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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Oh God, grant victory to the mujahideen in Gaza

What victory are you talking about ?

Easy to be a lonatic psycho , at the expense of other people , from the safty of your computer.

A million people having to leave their homes , is victory to you ?

A million people that will have to spend this winter in tents , is a victory to you ?

This is the only plan Hamas has :

Attack and than crawl back to his tunnels . Let the people of Gaza pay the price. Take picures of them suffering , and than cry to the international community to hold Israel back.

Works like a charm every time.

But this time they went to far .

They massacared too many woman and children. Also they where stupid or sick enough to film their whole butchery , so the whole world watched it , as it happened.

This is actually the most docuemented massacre in History.

Now Hamas still think they can somehow cry their way out of this. But not this time.

Had Hamas any responsibility to the well being of his people , they would do anything in its power to stop this war, by leaving.

Instead , Sinwar hides like Hitler in his bonker , watching Berlin ruined.

This is the only Item Hamas would use right now , had they any dignity :


I wonder how this system could be countered. Not familiar with military matters as much as other members here.

Dual Kornet missile has been successful before as I have heard. One is engaged by the Trophy, while the other hits.

Top attack missile also works as Trophy doesn't provide top protection.

What victory are you talking about ?

Easy to be a lonatic psycho , at the expense of other people , from the safty of your computer.

A million people having to leave their homes , is victory to you ?

A million people that will have to spend this winter in tents , is a victory to you ?

This is the only plan Hamas has :

Attack and than crawl back to his tunnels . Let the people of Gaza pay the price. Take picures of them suffering , and than cry to the international community to hold Israel back.

Works like a charm every time.

But this time they went to far .

They massacared too many woman and children. Also they where stupid or sick enough to film their whole butchery , so the whole world watched it , as it happened.

This is actually the most docuemented massacre in History.

Now Hamas still think they can somehow cry their way out of this. But not this time.

Had Hamas any responsibility to the well being of his people , they would do anything in its power to stop this war, by leaving.

Instead , Sinwar hides like Hitler in his bonker , watching Berlin ruined.

This is the only Item Hamas would use right now , had they any dignity :



Your soldiers got their butt kicked and you call it a massacre. Then you spam is with atrocity propaganda. Like Jewish people lives are infinitely more valuable than non-Jewish lives. That's Facism and the only modern state comparable to Nazi Germany is Israel. And Israel will fall just like Nazi Germany.

You only come and act tough when things go your way. Since you have no principles at all. When someone else besides Hamas kick your butt then you will disappear instead of debating facts. Then when you have upper hand come out of your hole again. This is part of the curse God made on you Jews.

And it's why he sent Hitler to punish you. And why he will make you of the antichrist and finally send Jesus to wipe you out for good.
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How do you know? I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you, just want to know how you figured out those RPGs don't work?

Per Scott Ritter, the Palestinians literally hand put cheap grenades to disable some protective shield on the tanks and then blew up the tanks.
And given that Israelis are not fighting as infantry around tanks, the mounting Israeli confirmed deaths are not all from APCs getting blown up.

What victory are you talking about ?

Easy to be a lonatic psycho , at the expense of other people , from the safty of your computer.

A million people having to leave their homes , is victory to you ?

A million people that will have to spend this winter in tents , is a victory to you ?

This is the only plan Hamas has :

Attack and than crawl back to his tunnels . Let the people of Gaza pay the price. Take picures of them suffering , and than cry to the international community to hold Israel back.

Works like a charm every time.

But this time they went to far .

They massacared too many woman and children. Also they where stupid or sick enough to film their whole butchery , so the whole world watched it , as it happened.

This is actually the most docuemented massacre in History.

Now Hamas still think they can somehow cry their way out of this. But not this time.

Had Hamas any responsibility to the well being of his people , they would do anything in its power to stop this war, by leaving.

Instead , Sinwar hides like Hitler in his bonker , watching Berlin ruined.

This is the only Item Hamas would use right now , had they any dignity :



You have same mentality as ISIS. Kill kill kill until you get your way. Hot headed and insane. You will fall in same way as ISIS and Nazi Germany. This is bigger than Gaza.

Everybody lies in a war.

But that some part of Hamas risk civilians lives and use them as shield, it's not a lie.

There is a difference between a little lying and Israel killing a festival full of Israelis to blame Hamas, inventing stories of rape, inventing stories of beheaded babies, and inventing stories of burned children; all as an excuse to bomb 5000+ children in less than a month.
How do you know? I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you, just want to know how you figured out those RPGs don't work?
RPGs don't work on modern tanks

Euphoria of Hamas social media wing will end soon. Sure few thousand Israelis soldier will die at expensive of 30-40 thousand if not more Palestine while Arab world debate whether they should make ties stronger or not with Israel

Eygptians have done a excellent job keeping out of all Iranian advance weaponary from gaza

Next time the Arabs will gather again at "sharm el sheikh" party abit, do a few speeches for public consumption, sign agreements for more concessions on part of Israel
Per Scott Ritter, the Palestinians literally hand put cheap grenades to disable some protective shield on the tanks and then blew up the tanks.
And given that Israelis are not fighting as infantry around tanks, the mounting Israeli confirmed deaths are not all from APCs getting blown up.

