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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Bottom line: Israelis always had better equipment, intelligence from the West, and the training. Israelis were/are mostly of European origin with superior technology, knowledge and training. But your garbage about 'tiny Israel' and Arabs 'sold the land' are excuses for that colonial entity.

I dare you / Israel to fight just the militias of Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and Palestinians without the full military/economic might of the dozens of the NATO countries. That powerful alliance has just humbled a mighty power like Russia in the Russia-Ukraine war and here you expect the 'armies' of poor 3rd world countries to have defeated them?

The Soviets were never militarily or economically nowhere near as powerful and your bringing up the India vs Pakistan is just one more garbage!! India and Pakistan have their own capabilities and weaknesses and it is not good to bring them into this discussion.

PS. It is not the first time I see how illogical you are. Makes me wonder why a cardiologist living in American in his grown up years is like that.

I could not put up with his nonsense, so I added him to my ignore list.
With GCC Arab nations completely exposed there is one viable option left. Non-Arab Islamic countries should form seperate block.

You can be rest assured that GCC Arab countries are unreliable lackeys of Western powers. Major non-Arab Islamic nations need to now act and join hands. The Saudis and GCC lackeys are going to make every effort to disrupt this bloc. This bloc must at all cost go ahead.
At this time GCC is fighting internally with Qatar
Then it's ottomans they are worried about

Israeli nope they are "true" Arabs and will have greta role in middle east yes straight from king Salman mouth listen to hai devos talks

What people don't get it is Eygpt saudis and GCC only care about Israel and Palestine is because 20-30% population don't like what Israel is doing

That's about it ..they have already given up on any two state solution

Jim Carter met Hamas and said Hamas is ready to accept Israel for two state solution

So now Hamas a terrorist organization wants two state so what does PLA want?? Well ask them they want nothing

You have two options face the reality

Or create a delusional world

Most would choose the second option

The end result of that is pretty simple Israel will take Palestine last post gaza this year and then will move on to Sinai and Northern Saudi Arabia

While we will be hearing oh Israel has superior military..! Dude guys..that's like India saying Pakistan has superior military

India out numbers Pakistan 10:1 both in money and size

But Arabs out number isrealis 25:1 and Eygpt 11:1

It wasn't me who said that if Arabs just face north and urinate they will drown Israel

Do you really think Americans can get involved without provoking China or Russia ??
At this time GCC is fighting internally with Qatar
Then it's ottomans they are worried about

Israeli nope they are "true" Arabs and will have greta role in middle east yes straight from king Salman mouth listen to hai devos talks

What people don't get it is Eygpt saudis and GCC only care about Israel and Palestine is because 20-30% population don't like what Israel is doing

That's about it ..they have already given up on any two state solution

Jim Carter met Hamas and said Hamas is ready to accept Israel for two state solution

So now Hamas a terrorist organization wants two state so what does PLA want?? Well ask them they want nothing

There is only one conclusion that can be drawn from this henious onslaught. GCC Arabs have revealed their true face. GCC Arabs aren't interested in Islamic unity. They have an entirely different agenda. We already witnessed a glimpse when Saudi Arabia was ready to normalise relations with Israel. Let the GCC Arab nations go ahead and do whatever they intend to to do. The non GCC Islamic nations should unite and form their own economic and military bloc. Imran Khan blundered. Time has come to rectify the mistake.
It was the bloody British who allow their colonialists yo enable Israel, which jEwesh Nazi they armed to the teeth and then supported take Arabs territory as an engeenering project that actively facilitate paramilitary Zionist groups and trains them to ethnically cleanse Palestinians and massively depopulate Palestine.
Ignore him, he forgot to insert his brain before jumping on the forums today. Hes talking out of his backside .
Eurofighter going to Turkey



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