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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

All these animals are gods creatures and should be treated with respect. And I feel so sorry for that donkey and the humiliation he must feel. This is one of the most cruel things a Palestinian has ever done. Poor donkey.

I completely agree with you 100%. But if that's the most cruel thing a Palestinian has ever done, then they're doing ok all things considered. Plus you have to understand the cultural aspect and how donkeys are unfortunately perceived as stupid & dumb, hence why they use the term as an insult when calling someone stupid and in this context here.
Will we ever see the destruction of the western world for all their atrocities in our life time?
I dont think so. They way they are set up they will be here ruling for centuries.
What a shityy system to be in than cant wait to **** off from here.
With all these reports video and picture evidence it's becoming clear Israel has become a state closest to the nazis in ideology. Whether they realise it or not their actions are showing it.

Anyone who supports such a state is also a nazi supporter.
Stop attacking Christianity all the time,you bigot.

OMG. Where do I begin? Being called a bigot by our resident Gayreek Islamophobe who makes a living out of justifying Anglo-Zionist slaughter of Muslim women and children?

Muslims don't even attack Christianity 1% as much as Christians attack Islam. That's because Islam teaches belief in all the same prophets, from Adam to Jesus. However, it is correct to say that the so-called Christians have thrown Christianity out the door and we're dealing with a post-Christian West. If you have even an ounce of self-respect about upholding Christian values you would fight the following:

Gay pride parade in Gayreese.


Nightclub inside church

If his name is "Salzman", why would anyone be surprised at his inhumane answer?

"Her", my brother. Her!

And this is your daily reminder (not you specifically, all of us) of an abomination of a DEMON reincarnation. This face is a member of the Florida House of Representatives that yelled "all of them" when answering a rhetorical question posed by another member of the FLA HoRs Angie Nixon who tearfully & bravely asked, "how many more Palestinians need to die".


I apologise I am not talking about the Turkish people

I am talking about the leaders

during Erdogan speech Turkish were shouting action action action

I am sure if leader gave the order the Turks would be age first in Palestine to fight

and I just back from Turkey 2 weeks ago everyone on a cell phone is watching Gaza and everyone's blood is boiling in Istanbul
Erdogan represents us you insulted the Turkish people but no problem i understand your anger very well

another war criminal bashar

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