy or the Rodney King Crocodile Tears of 'Why can't we all get along' are not going to work.
Let me clarify something here, I have sympathies for Palestinian cause. They have been suffering endlessly, and they like any human have full rights to live with dignity and have freedom. No human should be facing such situations, and its wrong. There is no ifs and buts there for me.

You would notice that my country, for long long time never openly supported Israel. As a country who was under Colonial rule, and has faced external invasions its but clear what the Palestinians are suffering mentally and physically for me as a Indian.

What I have been pointing out here, is that this action by Hamas is not well thought out on a end game level. Something @jhungary has written well, since he seems to have a better military knowledge compared to me as a civilian.

Yes they have done a brilliant tactical action, and caught Israel's with their pants down literally. This attack will be resulting in discussions in every intelligence and military outfit of Israel, for decades to come.

Wonderful but now what? As expected the West is on Israeli side, and Iran and one or two other Middle Eastern nations on Palestinian side.

Its possible Chinese and Russians will try to appear neutral, but make sure any actions which give advantage to Israel are negated at UN level. I think it already happened, in the UNSC meeting.

The West however will not care for any UN resolution, and go in full to support Israel as is happening as well.

The few Middle Eastern nations actually supporting Palestine, have always supported them. The rest who were moving towards rapprochement with Israel, will now stop fearing internal reprisals against rulers. However will they do anything more than lip service? Has Hamas gained new supporters, other than adrenaline drunk people on social media, who sit safe and got nothing to lose on personal level?

This is all at a geopolitical level, where Israel now has full support from those who matter. What did Hamas achieve here, other than social media following (which is so short-term as people shift to next big thing within days if not weeks)?

On a tactical or military level, they (Israel's) are now on backfoot. I am a civilian but do listen to military experts, who are coming onto youtube more and more these days. From what I hear, their situation is similar to what happened in Yom Kippur war where they got surprised with attacks on two fronts. The end result was a stalemate, but over time they actually gained more land using strong arm tactics and other means.

Currently they need to secure their people, who have been taken prisoners. It will be political suicide for Bibi, if he messes anything on this front. So they are on backfoot here too, but for how long? Once they go all out, does Hamas have the means to fight conventionally against IDF? Let us say they do, but can they overrun Israeli's? Or can only defend themselves? Either way, the war is not going to be a short one right?

So even on the military level, other than giving Israel a blood bath -- they haven't thought of any proper endgame no?

A community that has already been suffering badly, will see even worse conditions won't they?

This is my point of view, and I fully stand with Palestinians in their struggle for better life. However I don't stand for massacre of Civilians, by organizations like Hamas who actually hurt the people of Palestine more than they benefit them. You or anyone can totally disagree with me, as its your right.

A total of 800 strikes on Gaza are reported since the start of the conflict.

A total of 100,000 troops are said to be amassing around Gaza. :eek:
I know the history, so please don't play innocent victim cards.. And I am just referring to the medieval world. The past is too dark; even Jews were thrown under the rug for many decades. Today, by playing victim cards, they victimize other party in the past.
See how I brought cat out of the box.
You were playing a sympathiser since long and beat your *** a little and all your inside is out on your tongue.
And mind you, Jews were prosecuted by Christians, not Muslims.
It is a well known fact Muslims protected last of the Jews from the wrath of Christians.
And your hypocritical little mind failed to address that it was Europe and Christions who gased jews and then settle them on Palestinian lands. Result was Jews turn into zombie Zios and took their revenge from innocent Palestinians by murdering them, razing their homes, raping and killing their children on daily bases since more than 7 decades, bombing their mosques and constantly throwing them out of their houses.
Why not give them place in USA or Europe if you feel bad for them.
Shut your mouth now. You idiot or else I will put you back myself from where you came originally.

