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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


That is a Russian T-90 MBT, you can literally see the Nakidka camouflage on the turret typical of Russian armour used in Ukraine.

Why don't you ask white Americans to leave USA because red Indians used to live their before or white Australians to leave Australia because aboriginals used to live in Australia before

You won't. Why??

Because you are a scumbag
Mr. Rodney Kings of the world like you, @Foinikas , @ZeGerman, @indushek of this world with 'Why can't we all get along?!' kind of people: There is absolutely no Moral Equivalency here. One side is determined to take back its 'homeland' exclusively where they used to live a long time ago while the other is equally determined to keep their 'homeland' where they have been living for the last many centuries.
Crocodiles Tears shedding is not convincing.
There never has been in war, and that's the truth.

I feel sad for deaths, and I do whether it be Israelis or Palestinians. Both are humans, and its always the innocents who pay the price. You can call it crocodile tears, I don't mind.

How many of those commenting here and cheering, have the guts to step out and go face a bullet (I don't as am a civilian with a family, but we have so many warriors here who we will never know what they are in reality)? The loud cheering on deaths, the mask slips so easily. But then its easy to cheer death behind a keyboard no? I have seen psychotic posts too, where a woman's death and possible rape has been cheered too. But then its all so easy to do, when one is safe.

People here who are saying, that this will hurt Palestinian cause more are saying it for a reason. Yes they suffered, and yes Israel has blood on its hands. But then when did powerful countries pay? Hasn't it been the truth through history?

There is a ideal picture one wants and then there is reality. Everyone knows this, but its the adrenaline rush that makes it fun to cheer blood and gore.

The puppet masters behind this, are actually sitting safe for now. Muppets though are jumping through hoops, cheering and enjoying bloodshed that happened and that is about to come in future. So yeah I feel sad, and I have every right to have my opinion.
Just last night I was out with three WASPs friends. One of them started by saying 'Look, Israel has been attacked!'. I said, let's stop this conversation! Religion and politics dont mix well in American social scenes.
Good policy.
As i said, read books. Watching movies will make u dimber.
I read books. Maybe we read different books. Maybe you just read the ones that you feel more comfortable about,patting you in the back,telling you what you wanna hear.
I am waiting for ice pyaar to atleast utter a word. Man these mofos are way more coward then we ever imagined 😂.

Pakistanis ISPR (Inter Sexual Perversion Relations) agency of Pakistan is mafiqs that just like to make videos of YouTubers making fun of them... they are too cowardly to speak up against the Zionists...

One of the videos that I received.. plenty of israeli soldiers killed and piled up.

I've put some censor on his face to make it legal tho.

Did you earn some Shekels yet? LOL

A Greek taxi driver once turned off the airconditioning during the blazing summer heat. I asked him to turn it on. He said: "You will have to pay extra for the cold air".
Ok Pinnochio.
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