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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

On topic: in my opinion Israeli military has been exposed. Any army worth their salt would have invaded by now. Instead they are only reduced to bombing a population that can’t defend itself. It doesn’t get more cowardly then that or as they say here it’s a bitch move.
On topic: in my opinion Israeli military has been exposed. Any army worth their salt would have invaded by now. Instead they are only reduced to bombing a population that can’t defend itself. It doesn’t get more cowardly then that or as they say here it’s a bitch move.

They are going crazy and bombing civilians because the casualties their ground forces are taking :

Urgent| Hysterical Israeli bombing of the northern Gaza Strip

Urgent: Egyptian Vodafone Company: We have prepared mobile stations to transport them to the border between Egypt and Gaza to strengthen the Internet and mobile networks, in coordination with government agencies and the International Telecommunication Union. He stressed the importance of restoring communications and the Internet to Gaza, because this saves the victims and the injured.

Israel will bomb them and Egypt will sit mum.

Although, a heroic effort on the part of the local Egyptian people.
Urgent| The arrival of a number of martyrs from different families to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the central Gaza Strip. Following the violent and continuous occupation bombing of the south and north of the Gaza Strip

They are going crazy and bombing civilians because the casualties their ground forces are taking :

Urgent| Hysterical Israeli bombing of the northern Gaza Strip

Brother exactly, they have been exposed if there EVER was a time for arabs to unite and regain their dignity it is now and I hold Iran in the same context. The only issue is usa. You say it very correct that this is a diaper army. In my words it is a fucking diaper army and their diaper is leaking.
Lebanese Information Agency follow-up: An officer from the United Nations peacekeeping force “UNIFIL” was injured as a result of an Israeli bombing on the south of the country


Several explosions rock the American base in the Al-Omar oil field east of Deir ez-Zor in Syria.

"clashes" does not appear to be accurate here, looks like Jewish Israelis trying to attack Arab Israelis

They are triggering a ethnic/religious war with their actions. Which they most certainly won't win. They've lost their grip on reality, to say the least.

Look at their tactics now...

Forcing or should I say, threatening Arab Countries to support Israel against Palestinians/Hamas.

Translation: Netanyahu does not want his boat to sink alone, and he sends messages to the normalizing rulers, saying: “Our friends in the Arab countries know that if we do not win, their turn will come.”

This message can only be understood as a clear threat to the countries of the region that you are partners in securing this entity, and if you do not support it as usual, your thrones will not survive!
People can see through the Israeli lies nowadays the persecution of the Palestinians and are calling the ongoing conflict openly for what it is a genocide .

In pubs in clubs at work people know who the real baby killers are .
The public has recently toppled statues of past colonial masters thrown them in the river , destroyed dozens of past British hero’s .School books are being changed from hero’s to oppressors .
The generation who’s voice matters has spoken they will not be a part of this racist colonial apartheid system anymore .

The two main political parties in the U.K. are
conservatives ( tories ) and the Labour Party .
Right & left.
Tories are in power and have destroyed the country . No police on the streets , no doctors & hospital appointments available .
Fat cat party of the rich who punish the poor and feed the rich .
A disgusting racist party .

Britain 2023

You’ve fought for your country against the Germans , paid tax for all of your life , 50 years taxed to the hilt .
You want help now your old ,are sick or injured dial 999 for ambulance . None come, there isn’t enough available they are all queued up outside hospital main entrances due to no room nor doctors to help .
Rushed off their feet too busy to **** .

You die , waiting for an ambulance
110,000 deaths which could have been saved were told

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This is the country at the current time .

The Labour Party supposedly just has to turn up on Election Day and Keir Starmer will walk the premiership .

Published by Statista Research Department, Oct 6, 2023
In October 2023, 45 percent of British adults would vote for the Labour Party in a general election, compared with 24 percent who would vote for the Conservative Party. The ruling Conservatives trailed Labour in the polls throughout 2022, with a huge gap emerging in September, when Liz Truss came to power. Truss' short time as Prime Minister was widely seen as a disaster for the country and her party, and she was succeeded by Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister in October. Although Labour's lead has narrowed slightly since Sunak became Prime Minister, the Conservatives would lose the next general election based on these

Now to the Palestinian Israeli conflict and the leader of the Labour Party agreeing with the Israelis to cut the water , food & energy as punishment for the Palestinians has caused an uproar in the Labour Party .
The left leaning working class party of Great Britain which as polls go will walk the next general election has been rocked to its core .

The British public have had enough

This is current scenario of the U.K. .


Labour voters tend to think Keir Starmer has badly handled Labour’s response to Gaza crisis​