How the United States helps to kill Palestinians

Through the supplying of arms, financial support and UN vetoes, the US has played a key role in the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict

Medea Benjamin Nicolas J S Davies
18 May 2021, 12.26pm

The US corporate media usually reports on Israeli military assaults in occupied Palestine as if the United States is an innocent neutral party to the conflict. In fact, large majorities of Americans have told pollsters for decades that they want the United States to be neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

But US media and politicians betray their own lack of neutrality by blaming Palestinians for nearly all the violence in the region and framing flagrantly disproportionate, indiscriminate and therefore illegal Israeli attacks as a justifiable response to Palestinian actions. The classic formulation from US officials and commentators is that “Israel has the right to defend itself”, never “Palestinians have the right to defend themselves”, even as the Israelis massacre hundreds of Palestinian civilians, destroy thousands of Palestinian homes and seize ever more Palestinian land.

The disparity in casualties in Israeli assaults on Gaza speaks for itself.
  • At the time of writing, the current Israeli assault on Gaza is reported to have killed at least 212 people, including 61 children and 35 women, while rockets fired from Gaza have killed ten people in Israel, including two children.
  • In the 2008-9 assault on Gaza, non-government organizations estimate that Israel killed between 1,387 and 1,417 Palestinians, while Palestinians’ efforts to defend themselves killed nine Israelis, six of whom were soldiers.
  • In 2014, more than 2,100 Palestinians and 73 Israelis (mostly soldiers invading Gaza) were killed, as at least 6,000 bombs and missiles were dropped on Gaza, many from US-built F-16s, while Israeli tanks and artillery fired 49,500 shells, mostly massive six-inch shells from US-built M-109 howitzers.
  • In response to largely peaceful March of Return protests at the Israel-Gaza border in 2018, Israeli snipers killed 183 Palestinians and wounded more than 6,100, including 122 who required amputations, 21 paralyzed by spinal cord injuries and nine permanently blinded.

American responsibility

As with the Saudi-led war on Yemen and other serious foreign policy problems, biased and distorted news coverage by US corporate media leaves many Americans not knowing what to think. Many simply give up trying to sort out the rights and wrongs of what is happening and instead blame both sides, and then focus their attention closer to home, where the problems of society impact them more directly and are easier to understand and do something about.

So how should Americans respond to horrific images of bleeding, dying children and homes reduced to rubble in Gaza?

The tragic relevance of this crisis for Americans is that, behind the fog of war, propaganda and commercialized, biased media coverage, the United States bears an overwhelming share of responsibility for the carnage taking place in Palestine.

US policy has perpetuated the crisis and atrocities of the Israeli occupation by unconditionally supporting Israel in three distinct ways: militarily, diplomatically and politically.

On the military front, since the creation of the Israeli state, the United States has provided $146bn in foreign aid, nearly all of it military-related, as of November 2020. It currently provides $3.8bn per year in military aid to Israel.

In addition, the United States is the largest seller of weapons to Israel, whose military arsenal now includes 362 US-built F-16 warplanes and 100 other US military aircraft, including a growing fleet of the new F-35s; at least 45 Apache attack helicopters; 600 M-109 howitzers and 64 M270 rocket-launchers. At this very moment, Israel is using many of these US-supplied weapons in its devastating bombardment of Gaza.

The US military alliance with Israel also involves joint military exercises and joint production of Arrow missiles and other weapons systems. The U.S. and Israeli militaries have collaborated on drone technologies tested by the Israelis in Gaza. In 2004, the United States called on Israeli forces with experience in the Occupied Territories to give tactical training to US Special Operations Forces as they confronted popular resistance to the United States’ hostile military occupation of Iraq.

The US military also maintains an estimated $1.8bn stockpile of weapons at six locations in Israel, pre-positioned for use in future US wars in the Middle East. During the Israeli assault on Gaza in 2014, even as the US Congress suspended some weapons deliveries to Israel, it approved handing over stocks of 120mm mortar shells and 40mm grenade launcher ammunition from the US stockpile for Israel to use against Palestinians in Gaza.

