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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Sadly this would mean even anaesthetic would run out soon because a diaper leaking clown army doesn’t have the balls to put boots on the ground but is proud to bomb innocents from the sky. Muslims please wake up! I am glad I am not a Muslim leader because I would have no answer to the almighty when he asks me why I didn’t do anything.
Democracy has eluded not just arbs but paks as well.

Since the British left (on their own will) the orphaned soldiers of the British Indian Army have been ruling the country and running it into the ground. The popular leader is in jail while the ugly tinpot dictator is ruling the country with threats of torture and rape.
Democracy isn't suitable for Pakistan, especially not at the moment.

It needs authoritarianism but a more competent version, not the babbu duffer type.
Democracy isn't suitable for Pakistan, especially not at the moment.

It needs authoritarianism but a more competent version, not the babbu duffer type.
Dictatorship never lasts bro especially authoritarian one. Say I voted some body in because he promised xyz he will have pressure to fulfil promises because he knows if he doesn’t he ain’t getting a vote next time. Dictator won’t give a shit cause he didn’t need any votes in the first place.
Minutes ago - an Israeli air strike targeted a house belonging to the “Abu Saada” family near Al Awda Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip.
Dictatorship never lasts bro especially authoritarian one. Say I voted some body in because he promised xyz he will have pressure to fulfil promises because he knows if he doesn’t he ain’t getting a vote next time. Dictator won’t give a shit cause he didn’t need any votes in the first place.
I understand what you mean but even authoritarian states need a level of domestic support for stability, so something will have to be shown to maintain that.

Also I prefer more of a complex authoritarian system similar to the Chinese one.

But Pakistan isn't at that level where democracy is used for anything positive. People vote on tribalistic/ethnic reasons, short-term unsustainable growth putting us in debt, can't see the longer-term vision for some programs.
I understand what you mean but even authoritarian states need a level of domestic support for stability, so something will have to be shown to maintain that.

Also I prefer more of a complex authoritarian system similar to the Chinese one.

But Pakistan isn't at that level where democracy is used for anything positive. People vote on tribalistic/ethnic reasons, short-term unsustainable growth putting us in debt, can't see the longer-term vision for some programs.

I get what you’re saying bro but would you agree that we are in an authoritarian situation right now? Where there is no regard for law and constitution? How is that working out so far? My logic is simple I don’t know how to operate artillery and a tank so the person who knows how to operate those machines isn’t exactly an economic wizard. No offense meant or disrespect brother. Brother we can’t compare ourselves to China they went through a VERY bloody revolution in which millions died. Our country isn’t even close to a revolution instead of somebody wants to screw is we say will you
Get the oil or should i? Lastly China was built on the principle of communism no religion only socialist fuckery we were built on the notion of a republic and religion.
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