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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023







Brother, you can't help us much. Take a look on the map and some other factors.
Not to make it too long. One of the projects which unfortunately will not be realised in Turkey is Istanbul chanel. That project,for me is of purely military importance. These monsters are preparing their special for you, may Allah SWT curse them.
I follow the Turkish media, politics and the religious scholars since a while. Trust me there was always zero tolerance against any agression towards Bosnia but now this zero tolerance has transformed in something else which i cant describe with words it is a million times stronger then whatever it was before because of the genocide in Gaza.
Brother you're mistaken. On the first point regarding Isa (AS), he's never made that claim. If you can provide proof, please feel free to provide it.
On the second point, regarding the sun rising from the west, I agree with him on this point. This isn't to be taken literally, it's more symbolic in its nature. Just like the Dajjal flying on a donkey. While some people will be waiting for a man flying on a donkey, he'll be in front of them and they'll not realise.
Let's not deraill this thread and ok I get you have your interpretation. But only one thing , when Imran Hussain claimed that, that Hadith about 70k Esfahani Jews will lead Dajjal is not true, Iranian Sayid, who mentioned his name and Web page said " Mr Hussain you are not correct, that Hadith is from Ahlul Bayt ". Now it is up to you what you want to believe. All the best
The longer this war in Gaza goes on it plays into the hands of Putin. western distraction and Muslims countries supporting Ukraine becoming apathetic to their cause.

These wars have accelerated the idea of alternative blocs. The Europeans and Americans are shitting their pants at this moment. The thought that another bloc emerges without any Western influence would be devastating. Especially one where China and Russia are calling the shots. It would significantly weaken the current world order at a minimum. The Europeans and Americans got a knock out punch with the Israeli/Saudi deal going off the rails.

The Saudi/Israeli deal would also negatively impact Pakistan... We all know why.
Basically hamas did us all a favor.
1-they humiliated israel in front of the world.
2-stopped the saudi israeli peace negotations
3-proved to the world that the west can be defeated
4-proved to the egyptians that our current president is a puppet who doesnt control shit
5-gave iran or pakistan or china or russia or any power the hope.


I don't know this author has been called out on his BS previously. I feel that a ground Invasion is inevitable.
Large scale murder children and civilians campaign. This is just bloodlust and genocide. There is no military objective to it. The world must intervene before people take matters into their own hands.

This is genocide. There is no military objective about it. It's not about the IDF captives either. They don't care about them. They had this bloodlust all the time. Jewish people are evil enemies of humanity.
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