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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Man you have so much faith in Egypt as you're from there.

There's more chance of me being crowned the British King than Egypt EVER entering ANY war under Sisi. The moment Sisi appears suspect the US will replace him. There is no universe where Sisi is ever taking Egypt into any war.
why do you and other members here repeat the same talk over and over.
I already stated I'm anti-sisi.

and i'm from Egypt.
I appreciate your feeling, but there is a deeper problem here. Please allow me to elaborate, you see the moment the Egyptian border is opened there will be Palestinians who will want to evacuate Gaza and the moment they do, they will lose the right to Return to Gaza by the Israeli Government.

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Adopted from UN Press Statement(World Refugee Day 2023). Full Text available at: https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements...n-refugees-must-be-prioritised-over-political

2. The Israel Government continues to illegally forcible evacuate the sick, injured and those sheltering in hospitals in the North of Gaza. This is a complete contravention of Article 18* of the Geneva Convention[Which is a WAR CRIME]. This is despite all these hospitals being run by the United Nations and affiliated NGOs, all the hospitals have signed the Humanitarian Charter and shared a copy of this with the Israeli Government, all hospitals have shared their coordinates with the Israeli government to fulfil their responsibilities under article 38 of the Geneva convention.

Article 18 - Wounded and sick III. Protection of hospitals
Civilian hospitals organized to give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm and maternity cases, may in no circumstances be the object of attack, but shall at all times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict.

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  • 136 attacks have been recorded against health care facilities between the 7th of October and the 17th of October 2023 by the WHO Observer group.
  • 491 people have been killed in attacks on health care facilities, 16 Healthcare workers have been killed since the 7th of October 2023.
  • 370 people were injured in attacks on health care facilities including 28 health workers on duty.
  • 61 Ambulances have been attacked, 23 have been damaged and rendered inoperable.
  • 26 Health facilities are affected
  • 42 Ambulances have been obstructed by Israeli security forces [West Bank]
  • 43 Ambulances have been subject to use of force (attacked directly by soliders). [These have been in West Bank]
  • 15 Ambulances have been detained whilst on route to render emergency care to the injured [West Bank]
  • 9 Ambulances have been subject to stop and search by Israeli security forces whilst transporting injured patients to hospital [West Bank]
Source: https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/health-attacks-opt-7-17-october-2023

For those western people on PDF wondering why the northern hospitals don't evacuate, if they shut down operations there will only be 1500 beds to service 2 Million people!

The Israeli Government's indiscriminate targeting of civilian infrastructure in this war is unlike anything seen in the past 16 years.
This is all desgined to make the Gaza strip a hostile place for the Palestinian people to remain, forcing them further southwards until they eventually flee into the Sinai. And if you don't believe me, I want to share this Damage assessment map (Dated 20th October 2023).

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As you will see that the largest civilian settlements, towns, cities have been reduced to charred rubble. Forcing the Palestinian people further and further south towards Khan Younis and the two border crossings with Egypt.
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More people than the entire population of Sargodha, 705,000 Palestinians to be exact are forced to live cramped in 205 square kilometres penned in like animals, without the basic necessities needed for human survival.

And if people want to know what the conditions are like for Palestinians living in Khan Younis... Well here LOOK!

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If these images of Gazan's forced from their home and forced to live in tents without water, food, sanitation, medical care, hygiene or sanitation under the spectre of daily bombing doesn't shake you to your soul and anger you, well then perhaps this will motivate you...

