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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

So Israel is ASKING Qatar to act a mediator !! Yea these cowardly bastar.ds can only kill unarmed kids and women because they are after all the Cult of Moloch ! :lol:

Qatar’s peacemaking ambitions face ultimate test in crucible of Israel-Hamas war​

All the earlier arab isreal wars were between
1 army against another army..

Now its isreal vs hamas...

Like nuclear pak armY vs TTP_ BLA..
Myn arPakestinia
They are a UN recognized state, not comparable to TTP. Irregular units constitute Palestinian army. Pre-Israel's Lehi/Stern actually called themselves terrorist. Let this sink in.
'It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel,[17] upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later.[18] The group referred to its members as terrorists[19] and admitted to having carried out terrorist attacks.[14][20][21]'
Israel ‘expanding’ troops in Gaza, Hamas to counter with ‘full force’ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023...mid-blackout-hamas-to-counter-with-full-force

Has the ground invasion started? Their tanks might be there as we have no updates due to telecom service being cut off?

Communication blackout. Very little news coming in real time.

There have been reports of probing attacks by IDF to test Hamas Defences since yesterday.
an indian pretending to be Pakistani opinion doesnt count

Brother, he will start threatening you soon that he will take you to baghial and he is a asli gujjar lol the dude is Abdul Rahman majeed if he lost his marbles and started taking steroids

That’s a monstrosity .

@Baghial , how can you like that Indian shit , I know Israeli will chose his sons recipe which is not kosher for him to drink .

But not us , you don’t know what’s swimming in that piss weak copycat lassi over the border .

Bruh… an Indian made a thread on this Pakistani forum about his bread being like rubber and you talk about obsession lol look at your profile pic it is idolatry so either you are obsessed with Indians yourself or are one.

There you go bingo .
Fucking Indian slaves
True they won the election (I think fairly because the other candidate was from the old regime and we hated the old regime). When Morsi appointed a governor for Luxor, the same governor who was affiliated to the salafi and terrorist organisation, the Jamaat El Islamiya, who killed Anwar El Sadat and they committed the Luxor massacre 1997. When they wanted to transform into Iran, Qassem Soleiman met Khairat el-Shater (he was the main candidate for the election but due some problems he dropped out his place for Morsi). Muslim Brotherhood equipped with pistols and AKs. They (coming from MB leaders) incited to do terrorists attack in Egypt and other things
I don understand. An elected government wanted to become like Iran? But it's elected. Whats wrong with following the will of the voters? or do the Egyptians dont believe in that kind of stuff like democracy?
I don understand. An elected government wanted to become like Iran? But it's elected. Whats wrong with following the will of the voters? or do the Egyptians dont believe in that kind of stuff like democracy?
We were under a dilemma either to return to the old regime or to have a new regime. Egypt was never an extremist countries. We are moderate. Morsi regime wanted to install something like an egyptian version of IRGC independent from the army.
Isreal and usa don't want democracy in Egypt. As they killed elected president mursi.
Did you read what I commented in previous pages and why we hate Muslim Brotherhood and Mursi policies? They were liteally waving the Qaeda flag in protests etc...
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