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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I dont think having very old leaders is working out very weak for the Palestinians. Arafat led until he was 90 years old or somehting. This Abbas guy is 89 or so. Isn't there someone younger that can take over?
Palestinian Cadets who passed out two days ago from Pakistan Military Academy(PMA) Kakul during Passing Out Parade of 148th PMA Long Course ..

List of Palestinian Cadets ....

- GC Ahmed I M Sharwana
- GC Ahmed AK Housheya
- GC Samir KH Hassouna
- GC Asem SI Ghannam
- GC Omer MA
I dont think having very old leaders is working out very weak for the Palestinians. Arafat led until he was 90 years old or somehting. This Abbas guy is 89 or so. Isn't there someone younger that can take over?

Anyone sitting in Ramallah representing Palestinian has been and will be a worthless puppet, young or old. And you know that.
I dont think having very old leaders is working out very weak for the Palestinians. Arafat led until he was 90 years old or somehting. This Abbas guy is 89 or so. Isn't there someone younger that can take over?
The younger ones are even more radical than the older ones. Plus no 'palestinian' leader wants to give up their position because there's too much $$$ to be made.
Should have done this (target military facilities)instead of targeting civilian..
They're hopeless against the military, plus their war has always been about wiping out Jews, not soldiers. Their targets for attacks are always civilians. They only target soldiers when the soldiers are in the way of them trying to get to civilians, like at checkpoints.
“The missile has dissolved like salt in the water,” said Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas official, in a phone interview. “It’s vaporized. Nothing is left.”
Should have done this (target military facilities)instead of targeting civilian..

Agreed in principle.
But this is a huge assumption that Gazans, with their relatively primitive weapons and limited opportunites to even launch what they have, have the luxury of time and planning to pinpoint their strikes. While now it looks like that they have rid themselves of the Israeli spies, they are monitored with unimaginable listening and watchful eyes. So Gazans do what they can do to keep the pot boiling and that inevitably leads to acts of terror.
Given them the space, the resources, the time to plan attacks for a 'moral' war first before you expect them to behave differently!
Agreed in principle.
But this is a huge assumption that Gazans, with their relatively primitive weapons and limited opportunites to even launch what they have, have the luxury of time and planning to pinpoint their strikes. While now it looks like that they have rid themselves of the Israeli spies, they are monitored with unimaginable listening and watchful eyes. So Gazans do what they can do to keep the pot boiling and that inevitably leads to acts of terror.
Given them the space, the resources, the time to plan attacks for a 'moral' war first before you expect them to behave differently!
We should also say the same about the attacks on Pakistan. The various bombings inside Pakistan and on the borders. We need to let them have the time, space and resources to attack and fight the 'moral' war against Pakistan.
Keep crying, Hamas hater. You showed your true Zionist colors. Everyone knows you hate Hamas from the beginning. Long live the Qassam Brigades. Continue to cry with your Israeli brothers.
well if you call me a Hamas hater , well there will be truth in it everyone knew i consider Hamas terrorist and Israel a thousand time more terrorist but calling SalarHaq a Hamas hater , that is just ridiculous, childish and just lashing out of anger.
he is one of the most outspoken Hamas supporters

Gaza death toll tops 5,000, nearly half of them children: Officials​

Children make up 40 percent of the dead since Israel started bombing the enclave, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health.
Urgent | Israeli Army Radio: Israel agreed to Washington's request to postpone ground entry into Gaza until additional American forces arrive

the mighty Israel army that defeat 3 Arab Army in just 6 day fell to such low

People always get it wrong , when you distance from the center of explosion its force will be reduced by the factor of power of 3.
a nuclear bomb have only one center, these bombing campaign have hundreds and thousands of them . in short thousands of small bombs have a lot more destructive capabilities than a single big one . or in simpler term a nuke could not even do 1/5th of the damage these bombing campaign in last 2 week did

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