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Palestinian refugees standing outside their tent in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, 1948. (photo credit: AP/UNRWA Photo Archives)

Palestinian people are the only people who are already refugees and forced to become displaced again another violation of International law [Article 49 of the Geneva Convention] prevents an occupying power [Israel] from forcibly evicting and displacing people from their place of residence:
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There it is. That's about as solid of an explanation of the facts on the border and the difficult but necessary decision not to allow a forced Palestinian exodus and refugee camp in Sinai which the Palestinians themselves don't even want.
Well done, sir. 👏 👏 👏
Bro let me interject.
The IDF warned 22 hospitals telling them to evacuate as they were going to bomb them - then one of them gets bombed - then blame Hamas?
They have dropped more bombs on Gaza than what the Americans dropped on Afghanistan in a year.
They have withheld electricity and water for babies in incubators and kidney dialysis patients - this is a war crime.
They tell Palestinians to flee on specific roads and then bomb them to death.
October 14th they targeted ambulances - another low.
They control the media and propagated 40 babies being beheaded by Hamas - and not providing 1% evidence.

Can you see the reason why i have come to the conclusion they really are the lowest form of human

They're not humans but the lowest jungle animals. Even a black person has some morals when robbing and looting a person.

This is horrific, how stupid everyone is talking about church and hospital and got stuck debating if it happened or not. Beside that Israel is still bombing and killing innocent. Don’t fall for trap don’t feel hopeless! fight these Mf on social media as much as you can.
Israel lie about everything to cover its crime then lie again and again which is physiological game to confuse everyone. Don’t fkn fall for it! We should put aside our differences now and stand up together to counter there narrative because I see no justice for Palestinians from any country and we as people should continue our support and raise voice against this barbarity. Again don’t even trust those white who’s posting negative content against Israel right now because I know Americans damn well! We should raise our voice and call for ceasefire and 2 state solution. If we act like Zionist and seeking revenge then we are not different from them.
why do you and other members here repeat the same talk over and over.
I already stated I'm anti-sisi.

and i'm from Egypt.
We state this because you're under the delusion where Egypt will join a war in some glorious battle. When, under Sisi, it'll NEVER happen.

Now if Sisi is overthrown by Egyptians then yes it can happen. However, like Pakistan, I doubt that'll happen.
Putin remains enigma to me. Almost like a Cuck to Israelis. I know things have changed considerably since this conflict started but he has a golden chance to checkmate Americans on Ukraine by making things a bit hot for Israel.

The following article will explain Russia's position. What it's saying is that Russia wants to balance its relations between Israel and the Islamic world. Israel has a large number of Russian Jews and Putin has a strong relationship with them. Russia also has a large Muslim population and good relations with many Muslim countries, so he has to keep that in mind. This newspaper is close to the government.

I would say that Putin is probably more naturally inclined towards supporting Israel but is trying to appear balanced. Also, it needs to be remembered that if the West had accepted Putin's Russia as a partner, Putin would have joined EU and NATO. It's just that the West pushed Russia away, turning it hostile. Historically Russia has always wanted to be accepted into western Europe as one of them.

Muslim countries should have good relations with Russia, but not assume that Russia is fully on their side.

Why Russia remains neutral in the Middle East conflict
We state this because you're under the delusion where Egypt will join a war in some glorious battle. When, under Sisi, it'll NEVER happen.

Now if Sisi is overthrown by Egyptians then yes it can happen. However, like Pakistan, I doubt that'll happen.
I was always wondering , what someone else can change if they come to power,?
I am amazed how Muslims keep repeating the same clichés and flosculas.
I remember the war 1973 , Egypt had the population if 45 million now ,.maybe 110 million. The similar story is with Pakistan.
On top of it , seemingly quantity couldn't produce quality.
We state this because you're under the delusion where Egypt will join a war in some glorious battle. When, under Sisi, it'll NEVER happen.

Now if Sisi is overthrown by Egyptians then yes it can happen. However, like Pakistan, I doubt that'll happen.
I already said, if there is a puppet , in the future there will be not.

and glorious we already knew glory multiple times.. whether in the old times or the near the past, we are not big mouth nations who talk much and do less. our history proves we are doing not talking.
I already said, if there is a puppet , in the future there will be not.

and glorious we already knew glory multiple times.. whether in the old times or the near the past, we are not big mouth nations who talk much and do less. our history proves we are doing not talking.
Yes we know how that turned out. You lost Gaza and Jordan lost the West Bank. Anyway, carry on.
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