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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

"A blockade has been imposed by Israel and Egypt on the movement of goods and people in and out of the Gaza Strip since 2005"

lol, Wikipedia. It's called a 'border'. The same thing is happening on the 'Libyan' 'border'. Borders separate nations from each other. I know why that concept eludes you, trust me I know why. Call it what you want, nonetheless, it's a border and needs to be secured like a border. This is the last time I'm explaining this.

As for Hamas weapons, most of these are produced locally inside Gaza.

The tiny amount of weapons that are smuggled in are smuggled in DESPITE Egypt's best efforts to clamp down on the tunnels,

And how does Hamas get ALL the items needed to "produce those weapons inside Gaza"? I know you're not that stupid, so find another much better way to trick others who might not have an IQ above that of a tomato, maybe they'll believe you.

not thanks to anything Egypt's pathetic American vassal regime did. Do you want me to post all the links about what Egypt does to the tunnels?

I don't give a rat's *** what you do. :lol: Talk about pathetic.
Eygpt current regime is Zionists
Everyone knows that

Article was from June of 2022 like I told the same guy who made the original post who's also desperate to bash Egypt any pathetic chance he gets lol. Nice try, but try harder.
Article was from June of 2022 like I told the same guy who made the original post who's also desperate to bash Egypt any pathetic chance he gets lol. Nice try, but try harder.
For starters Eygpt should not be part of any blockade and should stop calling Hamas a terrorist organization like rest of the world doesn't

Bring back it's envoy and withdraw from camp David agreement

Rebuild it's military on Chinese weapons rather then toothless(e.g f16# not having jdams or aims120) American weapons

(E.g Pakistan an American lackey had common sense not to buy f16s without the newer aim120ds)

I'm sure she can't take the burn of blocking suez canal so that's okay...

A sincere advise is that if Israel nukes you; no one will come to your rescue so you guys need nuclear weapons.."even if u have to eat grass"

Iran has nuclear protection from Russia and have Russian bases but there is nothing in Eygpt
The death of a child-killer has been announced.

The fireball after rpg hit tank. Does it mean tank was peneatrated?

The Yasin 105 missile is a two-staged grenade rocket. The smaller grenade at the tip triggers the reactive armor. The 2nd grenade, which is the bigger one, penetrates the armor and blows it up. Keep in mind, the Palestinian resistance targets certain areas of the Merkava that it knows it would at minimum damage it.

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