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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Demographics favour the Palestinians, that's why the Jews are so desperate to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians, as they will otherwise surge past the Jews in population
The two biggest factors in Israela down fall will be it's increase in it's orthodox population and Arab population both of whom don't join the IDF
Demographics can favour Muslims only if there is Secularism in Israel. If the rising population of Muslims does not become secular, and it becomes a danger to Israel, then surely there will be no Secularism and no Democracy and no voting rights for them. They will either be expelled from this land, or they will be given a small land for their own state.
But you can keep on dreaming about Israeli Secularism and Democracy.

And if Muslims will become a danger, then everyone will be fighting them, including orthodox Jews too.

No it wasn't,, India was a COMMUNAL SHITHOLE, for hundreds of years,,, something Jinnah was well aware of thats why India imploded and partition happened

Indians absolutely HATE EACH OTHER,, we always told Indian Muslims that hindus were absolute trash people

Now they are realizing, so are Indian Sikhs and Christians

If India cannot control it's issues then India will partition again

Hundreds of millions of people are moving into their own areas and economically boycotting each other
My friend, you are only dreaming.
Indian Muslims have already been neutralized. And India itself is on the path of becoming a mini superpower.
And Indian Muslims are in such a worse condition that even if India disintegrates, still Indian Muslims have no chance to come to power anymore.

Also, it seems to me that Pakistan may disintegrate much before India. Religion cannot keep Pakistan intact (as it failed in east Pakistan too), but maybe fighting with religious fanatics becomes the downfall of Pakistan.

A huge population (OVER Population) of Muslims will become a problem for them.

Buddy their were always ex-muslims and new muslims

But new Muslims either converts or born out number murtads by hundreds of millions
Neither ex-Muslims existed in such numbers before nor they were organised.
And ex-Muslims today are connected to the Atheist Movement, which is a new development.

Earlier ex-Muslims existed only in small numbers, and they became Christians or Hindus. But they had no chance to face Muslims as Christians and Hindus, while these religions themselves are lies.

But the case with atheism is different. It has already infiltrated Muslim ranks. There are millions of Muslims who are doubtful due to the Theory of Evolution. Many professors in universities are hidden ex-Muslims due to evolution. As I said before, after believing in science and evolution, it becomes difficult to believe in fictitious stories of Adam and Eve.

Modern science will destroy all religions sooner or later.

And the other thing is Humanity. The non-religious Secular System is challenging the Islamic system based on morals and equal human rights.

New Muslims tend to enter strong families and strong social structures
Actually, these are mostly only women and people who have mental problems who accept Islam. And many of them leave Islam too shortly after that.

The atheist tend to lose everything, the vast majority have some sort of trauma or psychological issues
They lose the faith, values, morality and families
They become isolated and have few friends
I have to disagree on morality.
In my experience, many ex-Muslims are very intelligent people and they also have both higher IQ and knowledge about Islam than Muslims. They succeed in challenging religion and rebelling against it only due to their higher intelligence. They can see flaws in religion and Mullahs cannot deceive them by presenting lame excuses in favour of religion.

Atheist marriage, family and children tend to be non existent and their values all over the place and depression and psychological issues considerable

Don't take my word for it, look it up
I take your word. But these issues are not due to atheism, but Western Christians are also going the same path. And the reason does not lie in Atheism, but the reason is we don't need support from families to survive.
Even educated Muslim families tend to have lower numbers of children. Only religious nuts go for a higher number of children.
China was a non-religious atheist country for centuries, but its population grew a lot in previous centuries despite their non-religious views.

Personally I'm not fussed about what our enemies do,, if they want to tear apart western secularism then go for it
We are Muslims, we have the Muslim world

It's YOU who should be worried 😂
Muslims thought the same in India too.
But then we saw the rise of far-right forces in India, which utterly humiliated Muslims in India.
The same process is happening in the West, where far-right forces are again gaining popularity due to the non-integration of Muslims and their betrayal of Secularism.