Matthew SmithHead of Data Journalism
October 27, 2023, 1:14 PM GMT+0

Keir Starmer has come under fire from sections of the Labour party for his response to the unfolding conflict in Israel and Palestine. Keir Starmer has refused to heed requests from MPs and councillors to call for a ceasefire, saying that Israel has a right to defend itself, and several cabinet members are said to be on ‘resignation watch’ over his stance.
Now a new YouGov survey finds that 42% of 2019 Labour voters think that Keir Starmer has badly handled Labour’s response to the situation in Israel and Palestine, including 20% who say he has handled it “very badly”. By contrast, only 26% think he has handled it well.
This is not enormously different from the wider public’s assessment of Starmer’s response: 42% of Britons say he has done badly, and 18% say he has done well.
Rishi Sunak is equally likely to be seen by the public as having done a bad job managing the crisis, at 43%. More are likely to say that he has done well (27%) than Starmer – this is because Conservative voters tend to approve of their party leader’s approach, in contrast to Labour. That said, Sunak’s handling is even more unpopular with Labour voters than Starmer’s – 65% say he has done a bad job.
The prime minister’s approach is clearly perceived as being more pro-Israel: 61% of Britons who say they sympathise more with the Israeli side think Sunak has handled the crisis well, while 81% of those who sympathise more with the Palestinians disagree.
Starmer’s approach is criticised by both sides: 61% of pro-Palestinians say it has been bad, with pro-Israelis saying the same by 46% to 27%. The Labour leader suffers from partisanship in this regard – Conservatives voters tend to be more sympathetic to the Israeli side, and are not willing to give their rival party’s leader credit for his approach.
See the full results here
Photo: Getty

Keir Starmer warned: More will quit Labour unless you speak for Palestinians​

Labour is facing a wave of further resignations unless the party strengthens its public support for the Palestinian people, it was warned on Thursday.

I don't really understand why it's so important to both Labour and the Conservatives to blindly support Israel. So there doesn't seem to be a political reason other then accusations of antisemitism, see Corbyn being ousted. Problem is, with Labour, for some reason, being in support of war crimes, I can't even hold my nose and vote for them now. Hearing grown arse adults comparing defence to retaliation and ethnic cleansing is so, so, so far off base from my own morals that even my hate for the tories isn't enough to vote for people who can't see the sanctity of all human life. First election I might spoil my ballot, or vote green, who knows, but I refuse to vote for one evil over another.
You don't spend a trillion dollars, thousands of dead Americans only to abandon bases to the Taliban

The U.S lost like it lost in Vietnam
US invaded Panama to topple Noriega regime in 1990. This mission is accomplished (the political objective of the war was met), but US withdrew its troops from Panama in the end. So Panama won the war? Panama is stronger than the US? A war is fought to meet a political objective that can be "anything" - it does not have to be colonization.

US abandoned its political objective of preserving South Vietnam in the Vietnam War - this might sound like defeat to some but this was not due to failure of American military because it managed to cripple Vietcong in Operation Linebacker II in 1972 and Vietcong came to the negotiation table consequently but Nixon administration did not take advantage of this situation to settle the war on terms that would be in American interests (i.e., to preserve South Vietnam). This was a time when US had internal racial tensions and people were questioning the need to fight for South Vietnam. American leadership showed weakness in this matter in the end.

Nevertheless, US rebuild its military capability in the 1980s and demonstrated its warfighting prowess in the Persian Gulf War in 1991 when US-led forces fought to liberate Kuwait from Iraq and cripple Iraqi military capability in the process. Iraq had one of the finest armies at the time.

US invaded Afghanistan to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in 2001. This mission is accomplished as noted in here. Afghan Taliban agreed to not support Al-Qaeda Network in Doha Accords so this war is settled and a significant threat to American interests is removed from this region. This is not defeat but the war is settled on terms that are in American interests. Afghan Taliban will claim victory in this matter but this is subjective claim. Afghan Taliban have lost many fighters in this war and they felt the need to settle this war on the negotiation table by accepting the principle American demand of not supporting Al-Qaeda Network in the end. This is sensible decision because Afghan Taliban could not play this game for indefinite period - it takes time and money to convince people to fight for your cause and train them. Pakistan was also growing weary of this war because it was involved in it and Pakistan put pressure on both Afghan Taliban and US to respect its interests.

US-led forces defeated a much larger and stronger militant movement in the Middle East in the (2014 - 2021) period (Operation Inherent Resolve) while putting pressure on Afghan Taliban in accept its terms in Afghanistan - US was fighting a war in 3 countries during this time such as Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. This is not a small feat and clearly shows that US was not lacking in military muscle but Trump administration respected Pakistani interests in Afghanistan. You might want to see the recording of Donald Trump in which he told Imran Khan what he could do to Afghanistan and its support base if it comes down to it.

I am not sure what some of you want to see in war to understand that US is a military juggernaut and it is not sensible to pick a fight with it for bad reasons. US has applied its power in calcutative ways in post-WW2 conflicts in line with American Theory of Limited War that was proposed by Major Michael Cannon. Theory of Limited War works for the American Military Industrial Complex to keep factories running. Theory of Limited War allows US to intervene in another country in pursuit of a political objective without being excessively brutal in conduct of war like in the Pacific War. This is not to say that US cannot be brutal in its conduct of war if its survival is at stake. It depends.

Cost of war in Afghanistan might sound high but much of it was due to logistics requirements of the war (American war machine is not cheap), and governmental costs to run the country. It is not cheap to run a country from thousands of miles away that does not have much of an economy. But US could afford this intervention and did not quit until its political objective was met. This is the point.

Pakistan was finding it costly to conduct operations as well. How big Waziristan is? But it took a toll on the economy of the country. Compare this with the scale of American interventions in line with its War On Terror strategy. Modern war is very costly to fight in conventional terms and few countries can afford it on a big scale.

I have studied history and look at these matters objectively and I have a clear idea of what victory is. I give credit where due.

Problem is that Muslims in modern times do not seem to understand strengths of potential adversaries. All can see Islamic countries and entities getting smoked or bend to accept terms. Most have no strategy and are picking fights time and again only to suffer further setbacks. Rinse and repeat. The decline is to such an extent that many cannot tell the difference between victory and defeat anymore.
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