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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Right, how could he!

Heeey, bruta facha, good to see you! 🙂

Rafah crossing bombed multiple times and your president goes on TV begging western countries to convince Israel to 'ALLOW' the opening of the crossing for repairs!

Damn, you're right, we should've bombed the living hell out of them for that! Who cares if it starts a war in the midst of a dire recession and then the aid never gets through the crossing. Who cares about that, though. We must show everyone how tough we are dammit! After all, the US wouldn't come running to punish anyone who attacks the zionists. What's a few sanctions and other negative effects. Apparently we're going to fight the US navy so who cares, right? Opportunity missed!!!

Three of your MiG-29 aircraft were destroyed in Sudan, and your soldiers were taken prisoners, yet again no action was taken.

Dang, that's right! Forgot about that. Should've bombed the whole airport. The hell with the Sudanese they don't mean anything to Egypt. Just another Muslim country and that's the only way to deal with such a thing.

Your rights to the Nile water have been encroached upon by Ethiopia, and still, no action was taken. Your islands were stolen by a Saudi prince, and once again, no action was taken.

I know, man. We should've sent all our F-16s & Rafales and blew that dam to pieces. The hell with Ethiopia we should've behaved just like the zionists and deprived them of having electricity and prospering. Afterall, who needs diplomacy and negotiations for a way to find a common solution that benefits all parties! That's just weak! Shoot, opportunity missed, dammit!

It's time for you to admit your generals are merely business generals not war generals, and your officers are either commanding shrimp lines, or managing a biscuit factory where your conscripts are employed as slave labor. And they're not even good businessmen they only thrive by eliminating competition with all the privileges they have.

They only act tough and direct that deep hoarse voice from their spokesmen ONLY toward their own citizens.

Wow, so spot on. With all your wisdom and living in Egypt, you should've applied to be Sisi's advisor. With all that incredible foresight you've exhibited, you could save us all from a bunch of disgruntled internet armchair warriors and their terrible and unfair bashing. Our feelings are so hurt.
You're a Zionist-Hamas hater.

Indeed, if Hamas are in fact Zionist-Hamas as you suggest, then I will very much dislike them, considering how zionists in general tend to disgust me. Jury's still out though, and you failed to alleviate the doubts stemming from the shared reports, which in fact is starting to raise questions about your own allegiance.

First claiming this is a Iranian operation then saying Hamas is Israeli.

It's simple: keep talking nonsense about HezbAllah and Iran as per the zionist regime's directives, and enjoy a response in kind.

You're a delusional narcissistic individual.

No I'm being thoroughly realistic. You however are proven to be a sectarianist motivated by a genocidal type of hatred for Shia Moslems and Iranians. As you know I have an entire collection of screenshots to share which document this, so I would cease going down the ad hominem road if I were you.

Hamas is a crown on your head and will always be. You will die in hate and jealousy like your Jewish brothers and sisters.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and take that medication already.

If anyone needs medication it's the narcissistic delusional individual. That was attacked by everyone in the Iranian chill thread as he's not even iranian.

More ad populum and distortion of facts.

But keeps begging them to have a safe space among them.

Show us where I "begged" anyone on here. Laughable.

Indeed, if Hamas are in fact Zionist-Hamas as you suggest, then I will very much dislike them, considering how zionists in general tend to disgust me. Jury's still out though, and you failed to alleviate the doubts stemming from the shared reports, which in fact is starting to raise questions about your own allegiance.

It's simple: keep talking nonsense about HezbAllah and Iran as per the zionist regime's directives, and enjoy a response in kind.

No I'm being thoroughly realistic. You however are a proven sectarianist person motivated by a genocidal type of hatred for Shia Moslems and Iranians. As you know I have an entire collection of screenshots to share which document this, so I would cease going down the ad hominem road if I were you.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and take that medication already.

More ad populum and distortion of facts.

Show us where I "begged" anyone on here. Laughable.

You will be thread banned if you don't stop spamming garbage here. You hate Hamas because you hate them for fighting your Jewish brothers and sisters and inflicting a blow on the Jewish terror state. We're not gonna do a back and forth about a IDF wiki page.

No one is afraid of you. We just find you annoying. You have been exposed as a Zionist already. It's done. There's no going back.