It is only this that Muslims unfortunately are not ready to see their flaws and to reform them. They still have that mentality to overpower Kuffar in Europe one day. It is unfortunate.
An "Israeli army recruitment office" was opened in Ayn al-Arab.

Israel could use PKK terrorists as a proxy force in a ground attack that could result in the loss of up to 10,000 soldiers.
Live it and you may sing a different tune!
You do realize that when you ask me of my opinion, underpinnings and loyalty to... You are in fact knocking your own shady roots! It is the price you chose to pay and loyalty you subscribed ... one for which I mentioned that you will change your tune to changing paradigm!
It is an all enveloping paradigm...!

Muslims rightfully carry the biggest tent, it allows all to be themselves... Be it India or Andalucia...
As pegged to the ultimate logical conclusion... ubiquitous!

I leave your reply without comments, as I see not a single argument in it except for wording.
Because you are a blood thirsty wart - you have to hit the religion button and satisfy your natural racist urges.
Retard - be it muslim or Christian - Palestine is their land and they are being ethnic cleansed - hence the reason for my passion. What’s your passion stimulated by? Are you a little brown Indian hiding your ID? Or just happy to see Muslims perishing?
You’re too naive to be subtle and give your intent away in your shity posts - avoiding any sense of objectivity.
Over the last 50 years plus - Palestinians have been subject to ethnic cleansing - apartheid- war crimes and genocide - yet you don’t mention any of that I. Your crap posts.
Now - is it acceptable to continue bombing kids or will you continue justify it coz your hatred for Muslims is deep?
I do not think its acceptable. Netanyahu/likud is almost as bad as isis-hamas.

What suprises me however is that so many muslims seem so easy to sacrifice palestinian blood.

Like european telling wounded refugee children/women from ukraine….
”no the border stays closed”
“Stay put as a human shield so russia has more headache”
“Your blood sacrifice will not be forgotten oh martyrs!”

Its disturbing

Hey man will you ban that guy or not? Or else that will mean family insult is allowed. I will also use family insult if you dont ban him.
An "Israeli army recruitment office" was opened in Ayn al-Arab.

Israel could use PKK terrorists as a proxy force in a ground attack that could result in the loss of up to 10,000 soldiers.
Very Good.. Russia and Assad saved YPG in 2019, I will be very happy ıf that snake bite them now..
Why are you panicking when Iran doesnt think it is yet time to panic? Hezbollah, Houthis, Iraqi PMU are on standby. Actually Iraqi and Syrian resistance forces have been hitting US military very hard and constantly and US has started flying troops out of Iraq- so do not be afraid of the tough image that US and NATO show- we are seeing their proxy troops and equipment get destroyed in Ukraine to make Russia great again, so there is evidence out now that NATO and US are overrated militarily.

In your post, you were too harsh on Turkey. But in this quoted part, you are correct.
The more you listen to Western analysts, there more you realize that Israel and its backers simply cannot come out ahead in case of a regional war. In fact, multiple Western analysts are saying that Israel as a nation may cease to exist in case of a regional war. Israel is not throwing rocks sitting in a glass house; Israel is throwing rocks sitting in a fishbowl!!
I leave your reply without comments, as I see not a single argument in it except for wording.

Not that you have anything tangible to say!

Suits you perfectly... to your point ... it is a waste of my time to even write what did in response... since you're on a rinse and repeat spree, almost forever.
Yemen fires Iranian ballistic missiles and drones to south Israel
Saudis are next door and with full US assistance went to war with Houthis for years and couldn't degrade their weapons capabilities, Israel can't do shit with limited bombing runs or missile strikes from 1800km away

This is Houthis third missile strike against Israel. First time Israel used its own ABM AD (Arrow-2) to intercept MRBM (Toufan/Iranian Ghadr-F SCUD-based MRBM) in this war. Houthi strikes seem to be improving and getting closer, first time they didn't even get past US ships in Red Sea. @Falcon29
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