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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

What is happening east of the Central Governorate is not a ground entry, nor is it the infiltration of a special force.. Rather, it is attempts to advance around the border fence east of the Central Governorate and east of Beit Hanoun, as happened during the previous days, with heavy cover of artillery fire and fire from the occupation army’s helicopters.
History repeats itself
God's punishment is definite
As we are talking about hypotheticals so I can’t agree or disagree with your opinion neither you can with mine brother. That being said, I firmly believe when you get some sort of power, that is when your true nature is revealed. As our prophet said the bravest is who can control his anger and learn to forgive. This cuck netanyahu has gone totally Yahoo and is not understanding the implications of his actions today and what they mean long term for the region as a whole. Lastly will give one more example from my country ( pakistan) we had a very famous wrestler, one of the greatest of all time if not the greatest. His name was “Gama Pehelwan” pehelwan means wrestler in Punjabi. He once got into a arguement with a merchant who hit him across the head and his head started to bleed. He gave no reaction and left quietly, people came up to him and said why didn’t you whoop that guy, he replied saying I would have been ashamed hitting a person weaker than me. That is crux of the matte here in my opinion.
Gama I know that wonderful brother.
Love him
Israel doesn’t act within any framework of international law.
Stops water electric and food - blow up churches hospitals and target children - these are war crimes.
Israel is a terrorist state. Accept it and move on
The meaning of ”acting within the framework of international law” is that countries are bound by the treaties they signed. They may or may not violate those treaties.
Some violations may be war crimes, other will not, but terrorism is always by non-state actors.
We in Pakistan have got thousands of well trained experienced fighters fought in Afghanistan and Kashmiri theatres. Why can we not send some of them for the help Gaza battle.

Pakistan is on its knees economically. Waiting for the next IMF tranche in November. But, I believe, if push comes to shove, Pakistan will act. It is in Pakistanis' DNA, for better or worse.

Here is the latest from Scott Ritter. While the whole video is worth watching--and it is damning for Israel's plans-- in this part of the video Scott brings up Pakistan's nukes again.

Just don't cry when gaza becomes Dresden 🤣
I will remember this post
nobody will cry because after its turns into Dresden, Israel's true nature will be visible to the next generation around the world. It won't be just your arabs neighbor's children's that will hate you but the next generation of people the world over. Then for the second time in history, with the rest of the world's support gone, Israelis will have to abandon the land for the second time in history.

Thats what matters. Even against a smaller Hamas, you need US carriers and ammunition supplies. Thats how dependent Israel is. In 1973 it was understandable because Israel was fighting 4 countries. But now in addition to the world-wide hate and support from the world as this generation grows up, Israel will just disappear. This time, nobody will welcome the people that leave. Good luck!
I am not a fan of Russia by any means but you get irked by that? On other hand, some people here can spew the lowest cynicism and that's not the problem?
I just want to inform you, I look like Americans and have many European habits and I am European but nevertheless I am Mehmed Bey first and foremost. Though I can join them anytime I like and believe me I have had a plenty offers and chances.
So Falcon29, as Palestinian has to put up with the worst kind of cynicism here from the worst Hindutva ,( your enemies too) but this Palestiniani can't say something about Russia.
Just to tell you, I have the pictures of Bosnian units marching through Lavov and Bosnian Sari Ahmed Pasha was the Ottoman governor of Podolya. I want to remind you that Bosnians are not Americans
I monitor activity on PDF and I have seen OP contributions for a long time. I felt the need to give OP some reality check because he seems to suggest that fighting a war with a superpower is a trivial matter. Never mind the fact that the countries he mentioned have suffered so much and reduced to banana republic status. It is not amusing to see somebody in a distant Western country egging another Islamic country to fight a war with a superpower, never mind the consequences. Member (HGV) is Iranian and he did not find OP post amusing. I allow members to express their views due to Freedom of Expression factor even though many make less sense at times and bring irrelevant stuff into a thread but this doesn't imply that I will not intervene when I see fit. I have punished different members for different reasons in this thread. I will put a stop to any trolling trend, if necessary.

If the war spreads, so be it. This does not entail entertaining senseless posts (shitposting) here.

You are not supposed to question my Moderating decisions. Check Forum Rules.

This is not your issue. You focus on your contributions.
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