And yes, everyone in the Iran chill thread despises you and you got a huge fight with them a few months ago. You're not even iranian. And still they despise you. Now stop derailing the thread. If you hate Hamas, you can leave this thread.
Question to @dBSPL @MMM-E Knowing that the elite control in Israel is by Khazarian Zionist Jews - converts from modern day Ukraine/eastern Russia who were Turkic people and migrated to Israel, would you support them due to their Turkic roots or would you be against then due to your Islamic views?
For a Zionist person, his nation is his ideology. So even if he has a connection with the Khazar Turks, he sees himself as the superior creation and others as second class human beings. It is absurd to even ask this question, what kind of affinity are you talking about? Moreover, the Zionist scheme does not have Turkic Jews at the top of the pyramid as you think, this is pure propaganda and the reason for this fallacy is different. It serves another purpose.

I think you have to look at the other side of the coin, the Palestine Liberation Organization has for years provided training to the Pkk, they were responsible for training many Marxist terrorists during the right-left conflicts that swept TR, more recently they politically supported the Greek Cypriots in the Mediterranean, and so many other examples... But end of the day, Turkish organizations are probably one of the top 2-3 countries that take the most humanitarian aid to Palestine. We don't see Palestine as just the PLO. The Palestinian people are oppressed and it is a religious and conscientious duty to support them regardless of your faith.


We stand with the Palestinian people. Tens of thousands of people are demonstrating in the streets every day. There is an extraordinary mobilization of aid organizations. Even people with very low incomes want to donate to Palestine. The feeling of solidarity and support is very high. Anger against Israel and US is incredibly high. A few days ago people tried to set fire to the Israeli consulate but the police prevented the incident and 60 people were injured, 40 of them police officers.

Let me tell you something even more interesting: Yesterday, the biggest nationalist party in the country (yes, if you are looking for a party that accepts Khazar Turks as its own, this is the biggest one) publicly declared that if Israel does not stop its aggression within 24 hours, the Turkish army should intervene on behalf of the Palestinian people to stop the war, and to some extent, as the person who enabled Erdoğan to sit in that seat, he made a veiled threat. Moreover, some of Turkist and Atatürkist ideology circles that are hate from current goverment are the ones who condemn these massacres in the strongest way and also react to AKP.

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You're a delusional narcissistic individual. Hamas is a crown on your head and will always be.

This crown , more like it.


Is this a insult or attack towards Prophet Isa?


On the contrary , you might even say : inspired by . . .

Hamas is a a crown of thorns that bleeds the region.

Offly sensetave you are , whan it comes to what other say , maybe you shoild apply the same sensetivity to the stuff you write here yourself ,


On the contrary , you might even say : inspired by . . .

Offly sensetave you are whan it comes to what other say , maybe you shoild apply the same sensetivity to the stuff you write here yourself ,


That's a weird spin. Mods will decide what that was. To me looks like a low blow at Jesus. Have some shame.

What did I write here? The 40 fake babies hoax ?
You will be thread banned if you don't stop spamming garbage here.

By whom, you? I'm simply responding to your drivel and ad hominems, nothing more.

You hate Hamas because you hate them for fighting your Jewish brothers and sisters and inflicting a blow on the Jewish terror state. We're not gonna do a back and forth about a IDF wiki page.

In other terms you admit you have no response and must thus cope by resorting to ad hominem and lies. Your discourse on HezbAllah and Iran is straight out of the "I"DF psy-ops textbook.

No one is afraid of you. We just find you annoying.

Who is "we"?

As for "being afraid of me"... your paranoia is setting in. Medication time.

You have been exposed as a Zionist already. It's done. There's no going back.

Nah, you outed yourself as a zionist the moment you reactivated the sectarianist divide & rule rhetoric on this thread by taking aim at and spreading disinformation about HezbAllah and Iran. As you had a habit of doing before.

And yes, everyone in the Iran chill thread despises you and you got a huge fight with them a few months ago. You're not even iranian. And still they despise you.

Hollow words by someone with a long record of insulting mothers, issuing death threats (a criminal offense in most federate entities of the USA), as well as racist and sectarianist slurs. All of which is documented, as you know, and will be shared if you push it.

Now stop derailing the thread. If you hate Hamas, you can leave this thread.

You're the one who ought to give it a rest if you cannot bear being responded to.
Allah exposed this Zionist SalarHaqq. Few days ago he was saying this was a Iranian operation conducted through Hamas to avenge a Syria strike. Now he's saying Hamas and Israel and other crazy stuff. His hatred of Hamas has no bounds.

You did an outstanding job exposing yourself. Attempting to foment sectarianist divisions by insulting HezbAllah as per zionist guidelines.
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