Diplomatically, the United States has exercised its veto in the UN Security Council 82 times, and 44 of those vetoes have been to shield Israel from accountability for war crimes or human rights violations. In every single case, the United States has been the lone vote against the resolution, although a few other countries have occasionally abstained.

It is the United States’s privileged position as a veto-wielding permanent member of the Security Council, and its willingness to abuse that privilege to shield its ally Israel, that gives it this unique power to stymie international efforts to hold the Israeli government accountable for its actions under international law.

The result of this unconditional US diplomatic shielding of Israel has been to encourage increasingly barbaric Israeli treatment of the Palestinians. With the United States blocking any accountability in the Security Council, Israel has seized ever more Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, uprooted more and more Palestinians from their homes and responded to the resistance of largely unarmed people with ever-increasing violence, detentions and restrictions on day-to-day life.

Political support

On the political front, despite most Americans supporting neutrality in the conflict, pro-Israel groups, including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), have exercised an extraordinary role in lobbying US politicians to provide unconditional support for Israel.

The roles of campaign contributors and lobbyists in the US political system make the United States uniquely vulnerable to influence peddling, whether by monopolistic corporations and industry groups like the Military-Industrial Complex and Big Pharma, or well-funded interest groups like the National Rifle Association, AIPAC and, in recent years, lobbyists for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

On 22 April, just weeks before this latest assault on Gaza, the overwhelming majority of congresspeople, 330 out of 435, signed a letter to the chair and ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee opposing any reduction or conditioning of US monies to Israel. The letter, a repudiation of calls from some progressives in the Democratic Party to condition or otherwise restrict aid to Israel, supports one of the main demands of the AIPAC.

The US president, Joe Biden, who has a long history of supporting Israeli crimes, responded to the latest massacre by insisting on Israel’s “right to defend itself” and inanely hoping that “this will be closing down sooner than later”. His UN ambassador also shamefully blocked a call for a ceasefire at the UN Security Council.

US policy must be reversed to reflect international law and the shifting US opinion in favor of Palestinian rights

The silence and worse from President Biden and most representatives in the US Congress at the massacre of civilians and mass destruction of Gaza is unconscionable. The independent voices speaking out forcefully for Palestinians, including Senator Sanders and representatives Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, show us what real democracy looks like, as do the massive protests that have filled US streets all over the country.

US policy must be reversed to reflect international law and the shifting US opinion in favor of Palestinian rights. Every member of Congress must be pushed to sign the bill introduced by representative Betty McCollum insisting that US funds to Israel are not used “to support the military detention of Palestinian children, the unlawful seizure, appropriation, and destruction of Palestinian property and forcible transfer of civilians in the West Bank, or further annexation of Palestinian land in violation of international law”.

Congress must also be pressured to quickly enforce the Arms Export Control Act and the Leahy Laws to stop supplying any more US weapons to Israel until it stops using them to attack and kill civilians.
The United States has played a vital and instrumental role in the decades-long catastrophe that has engulfed the people of Palestine. US leaders and politicians must now confront their country’s and, in many cases, their own personal complicity in this catastrophe, and act urgently and decisively to reverse US policy to support full human rights for all Palestinians.


US antisemitism envoy: Barbaric attack most lethal assault on Jews since Holocaust

By Jacob Magid
Today, 6:10 am

US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt, center, speaks with the head of the American Jewish Congress Ted Deutch at a conference in New York City, September 19, 2023. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)
US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt, center, speaks with the head of the American Jewish Congress Ted Deutch at a conference in New York City, September 19, 2023. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)

Weighing in on the Hamas terror attacks on Israel for the first time after the Simchat Torah holiday, US antisemitism envoy Deborah Lipstadt says, “No one has the right to tell Israel how to defend itself and prevent and deter future attacks.”

“Yesterday’s heinous, barbaric terrorism against Israeli civilians is the most lethal assault against Jews since the Holocaust. There is no justification whatsoever for this mass murder. None,” Lipstadt tweets.

https://www.timesofisrael.com /liveblog_entry/us-antisemitism-envoy-barbaric-attack-most-lethal-assault-on-jews-since-holocaust/

Is he talking about the Palestinians?
She is right then... the Palestinians have suffered more than the the holocaust...

