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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

All we see is words and more words. Strong words, strong letters, stronger words, cups of tea. What is needed is action.

The time for words has passed.
If the other countries are not helping, Palestinians can themselves ease up the pressure on Northern Gaza by starting hit and run attacks on Israeli Army, Police and Settlers in West Bank and also the Bedouin tribes in Negev desert can fight. Similarly, Palestinians living in Lebanon can attack Israel.
Qatar that couldn't keep US to its word/promise to release Iranian $$$ for the prisoners Iran released as part of the prisoner swap deal? Qatar should please remember that Al-Dufra base is a common target practice for IRGC ballistics.

No thanks! Egypt is as strong as an ant- 0 willpower.
Qatar has more Americans troops then it's population that's total unfair of city state

Eygpt on the other hand is the most popular Arab country it's one of the largest countries in the world 13 times or 1300% larger then Israel

With strategic position holding the suez canal
Wow. Saudi propagandists are going as far to claim Allah cursed the people of Gaza. All to justify their normalization with Israel:

If we only look at their condition and the condition of the people of Yaba, every believer will be certain that God has decreed upon them humiliation and humiliation because of their disbelief in Surat Sheba, so that you can know the truth about these peoples, how God described them, and read Surat Al-Ma’idah. God created them and described them to us, and for this moment, God’s curse is standing for the coming of the Hour. Whoever thinks that I made a mistake with a word, God cursed God. Not feminine

Their arrogance and pride reminds me a lot of bani israel during the prohet pbuh time.
I think the assumption that Israel can and will bomb Lebanon back to the stone ages might make some assumptions that won't necessarily play out that way this time- new factors are at play in this conflict.
The word 'Katyushas' was used a lot during the Israel-Hezbollah war of 2006. But I am sure Hezbollah is much better than that now. And now there are multiple fronts, unlike in 2006. There is a reason Israelis call a multifront scenario a 'nightmare' and there is a reason Americans/NATO are actively preparing. Israelis simply cannot fight off militias in a multifront war, let alone giants Iran or Turkey.
2007 war between Hizbollah and Israel showed us that Israel did what they're are doing to Gaza, they bombed Lebanon without mercy, destroyed absolutely anything that came in their way. This time Israel will do 10x more damage, they will literally make South Lebanon in to Gaza. Hizbollah doesn't have the capability to destroy Israeli aircrafts, Israeli will also use ballistic missiles on Lebanon. Last war Syria gave enormous supplies and support to Hizbollah but this time Syria is also destroyed and divided, thanks to the wahabi traitors.
For Hizbollah to join this war is a great risk. Usa will also bomb Hizbollah. Muslims made a huge mistake when many supported the Syria rebellion, which in return destroyed Syria and made Hizbollah and Hamas weaker (I know both Hamas and hizbollah are stronger than in 2007 but with strong Syrian state they would have been 10x more strong).
Syria is also sitting duck, israel will bomb Syria.
Those of us who knew what was happening in Syria knew it was in Israeli interests. But dump Turks and Saudis fell for that. Myopic, stupid leadership. They fail to see what Israel truly is: A dagger in the heart of the Middle East which could and has threaten them anytime to ask for favorable commercial/trade/exploration deals. So Assad killed rebels? Isn't Pakistan doing the same? Isn't Turkey doing the same? Didn't America launch a very brutal Civil War against the Confederate State in the 1860s. It is none of other countries' business.
The ultimate house negro. In the white house. Sad.
I have a lot of respect for our African friends, anywhere in the world. But we must insist that term then the ultimate would be Obama, Colin Powell and Llloyd Austin. The lady you are referring to has not authority--just a 'spokesperson' who looks like some clown.
And I fear the US is preparing a major operation off one of its carriers to neutralize that Houthi threat to its little darking satan puppy.
Action against the Houthis is coming up...
Sinai?? That will be even worse for Israel because a large Palestinian population moved a few dozens miles out of Gaza would be in the Egyptian territory with much more access to weapons and fighters. The next rockets will go farther than today's.
As long as a sizable Palestinian population remains in and around Israel/West Bank, Israel will not be able to have peace.
Israel do things in phase manner and plan things meticulously

First step is to depopulate Palestine

Will see later how to take Sinai and northern Arabia

And no won't be a issue just like how gaza hasn't been an issue

You see Eygpt is basically a puppet state
If the other countries are not helping, Palestinians can themselves ease up the pressure on Northern Gaza by starting hit and run attacks on Israeli Army, Police and Settlers in West Bank and also the Bedouin tribes in Negev desert can fight. Similarly, Palestinians living in Lebanon can attack Israel.
How about jumping of building and dieing that would be more quick and easy than what you are proposing.
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