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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Jews deal directly with Satan and Jinns and occupy the whole West. Satan is a pathetic joke. Only reason he and the Jews are facing brunt of believers is because most people are morally corrupted and following Satan's path. The war needs to be taken directly to the Jewish people and Satan. If Hamas and Gaza fall, the whole new Mu'mineen army will be named after the Qassam Brigades. And it will exclusively war against the Jews and their dogs.

Jews deal directly with Satan and Jinns and occupy the whole West. Satan is a pathetic joke. Only reason he and the Jews are facing brunt of believers is because most people are morally corrupted and following Satan's path. The war needs to be taken directly to the Jewish people and Satan. If Hamas and Gaza fall, the whole new Mu'mineen army will be named after the Qassam Brigades. And it will exclusively war against the Jews and their dogs.

There has to be permanent warring against the Jewish terrorist ISIS Nazi entity until the antichrist and the remaining Jews are killed. No more tolerance of these evil and nasty people.
Watch what young joe said one upon a time...
This is the real story. it's really the US. Even Leader of Hezb said, if US is kicked out of the region no one will even have to fight Israel. they will just surrender.

Israel couldn't last 3 moths alone.

And it cant be defeated without an islamic world power existing and taking an active interest.

Everybody was so happy here when Hamas was having its terrorist massacre on israelis. Gazans spitting on the mangled german girl in a pickup truck.

Nobody thought that might piss off israel and have you know….consequences?

I am sure gaza is happy also that they voted hamas into power.
"German" girl.
Hamas's strategy is truly strange. They want to take hostages to ask Israel to release prisoners. At the same time, they massacred many Jews and citizens of other countries, giving Israel a reason to bomb the Gaza Strip.
You are overthinking. There was no strategy. They thought they will make some mischief to break the momentum of normalization between Arab states and Israel. They bit too much and are having major indigestion now.
This is the real story. it's really the US. Even Leader of Hezb said, if US is kicked out of the region no one will even have to fight Israel. they will just surrender.

Israel couldn't last 3 moths alone.

And it cant be defeated without an islamic world power existing and taking an active interest.
It's a mistake to just think of Israel. Israel is just a flex of global jewry. Real problem is Jewish people. They are evil and hate God. God mentioned they hate believers the most. Not only that, they called God poor to his face:

So God Almighty says: You will find that the people most hostile to those who have believed are the Jews and those who associate others.

This is only because the disbelief of the Jews is the disbelief of stubbornness and denial, concealment of the truth, looking down upon people, and belittlement of the bearers of knowledge. That is why they killed many of the prophets, to the point of trying many times to kill the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, more than once. They poisoned him, bewitched him, and incited their polytheists like them against him. The curse of God will be upon them continuously until the Day of Resurrection.


Hamas says Israel is trying to project itself as the victor in its ongoing war on Gaza, while the resistance is on course to score a "heroic epic" in the battle.​

Hamas: Resistance on course to score 'heroic epic' in Gaza​

Friday, 27 October 2023 10:10 PM [ Last Update: Friday, 27 October 2023 10:10 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

File photo of fighters with al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing
Hamas has said the Israeli regime is trying to project itself as the victor in its ongoing war against the Gaza Strip by intensifying its terrorist aggression against the Palestinian territory, while the resistance is on course to score a "heroic epic" in the battle.
"The terrorist criminal [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is trying to create an image of victory by putting pressure on the popular cradle in Gaza and intensifying his terrorist aggression against the strip," Osama Hamdan, a senior official with the Gaza-based resistance movement, said on Friday.
He, however, added that "with the dawn hours approaching, the world will see the effects of the heroic epic that the resistance fighters fought in Gaza."
The regime has been waging a relentless war against Gaza since October 7, when Hamas and its fellow Gaza-based resistance movement of the Islamic Jihad launched their biggest operation against the occupying entity in years. The surprise Palestinian offensive, dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, came in response to the regime’s intensified crimes against the Palestinian people.
The death toll in Gaza since the start of Israeli aggression has reached over 7,400 with more than 20,500 wounded.
Tel Aviv has, meanwhile, been threatening to launch a ground invasion against the coastal territory.
Hamdan said, "Israel says that tonight's operation is not the planned ground invasion so as not to put itself in an embarrassing situation when it fails."
He also noted that the regime had cut off communications to the Gaza Strip in an attempt to obscure its crimes by evading oversight or accountability.
Hamas: Israel preparing to commit more genocide away from eyes of world
Hamas: Israel preparing to commit more genocide away from eyes of world
Hamas says the Israeli regime is preparing to commit more genocide against Gaza away from the eyes of the world.
"The criminal Zionist (Netanyahu) is trying to isolate Gaza from the world to prevent the transfer of images of his terrorist crimes against the innocent to the outside world, and he will not succeed in that, God willing."

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