She means Palestinian Resistance fighters this weekend inflicted the biggest massacre on Jews since WW2.

It's shameful that Hezbollah is still watching and doing nothing. That's very disappointing.

HezbAllah launched attacks on the occupied Shebaa Farms.

What did Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the rest of the USA-allied Arab governments and Turkey undertake in comparison? That is not shameful?
Let me clarify something here, I have sympathies for Palestinian cause. They have been suffering endlessly, and they like any human have full rights to live with dignity and have freedom. No human should be facing such situations, and its wrong. There is no ifs and buts there for me.

You would notice that my country, for long long time never openly supported Israel. As a country who was under Colonial rule, and has faced external invasions its but clear what the Palestinians are suffering mentally and physically for me as a Indian.

What I have been pointing out here, is that this action by Hamas is not well thought out on a end game level. Something @jhungary has written well, since he seems to have a better military knowledge compared to me as a civilian.

Yes they have done a brilliant tactical action, and caught Israel's with their pants down literally. This attack will be resulting in discussions in every intelligence and military outfit of Israel, for decades to come.

Wonderful but now what? As expected the West is on Israeli side, and Iran and one or two other Middle Eastern nations on Palestinian side.

Its possible Chinese and Russians will try to appear neutral, but make sure any actions which give advantage to Israel are negated at UN level. I think it already happened, in the UNSC meeting.

The West however will not care for any UN resolution, and go in full to support Israel as is happening as well.

The few Middle Eastern nations actually supporting Palestine, have always supported them. The rest who were moving towards rapprochement with Israel, will now stop fearing internal reprisals against rulers. However will they do anything more than lip service? Has Hamas gained new supporters, other than adrenaline drunk people on social media, who sit safe and got nothing to lose on personal level?

This is all at a geopolitical level, where Israel now has full support from those who matter. What did Hamas achieve here, other than social media following (which is so short-term as people shift to next big thing within days if not weeks)?

On a tactical or military level, they (Israel's) are now on backfoot. I am a civilian but do listen to military experts, who are coming onto youtube more and more these days. From what I hear, their situation is similar to what happened in Yom Kippur war where they got surprised with attacks on two fronts. The end result was a stalemate, but over time they actually gained more land using strong arm tactics and other means.

Currently they need to secure their people, who have been taken prisoners. It will be political suicide for Bibi, if he messes anything on this front. So they are on backfoot here too, but for how long? Once they go all out, does Hamas have the means to fight conventionally against IDF? Let us say they do, but can they overrun Israeli's? Or can only defend themselves? Either way, the war is not going to be a short one right?

So even on the military level, other than giving Israel a blood bath -- they haven't thought of any proper endgame no?

A community that has already been suffering badly, will see even worse conditions won't they?

This is my point of view, and I fully stand with Palestinians in their struggle for better life. However I don't stand for massacre of Civilians, by organizations like Hamas who actually hurt the people of Palestine more than they benefit them. You or anyone can totally disagree with me, as its your right.
Dont cry for Palestinian at all. Nobody needs your sympathy. Like every bhaktora you are happy from inside on the miseries of Palestinian, Kashmiris and every oppressed Muslim. Don't pretend to be what you are not.
And yes Isra-hell will win current war... At a great cost.... It was told 1400 years ago.
Isra-hell will win even a couple of more wars and will expand much in coming few years until her solders will reach gates of holy cities of Saudi Arabia. From there israhelli doom to defeat will start and her days will be numbered.
Events are exactly going as predicted centuries ago. Great wars are coming in which tall the great oppressors including worlds largest country will be cleansed and Zios and their friends will be completely eliminated.
I will suggest you to run away and hide yourself somewhere in himaliya 😄
Rest leave Palestinians.... They were already dying daily.
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