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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Pakistan should be giving Nuclear protection to all Muslim Countries but problem is we
have Asim Whisky the Zionist in charge.
This is not feasible we aren't neighbors to these countries

At best is we can help them build nuclear weapons

Building nuclear weapons is easy it's the political fall out that's the issue

Where do you think Libya and Iran got it enrichment modules design from ??

For Libya the fall out will be difficult it's small country with no strategic value but that's not true for Eygpt

Turkey already has nukes sort of

Pakistan has done more on democratic front then Arab world has. Even whisky asim munir has some shame
Yeah, they're purposefully on a mass murder campaign against civilians

#Follow | Yedioth Ahronoth:
UN Secretary-General: When you see the numbers of civilians killed in Gaza, it is clear that there is something wrong with the Israeli army’s operations
The funny thing with these Westerners is that when you press them on colonial war crimes etc. they casually say it happened in the past. We can't do much about it anymore. Besides we are not responsible. No reparations or apology for you guys.

Here with the Zionists and the Holocaust they use a very different approach...

Same logic and reasoning used anytime people demand for investment in public works, infrastructure, public transport, healthcare.

They all say “whose gonna pay for it” or “we can’t afford it” but somehow they can pull all the money out of their a** for Israel and Ukraine.
"A blockade has been imposed by Israel and Egypt on the movement of goods and people in and out of the Gaza Strip since 2005"

As for Hamas weapons, most of these are produced locally inside Gaza.

The tiny amount of weapons that are smuggled in are smuggled in DESPITE Egypt's best efforts to clamp down on the tunnels, not thanks to anything Egypt's pathetic American vassal regime did. Do you want me to post all the links about what Egypt does to the tunnels?
The guy is confused
Just like this clown zahid Hamid
Pakistan should be giving Nuclear protection to all Muslim Countries but problem is we
have Asim Whisky the Zionist in charge.
We tried in 2003 but these arabs don't have the same stomach that we do.

"In 2003, Gaddafi announced his intention to rolling back the nuclear program and ultimately handed over the information given by the various sources to IAEA.[2] This turned out to be a "political nightmare" for Pakistan when Gaddafi turned over the centrifuge designs to the IAEA in return for legitimacy causing Pakistan international isolation.[2] President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz's foreign expertise later helped Pakistan out of international isolation in 2004 due to the quick economic boom.[2]"
#Urgent | Shehab correspondent: A civilian car was targeted in front of Al-Yemen Al-Saeed Hospital in the middle of Jabalia camp, north of the Gaza Strip
Pakistan should be giving Nuclear protection to all Muslim Countries but problem is we
have Asim Whisky the Zionist in charge.

This is entirely possible, but the problem is GCC Arab nations that are rather more interested in normalising relations with Israel and the West. I think that Pakistan would welcome the idea of having an Islamic bloc. Even with generals like whisky in command.

The problem here is solely the GCC Arab nations. They have always acted as an obstacle to peace and unity among all Islamic nations.
lol, Wikipedia. It's called a 'border'. The same thing is happening on the 'Libyan' 'border'. Borders separate nations from each other. I know why that concept eludes you, trust me I know why. Call it what you want, nonetheless, it's a border and needs to be secured like a border. This is the last time I'm explaining this.

And how does Hamas get ALL the items needed to "produce those weapons inside Gaza"? I know you're not that stupid, so find another much better way to trick others who might not have an IQ above that of a tomato, maybe they'll believe you.

I don't give a rat's *** what you do. :lol: Talk about pathetic.
You need to really understand that Hamas has nothing

If weapons flow was less restricted Hamas would have had same weapons what talibans has against Soviets(through Pakistan)

But I'm case of Soviet that had blocked the boarder while Israel can't given its border between Eygpt and Gaza

Camp David agreement 🤝 had grantees against this behavior and Eygpt has been a good friend

UN chief says number of civilians killed in Gaza shows something 'clearly wrong'​

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the number of civilians killed in the Gaza Strip shows something is "clearly wrong" with Israel's military operations against Hamas in the territory.

He said 92 UN staff have also been killed in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

"There are violations by Hamas when they have human shields," Guterres told Reuters news agency.

"But when one looks at the number of civilians that were killed with the military operations, there is something that is clearly wrong."

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