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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You are very disrespectful to the people who are suffering in Gaza. You come here among the muslims and give your opinion we’re tolerating your nonsense but dont push it to far. Our patience has a limit.
How am I disrespectful? Your patience has limits? If your patience has limits? For what? Hearing that Hamas is an armed group which has been dragging Palestinians from disaster to disaster? Being responsible for Israeli retaliations that cost the lives to thousands of Palestinians throughout the years? All because they think this way of "resistance" will make Israelis leave? Hamas is the political party that overthrew Fatah in the Gaza strip and killed their own compatriots to gain power. They hunted down Fatah sympathizers for months after they took over Gaza. They don't wanna share power,if they were given control of the West Bank too,they would enforce a strict Sharia law islamist country. Not Islamic,Islamist.

They went and killed civilians,apart from soldiers when they knew that Netanyahu's response would be to utterly annihilate Gaza and make Palestinians there suffer. It started a fucked up chaos that not only had ABSOLUTELY NO strategic gains,but weakened the Palestinian economy,resources and manpower even more!
israel lost 12 merkava in the clashes with Hezb in Lebanon


This is from last few days? Or 2006?
I said you push Zionist narratives. That is a fact. I never said you are a "jew lover" - that is a filthy lie which you continue to shamelessly propagate.

I don't believe in "camps" and collective responsibility. By your logic, you belong to the same 'camp' as those slaughtering children and committing war crimes and genocide in Gaza.
Everybody here can see what you called me and what you imply. You are hiding behind your finger,laughing right now going like "I didn't say it,I didn't say it,you're a liar!"

And still no apology. You're the shameless one here. You're over for me.

That comment you made? It really upset me. Calling me something,ok. Calling my mother something awful?

And you're supposed to be a good conversationalist and dependable guy,like @LeGenD vouched for you?
Everybody here can see what you called me and what you imply.
I am not hiding from it. I said you are parroting Zionist narratives. I say it again for you and everyone else: you are parroting Zionist narratives. I did not, however, say what you falsely accused me of. That is shameful of you and you ought to apologise.
And still no apology. You're the shameless one here. You're over for me.
You said I was over for you three posts ago, and yet you are still here crying. Next time don't make false accusations. Your accusations were very serious and are not jokes. If you apologise for those lies and false accusations I am willing to forgive you.
These wars have accelerated the idea of alternative blocs. The Europeans and Americans are shitting their pants at this moment. The thought that another bloc emerges without any Western influence would be devastating. Especially one where China and Russia are calling the shots. It would significantly weaken the current world order at a minimum. The Europeans and Americans got a knock out punch with the Israeli/Saudi deal going off the rails.

The Saudi/Israeli deal would also negatively impact Pakistan... We all know why.
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This has been most muslim mindset for generations and is one of the reasons that the palestinians got DUMPED in “forever refugee camps” .
Egged on, armed, paid to not compromise, but enact a “to the sea” ethnic cleansing as how to “resolve” this.

People supposedly care for palestinian lives.
I warn that to never compromise will lead to the samson option and the END of palestine and the palestinians.
You reply with “well other muslims will just fill the void”

Which is basically proving my point.
Palestinians are the sacrificial lambs for some “dreams of islamic empire”. Its sick.

Medical aid from Pakistan and Turkey has reached one hospital in Gaza. This sadly is not nearly enough, speaking to one of the coordinators of Al-Khidmat they still have plenty of life saving medication and supplies on the Egyptian border waiting to get in. LET THE TRUCKS in!
These wars have accelerated the idea that should be alternative blocs. The Europeans and Americans are shitting their pants at this moment. The thought that another bloc emerges without any Western influence would be devastating. Especially one where China and Russia are in the bloc. It would significantly weaken the current world order at a minimum.
Current military blocs:

- NATO + Israel
- Iran-led Resistance Axis

The Arab/Muslim world is extremely weak and divided but would form a great complement to the Iran-led Resistance Axis.

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Medical aid from Pakistan and Turkey has reached one hospital in Gaza. This sadly is not nearly enough, speaking to one of the coordinators of Al-Khidmat they still have plenty of life saving medication and supplies on the Egyptian border waiting to get in. LET THE TRUCKS in!
Great news. I presume this was from one of the 20 trucks that entered Gaza today. They need so much more. Let the trucks in, indeed.
I am not hiding from it. I said you are parroting Zionist narratives. I say it again for you and everyone else: you are parroting Zionist narratives. I did not, however, say what you falsely accused me of. That is shameful of you and you ought to apologise.

You said I was over for you three posts ago, and yet you are still here crying. Next time don't make false accusations. Your accusations were very serious and are not jokes. If you apologise for those lies and false accusations I am willing to forgive you.
You're willing to forgive me? You? For implying I am a Jew lover but getting angry when I put you in the same group as the rest who called me jew lover,zionist etc etc?

Wow,what a hypocrite. Truly. What a fucking asshole. You downright implied I'm pro-Israeli here and "zionist",but you are offended by my generalisation of "you guys called me a Jew lover".

What a joker.
Oh look, another News outlet, another apology... More to come, I am sure of it.

How it started!

How it's going:

More and more will come as the public opinion changes, their card of lies collapse around them.

Current military blocs:

- NATO + Israel
- Iran-led Resistance Axis

The Arab/Muslim world is extremely weak and divided but would form a great complement to the Iran-led Resistance Axis.

Great news. I presume this was from one of the 20 trucks that entered Gaza today. They need so much more. Let the trucks in, indeed.
Yes one of 2 trucks from the 20 entered. One containing food items the other medical supplies and hygiene kits.
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