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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I am very sceptical of this. A Jordanian plane was able to fly over Israel, over the Gaza Strip, drop aid, then return? It sounds implausible, not to mention that Jordan is strong allies with Israel and the USA.
They gave them permission.
I am very sceptical of this. A Jordanian plane was able to fly over Israel, over the Gaza Strip, drop aid, then return? It sounds implausible, not to mention that Jordan is strong allies with Israel and the USA.
It could have been over Egyptian airspace. Maybe through US cooperation since Israel is rejecting a humantarian ceasefire.
It could have been over Egyptian airspace. Maybe through US cooperation since Israel is rejecting a humantarian ceasefire.
Israel has a huge aerial presence over Gaza and nothing can get through to Gaza without going over Israeli airspace first. I remain extremely sceptical, although it is great news if true
When will these dirty Zion puppets cut the oil? Perhaps Pakistan and Iran should help them cut the oil?
No one will help Palestinians, you are wasting your time and breath, they stand alone in the fight... Even Hezbullah is hesitant to enter the war, its literally a massacre and everyone is just standing in silent and watching.
They gave them permission.
Unlikely because Israel would have attack so called humanitarian aid if some intent of Jordan’s aid got disclosed Same when Israel striking Rafah gates back in October after agree to partial pause
Kinda remind me when USSR send a Nuclear Submarine off coast to Karachi in 1971 war, Seems like US is becoming the former USSR when it comes to crazy and destructive Ideas, or maybe they are just following the orders from the top leadership who are completely under the control of Zionists, make me wonder what is causing such blind loyalty ? money or fear ? was it that Israeli lobby holds compromising information on USA president and Congressman ? anything to do with Jeffery Epstine Saga ?
This is as a deterrence against Iranian backed attacks that killed a U.S. contractor and injured a few service personnel.
This is as a deterrence against Iranian backed attacks that killed a U.S. contractor and injured a few service personnel.
Its been a month since this Genocide has started and Iran has done nothing, they are not entering this war with or without USA presence, USA is only there with its powerful war machinery because they are getting orders from the Govt which is completely under the control of Israeli lobby.
Amazing levels of delusion and arrogance. No one cares about Turkey in this matter, zero ability to damage the global economy, and no one is sending military equipment in the region because they are scared from you.
Amazing level of ignorance.
Closed Boshphorus = half the world starves, India loses most of its oil, many countries lose their energy supply. Turkey also happens to be where majority of the world's international flights fly over; considering the NATO ban over Russia, the war in Israel, restricted airspace over Yemen and Syria, you're looking at significantly longer flight hours.
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