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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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Its a real shame our leaders are so inept if the GCC came up with a CALL FOR ACTION, other nations would follow and the tone would change. People would be brought to the table kicking and screaming...

There is no nation, tribe or creed in the world that can raise and field a larger military than Muslims.

There are none that stand to lose more from their discord.

There are none suffering more...

There are none made homeless or exiled in the last century unwillingly, through conquest or aggression.

There are those who rue the past for hypocrites or plain old traitors.

Isn't it evident the who fear to lose the most are the ones with possessions and titles? The ones willing to compromise on lives of their brothers... Can't even deny their suffering while looking at them getting chopped up, piled and buried in mass graves... those who should have been rowdy and playing in the streets with their contagious smiles or laughter.

Raised sheep ... prepare to be culled...
Or call it mowing the grass!
English is our language as well now. Official language of our courts and federal system just as Persian was the language of our courts during the Mughal era. We are also the third largest English speaking country in the world.

Puppets are always puppets. Pakistan official language should be their own, not foreign.
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Your heart is in the right place but 'elected'? Was Shah Faisal 'elected'? Most of those who imposed the oil embargo in 1973 were not 'elected' and yet they did. Even Pakistan materially participated in that war--and would have done so regardless of the elected ZAB or not as PM.

What plagues the Arab/Muslim countries about the Palestinian Cause is a sense of helplessness. They know they are waging not just Israel but a Superpower and that Superpower's powerful rich allies. The challenge is too formidable to risk their own rule/well being of their own citizens. So Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey etc have to just keep within limits otherwise bombs and sanctions would be catastrophic. Now, all that can change in case of a regional/World War, should that happen. At this moment, only Iran has the guts to risk its economy and the well being of its population to stick its neck out for a Cause which is not really Iran's strategic Cause.

They shouldn't wage a physical war. Just turn off the gas/oil tap.
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