I have seen the video where the Hamas fighter put a grenade on the tank by hand.

But I am asking about the ineffectiveness of these RPGs, how do these people know?

Not all Merkavas have Trophy. Other APCs, IFVs and other vehicles don't have Trophy.

So the vehicles that don't have Trophy will totally rely on their armour for protection or the ERA on top. These RPGs are tandem charges. Tandem charges are designed to defeat the ERA and then penetrate the main armour.

So, Merkavas without Tophy should be penetrated. Anything other than Merkava that don't have Trophy will also be penetrated.
What victory are you talking about ?

Easy to be a lonatic psycho , at the expense of other people , from the safty of your computer.

A million people having to leave their homes , is victory to you ?

A million people that will have to spend this winter in tents , is a victory to you ?

This is the only plan Hamas has :

Attack and than crawl back to his tunnels . Let the people of Gaza pay the price. Take picures of them suffering , and than cry to the international community to hold Israel back.

Works like a charm every time.

But this time they went to far .

They massacared too many woman and children. Also they where stupid or sick enough to film their whole butchery , so the whole world watched it , as it happened.

This is actually the most docuemented massacre in History.

Now Hamas still think they can somehow cry their way out of this. But not this time.

Had Hamas any responsibility to the well being of his people , they would do anything in its power to stop this war, by leaving.

Instead , Sinwar hides like Hitler in his bonker , watching Berlin ruined.

This is the only Item Hamas would use right now , had they any dignity :


So Jews were responsible for Hitler killing them as they started the rebellion in ghettos? Right?

I mean what's the difference? I will love you to tell me what's the difference apart from Jews being from superior race .. unlucky for them Germans didn't believe in it..

That's not me..that's you saying

Ironically had Americans didn't develop the bomb and indians didn't join the fight we wouldn't have been having this discussion

Here is what I am talking about from your own sources
There is a difference between a little lying and Israel killing a festival full of Israelis to blame Hamas, inventing stories of rape, inventing stories of beheaded babies, and inventing stories of burned children; all as an excuse to bomb 5000+ children in less than a month.
There are videos of Hamas attacking the music fest, so better stop your delusional thoughts.
RPGs don't work on modern tanks

Euphoria of Hamas social media wing will end soon. Sure few thousand Israelis soldier will die at expensive of 30-40 thousand if not more Palestine while Arab world debate whether they should make ties stronger or not with Israel

Eygptians have done a excellent job keeping out of all Iranian advance weaponary from gaza

Next time the Arabs will gather again at "sharm el sheikh" party abit, do a few speeches for public consumption, sign agreements for more concessions on part of Israel

Please, we need more nuanced information than simply saying, "RPGs don't work on modern tanks". There are different types of RPGs and different types of tanks with different types of armour.
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As if asking the UN Sec. Gen. Gutierrez to resign was not enough of embarrassment, Israelis are $issed off at NY Times--the most influential news outlet in the world, a news outlet which tries to give only slap on wrist to Israel. It does seem like Israelis are desperately splashing around!!! The global PR is so much against them and Netanyahu knows he's finished that they just are like rabid dogs attacking anyone who would even mildly disagree with them.

Israel Accuses Freelance Photographers of Advance Knowledge of Oct. 7 Attack​

The New York Times said there was “no evidence” to support such claims about its freelancer.

abductions of Israeli soldiers and civilians by Hamas fighters — an allegation The Times vigorously denied about its freelancer.

The government seized on a report by a pro-Israel media watchdog group, Honest Reporting, which has long accused The Times and other news organizations of anti-Israel bias in their coverage of Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians.

“These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity,” the public diplomacy department of the prime minister’s office said in a tersely worded statement. “Their actions were contrary to professional ethics.”

In its report, the watchdog group questioned why six Gaza-based photographers, all of whom were working for The Associated Press and Reuters, were early to document the incursion by Hamas into Israel on Oct. 7. The journalists photographed an Israeli tank that had been destroyed at the border of the Gaza Strip, soon after the militants broke through a fence and swarmed into Israeli territory.

It said one of the photographers, Hassan Eslaiah, took pictures of a house burning in Kibbutz Kfar Azza, a target of the deadly attack by militants, while two others documented Hamas fighters transporting kidnapped Israelis back to Gaza. These harrowing images were all published by The Associated Press, as was a Reuters photo of a mob carrying the body of an Israeli soldier.

While a fourth A.P. photographer named in the report, Yousef Masoud, has worked as a freelancer for The Times since shortly after the war began, he was not on assignment for the paper on the morning of Oct. 7, according to a statement issued by The Times. The Times rejected suggestions that it had advance warning of the attacks or had accompanied Hamas terrorists, calling the claims “untrue and outrageous.” It also said there was “no evidence for Honest Reporting’s insinuations” about Mr. Masoud.
Please, we need more nuanced information that simply saying, "RPGs don't work on modern tanks". There are different types of RPGs and different types of tanks with different types of armour.
The point so current heavy tanks will easily take multiple RPGs round before going down

Thanks to eygptians loyality and excellent control on things that go into Gaza

Imagine kornets being smuggled ..it would have been a disaster like in Yemen

Well done boys 💪
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