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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

So what was the plan ?

To murder 1400 of our people in cold blood .Shoot them , burn them , rape them , smoke them out , throw grenedae into shelters with families , mutilate them ( some frredom fighters .. . ) take 220 of our people hostage ( 30 of them children ) and than complain that we dont supply you with fuel ?

What is Netanyahu's plan? To ignite world war three and build the temple ? To destory two state solution? Questions should be directed at Israeli extremist govt. Maybe you can provide a answer instead of deflecting.
What's happening in Muslim world. Iran-led axis throwing blame on Arab states for not fighting. Arab states throwing blame on Iran-led axis for not fighting. Both are scared to fight Israel, but will both make a huge fitnah with each other and instead start wars in their own nations. All while Palestinian death toll continues to rapidly increase. Gaza will be left alone because Arab states and Iran-led axis are both afraid of Israel/US.

Occupied Palestine: Al-Mayadeen correspondent in Gaza: The number of martyrs as a result of the Israeli aggression is close to 6,000, in addition to about 20,000 wounded.

Curse the fucking Jews, may they rot in hell. Curse SIsi and the mother fucking Kings of Arabia. Victory to Palestine , Victory to Islam.

Why aren't you being fair and also calling out Iran for rhetoric vs actions? Can you answer question or will you ignore again? It's not that hard to say all of them share responsibility.

Serouisly , have you checked how many buses ful of people Hamas blew up , when we started talking with Arafat about the two state peace solution ?

Again, what is the plan for Netanyahu and his terrorist government ?

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State

Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State

I really would not talk about " CHARTER " if i where you.

Seems Nana Akua got you all figured out - here is a quick explanation about yout hatefull fanatic charter.

And for those who want to read and make up there own mind , here is the link for Hamas charter :

“There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.”

The Covenant​

of the​

Islamic Resistance Movement :​


I really would not talk about " CHARTER " if i where you.
Again, what is the plan for Netanyahu and his terrorist government ?



The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State

Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”

c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.

I hear again and again from American analysts both the Vietnam War, the 2003 Iraq War, and the Afghanistan War come into discussions as caution to Israel to not over-reach in anger and just about ALL the analysts categorize those three wars as blunders, if not defeat. Making excuses like 'we got tired' blah blah are excuses: In a boxing fight, the one who gets 'tired' is considered 'defeated'. In case of wars where foreign troops occupy and then leave in such a way that those who they were fighting against, come to power, then that IS a defeat.
But some people here are more apologists for those wars then even the American analysts are!!!
Victory or Defeat in war is LOGICALLY decided on the grounds that its core objective was Achieved or Abandoned.

The core objective of the Korean War was to liberate South Korea from communist forces. Achieved or Abandoned? Achieved.

The core objective of the Vietnam War was to preserve South Vietnam. Achieved or Abandoned? Militarily possible but Abandoned.

The core objective of the Persian Gulf War was to liberate Kuwait from Iraq. Achieved or Abandoned? Achieved.

The core objective of the Kosovo War was to liberate Kosovo from Yugoslavia. Achieved or Abandoned? Achieved.

The core objective of the Afghan War was to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network or make it irrelevant in response to 9/11. Achieved or Abandoned? Achieved.

The core objective of the Iraq War was to dismantle Saddam regime or make it irrelevant. Achieved or Abandoned? Achieved.

The core objective of the Libyan War was to topple Qaddafi regime or make it irrelevant. Achieved or Abandoned? Achieved.

The latest in War On Terror is to dismantle ISIL or make it irrelevant. Achieved or Abandoned? Achieved.

The stronger side [can] produce results in war and reshape political landscapes, if it wants to.

But new power players will continue to emerge from time to time. It is up to US for how to receive each.

But US is not doing a good job on the narrative warfare front. Some Americans have worked to damage and undermine American interests by creating conspiracy theories with questionable / subjective claims in books and documentaries while others picked up on these claims to spread Anti-Americanism.

China is watching and learning on the other hand. CCP decides and creates the narrative for the country and make sure that it is globally accepted as well.
So what was the plan ?

To murder 1400 of our people in cold blood .Shoot them , burn them , rape them , smoke them out , throw grenedae into shelters with families , mutilate them ( some freedom fighters .. . ) take 220 of our people hostage ( 30 of them children ) and than complain that we dont supply you with fuel ?

First you must prove that this was done by Palestine and not self-inflicted by Israel to fabricate a false casus belli to bomb Palestine. So far, everything you've posted here is unverified and questionable with zero evidence.
Due to your biased narrative in favor of Palestinians, you want to focus on this. but will disregard everything else, much like most nations do when something does not serve their interests....

Most Members are saying - the world is silent but they ignore it and don't want to understand, why the world is silent.

People need to face the facts, but mostly they don't.

Killing innocent Israelis by HAMAS was never a good idea; HAMAS was well aware of the high cost that would be borne by innocent Palestinians. It was a big blunder by them to do a terror attack.

Some nations see what they want to see

You can't Marshall apartheid for decades and not expect this.. the continuous annexation of Palestinian land for Israeli settlements is against international law... this was inevitable.

Who are you talking about? Baluchistan.. u crazed Indian don’t come on here posting lies I suggest you swiftly remove this bit!!!
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