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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You are the selective one.

we have multiple posters that cheer for hamas as heroes as a direct reply on a video where they spit on a mangled girls dead paraded around body.

Sammuel has NEVER done similar.
That would be Claiming how Netanyahu is a hero and the saviour or something. Maybe right after the hospital parking lot git hit.

I am not here to be part of the 90% that curse israel. But want to offer some opposing views/oppose the worst of the terrorist cheerleading.
In a media world dominated by Jews - black becomes white and white becomes black. I don’t trust any of their reports and accusations - only 2 weeks ago 40 babies were decapitated but then that was retracted.
I don’t cheer anyone that kills unnecessarily - even with 70 years of provocation - it’s wrong.
When retards like sammuel and his bum chums show more sympathy to a dog dying than 4000 children - I regard that as a cockroach lowest form of human achievement and you put your head on the line by siding with them - makes
You no different
Rocket alert Kiryat Shmona northern Israel

Rocket alert in Netivot southern Israel
Hey dude, told in this way... It is understable why you treated his cancer.

Strange but True: Israel Treated Hamas’ Gaza Leader, Yahya Sinwar, for Brain Cancer in Prison


A medical expert told Breitbart News that Israel was under an ethical obligation to provide Sinwar with lifesaving treatment, since the Hippocratic Oath requires doctors to provide medical care without judging the moral character of the patients they encounter.

The fact that Sinwar did not change his mind about murdering Israelis, even after Israeli doctors saved his life, underlines the commitment of Palestinian Hamas terrorists to their radical aim of genocide against Israel and Jews in general, worldwide.

Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant vowed Saturday that Israel would kill Sinwar, adding that if the residents of Gaza were to do it themselves, they would bring a speedier end to the war. He promised that the war would eliminate Hamas from Gaza.

These terrorists can't make advances on the ground so they carpet bomb civilians. It's time Muslim world starts dealing with Jews. There is no innocent Jew.

Basically they expected a easier invasion of Gaza

However hamas is putting up tough resistance and hitting the IDF

So they are retreating and carpet bombing the area

IDF is crap, it's just got a mass of U.S funds and weaponry
Israelis simply need to do a prisoner exchange and ceasefire needs to be declared. Israeli's have no plan besides exacting price on civilian population. The ground invasion is probably just warning to others in region that they're willing to take things far. They don't have interest in occupying Gaza and being responsible for it again.
Their stated objective is complete routing of Hamas so that they will not be a threat for a long time, (no more rockets, no more raids). Unfortunately, it looks like they are unable to figure a way to do that without destroying Gaza. So, a prisoner exchange and/or ceasefire does not serve them in any way. If any, in their opinion, it may allow Hamas to regroup and restock, which is a bad thing for them and will prolong the war.
Urgent | Opposition leader in Israel, Yair Lapid: Israel is not a safe place, it is not a moral state, it is not a regional power, and it will not succeed through war

My brother I Pray that ALLAH will make HAMAS Victorious and Save all Palestinians from this cruelty and Brutality. All those Palestinians who have Martyred give them highest place in JANNAT-ul-FIRDOS. AMEEN.
From what I have seen since the war started one thing will sure that NO ONE will come to help no matter what. All the powerful peoples whom ALLAH given a power have seen the videos and knows what is going on but no one is willing to give up their interests and internal differences to help them. I am so angry after seeing the situation of Palestinians that if I have the power first I will kill the so called cowards Islamic leaders. you are asking like me to Islamic world and their leaders to act but its a SAD REALITY they already turned an eye from PALESTINIANS. TO ME I understand that Protests are the Evidence of someone powerless you can disagree me on that but its truth. Even if they are not able to kill Palestinians but Palestinians cause is dead for the rest of history. I think TIME is also on ZOINIST side because not a one STATE is in a position to do something and its ALLAH will and no one can change it. Hamas does not have enough power to Eradicate all Israel might instead of some DIVINE help from ALLAH so they are on their own and all they can do is fight to their last Breath. I wish i could help but a powerless person like me is all can do is Pray.
if not today but the day will come when their brutality's and cruelty will ended. INSHALLAH.

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