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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You and Hezbollah have some shame and actually do something instead of giving martyrs to bomb the same hill for 10 days straight.
Shameful divisive rhetoric against the only non-Palestinian group in the world giving martyrs to fight Israel in a war started by Hamas.
I have said this before in this thread and I am saying it again, you cannot and should not expect Hezbollah to fight your war, you have to fight your own war man and in that process of fighting your war you can expect help from Hezbollah or generally Shias or Iran. This is not a Shia war, Sunnis have to stand up man. Hezbollah is doing what they can.
They want to start a war and massacre >1000 Israeli civilians then blame Hezbollah for not leading their country to ruin to save them. If this is how they treat the only group battling Israel with them, it is no wonder why they have no allies in the Arab/Muslim world.
US deep state wants to cancel 2024 elections and have Biden assume power again. All Americans must oppose the Israeli genocide against Palestine. Write to your congressmen to support a immediate ceasefire.

Brother, remember one thing, and it'll be a little long to describe, but it's something to think about.

The president only sometimes has the power; his decision-making is split among his advisors. As human beings, we often think the one who occupies the Kursi (Chair) holds the power; nothing can be further than the truth. In medieval Europe, advisors would guide the king in policy-making, securing alliances through marriage and warfare. The one who whispers in the ear of the King is the all-powerful. The Jewish lobby doesn't care who the person in the seat is as long as they have the ears of whoever occupies the chair. For example, the devil himself whispers in our ears if we decide whether it's right or wrong, he wouldn't commit the act of sin on behalf of the individual.

For the Jews, you need to study deeply how they persevered through centuries and how they maintained the levers of power.

See what I mean, Bibi has been cornered by the hardliner in Israel, they want blood or him to be resign. He started a small fire and now he can't contain it.

I fear the one who comes after Bibi; as we see, he has a coalition with right-wing parties, and there is a risk of them in Europe as well. While they don't form the majority of governments, their 10-15% of seats force the majority party to bend.

Calcutta was the first to send rations to Ireland and Ottomans as well. Yet, we Muslims are evil.
Mean while Arabs getting ready:-

Many misunderstand me.
I am simply saying this is not a black and white history/story.

Mizraki Jews lived there, some jews legally migrated. those are entitled to a nation as the british rulers had promised (same to the arabs).

Now the amount of migration and the division of land was skewed yes.
So i understand the arabs having issues….however…these were migrants seeking a safe haven after the holocaust.

My point is that those calling for the erasion of israel have a completely one sided approach which is not just. Just as how it is not fair for the Palestinians to not have a viable state.

I agree with your two options.
The biggest question is Do the Muslims let the UK decide who gets a country and where. Some countries like Iran have said, no, we will decide. So this upcoming war will decide who sets the borders in the Middle East.

The west is firmly of the view that they are the global power and they set the borders. We shall soon find out.
Well.....Azerbaijan sort of mimics Turkey internationally, but in this case, the only difference is that Azerbaijan is less hypocritical than Turkey in its "support" for Israel- Turkey will criticize Israel but allow 1000 Turkish companies setup in Israel, but Azerbaijan will not criticize Isreal in public but allow Mossad setup a base in AZ and not hide the fact that AZ govt buys weapons and drones from Israel. Turkey and Azerbaijan share their weird Islamic identity crisis.
However majority of Turks are against zion.
Someone asked about the differences in a technical context so I answered. You jealous that you do not know? :enjoy:
How distasteful cynicism from wannabe intellectual. On your post from you if you have not I didn't even bother to answer for typical American romanesqu pretentions. Though the first part was pretentious too. You think that you can explain me what it is Marxism? I answered you and I doubt that you even could guess what I was on about.
To put it planlly to you.
Someone doesn't fucking know who is who in your effin country just if they watch the career of your President and his positions visa Vue many issues. OK let's leave his shower with this daughter aside.
In regards of gsy marriage, Israel and many other issues he has diametrically opposite view but 180 degree view then in some cases till relatively recently. The question here is what f ing system can cause it? The system who is split into the branches who allegedly check on each other???? Really? You honestly believe that I believe that?
Listen pal i might be from small county and Saddam a dictator but do effin think that we have no ability to deduct certain things??? Are you serious?
Pal in your country 80% of people do not effin know when was your Revolutionary war , in my jungle %95 know all important general education stuff. But by having certain political system, you honestly think that the ability to comprehend something is based on that???? Bizarre
Pal for your information Trotsky was man of the year according to the Newsweek , New York Times etc in 30s , I don't think because he generously gifted you so many archives.
However majority of Turks are against zion.
I can agree with that- we seee it in Turkish citizen protests against Israel and attacking the Israeli embassy, so the Turkish population seems to know who to support here, but the Turkish govt has a different ideological alignment, the NATO stuff..blah blah..smh. Turkish govt sending aid is good, but it needs to do more than bark like a toothless tiger. just sayin!
f off man you’re so stupid

Who the heck do you think you are? Are you Turkish? You're showing your immature behavior by resorting to insult. Think twice before insulting my fellow Pakistani & Muslims. You're Muslim, right? Why does it bother you so much when you are exposed? Accept the truth when you see you low life piece of low human scum.
The US is the only problem for the Arabs. Israel would been overrun long ago.

(No need for a butthurt Desi to come and hate on Arabs, which they do a lot) This is not your topic.

Chad, may Allah grant you heaven
The real problem of Arabs is not US, but decadence and moral degradation. The last time Jerusalem was occupied, it took a Kurd to liberate it from Crusaders, not an Arab. Remember that always!

Today, you - the Arabs - are in an even worse position than during the Crusades.

The agony for the rest of us non-Arab Muslims is that our holy places are in the hands of such miserly and degraded Arabs.

The illustration of your nation is best exemplified in the Quran with the example of Bani Israel - a nation favored by God, given the Book, with a prophet from within the nation, speaking your own language. You turned away, just as Bani Israel, and this is your retribution. And the only thing you are able to do for the self-failure is point the finger at the US.

If we look at the issue with a historical & religious lense, seeking a solution from Arabs is as foolish as asking Netanyahu for compassion.

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