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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

He shud send some fkking aid to his fellow ukranians, where his army is comitting crimes,
A fkking hypocrite putain
Are you an Israeli , why are you on fire?
The "benevolent" dictatorships in Qatar, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, KSA are only benevolnet because of the massive oil and gas revenues. When you have lot of free cash, it's easier to be benevolent. Same benevolent dictatorship is rarely seen in other Arab countries or any other countries that are poor.

Iran has some good capabilities but this is just unscrupulous bragging, it will come at their own peril. However, Iranian mullah regime is very pragmatic, don't worry about some of the fanboys.

Apology from Palestine

In the shadows of despair, I stand,
A broken heart, with an open hand, I looked for hope but only saw pain.

My baby, forgive, I couldn't shield,
Your dreams from a world, too deeply peeled.

My daughter, your smile, a distant gleam,
Fades like a vanishing dream.
Bright life extinguished, a candle's wane,
I'm sorry, I couldn't break the chain.

To my son, who faced bullets cold,
Lost hands and feet, stories untold.
Against the bombs, my efforts frail,
I am sorry, for a world so pale.

Wife, your heart, shattered and torn,
Love and tears, forever unborn.
I laid my life bare, but couldn't restore,
I'm sorry, for dreams that are no more.

In the echoes of sadness, a thousand cries,
I apologize for tear-filled skies.
For not being there in the darkest night,
When bullets and bombs took our lives.

For the exodus, the forced retreat,
I apologize, my love, so fleet.
Driven from our land, a painful part,
I'm sorry, for your broken heart.

To the world that turns a deafened ear,
To the cries of pain, so crystal clear.
I am sorry, for justice adrift,
In a world where peace is a fleeting gift.

For those who believe, hope can survive,
I apologize, for dreams strive.
In the wind, agonies fly,
I'm sorry, for the unanswered why, why the cries for help go unheard when there are a million Muslim souls with swords.

A world that watches, yet remains,
Unmoved by sorrows, untouched by pains.
I apologize, for a world that turns away,
From a plea for peace, in disarray.

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— Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Jordan: Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Israel aims to bomb church institutions that provide humanitarian services in Gaza— "The Holy Orthodox Patriarchate of the Roman Catholic Church issued a statement in which it denounced, in the strongest terms, the Israeli bombing of one of its church buildings in Gaza City.

The Patriarchate affirmed in her statement that the targeting of churches and their institutions, as well as the shelters they provide to protect innocent citizens, especially children and women who lost their homes as a result of Israeli shelling of residential areas over the past thirteen days, constituted a war crime that cannot be ignored.The Patriarchate stressed that it would not abandon its religious and humanitarian duty deriving from its Christian values to provide all that is needed in times of war and peace alike."

— The work of Palestinian emergency services to remove the debris of the building of the Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza following an Israeli bombing against the Church of Saint Porphyrius, a Greek Orthodox Church in Northern Gaza Strip.

It is feared that dozens of faithful Orthodox Christians and Palestinian civilians who seeked shelter there are under the rubble
I don't know how things are in Tuvalu but take it from me: democracy is not all it's cracked up to be. In fact, I will go a step further and say that it is wholly unsuited to Muslim societies. Muslim societies do well with good authoritarian governments. Ideal form of governments for Muslims are Benevolent dictatorships like Qatar, UAE, Oman, Muscat, Kuwait etc.,
It's the ideal form of government for everyone. Democracy is a flawed system where opposing parties are more interested in defeating each other and seeking short-term benefits for themselves than for the short- and long-term benefit of the country.

India versus China present a great example for comparison. Late 1940s, India was well ahead of China in terms of development and wealth. China had chosen authoritarianism while India chose democracy. Look at them now: 50, 60, 70 years later - China has imprinted its map with the fastest trains in the world while Indians are still shitting on train tracks. Authoritarian China leaped light years ahead of democratic India in just a few decades.

The biggest drawback of democracy is that it opens an avenue for foreign interference. Wealthy countries, like the US, can bribe and finance opposition parties to peddle it's interests; a strategy that is impossible in a dictatorship. It's easier to remove a political party via elections than it is to topple a one-party government and setup a new system. And that is precisely why the US is so vehement on "spreading democracy"; because it gives them great leverage to secure their global interests in times of conflict.

Gulf Arab dictators are loyal dogs - that's why the US is content with their lack of democracy. Mossadegh was a threatening democratic persona - that's why he was toppled by UK/US. China is a threatening dictatorship but it cannot be toppled because there is no opposition party for the US to support.
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Israel has a total population of 9.7 million, of which 7.1 million are Jews. Seventeen percent of Israelis have dual citizenship, which equates to 1.65 million. It can be assumed that almost all the dual citizens are Jews. So, 23% of Jews are citizens of other countries.

If even 1 million Jews leave, which can happen in the event of a war of attrition, then Israel’s economy will go down the drain, which in turn will probably cause panic and an even larger exodus. Better for them to leave peacefully.

I’ll volunteer on behalf of Canada to take 1 million. Europe and Russia can take 2 million. That will leave 4 million for the US. It’s a much better solution for everyone than fighting WW3.

Most Israelis want a passport to prosperity abroad
(11 February 2016)

A majority of Israeli citizens would like to own a foreign passport and more and more are actively seeking additional citizenships, a survey published Wednesday found.

According to a Shiluv/Ipanel poll of 500 Israelis conducted for Channel 2 news, 17 percent of Israelis already hold a foreign passport and 56% would like one.


Did you see that?

A moment of shame for German taxpayers.
Tehran University professor and foreign media advisor to the Iranian nuclear negotiation team, professor Mohammad Marandi's latest analysis on the war in Palestine:

Which ballistic missile did Russia use in Ukraine?

If NATO was so far ahead of Russia, they wouldn't be using Ukraine as a pawn, and instead cakewalk over Russia.

There's no doubt that NATO is very powerful but it's been doing everything it can to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia. This wouldn't be the case if what you said was accurate. The huffing and puffing is mutual.
9K720 Iskander-M
9K720 Iskander-E
Kh-47M2 Kinzhal
OTR-21 Tochka

Ukraine is not a NATO member state and there is no compulsion on NATO to defend it. NATO has simply found a way to damage Russia in Ukraine without the need to fire a shot in the process.

Russia has retaken Chechnya after a prolonged struggle (1994 - 2000), annexed parts of Georgia in 2008, prevented collapse of Assad regime in Syria (2015 - 2021), and is attempting to annex parts of Ukraine since 2014. Russia is also able to assert influence in Belarus and Central Asian Republics (client states).

Russian capacity to influence global events cannot be underestimated for sure, but Russian advances are in part due to US showing weakness on the strategic table. Obama administration allowed Russia to do its bidding in Syria and Trump administration gave up on Afghanistan. US has settled its matters in Afghanistan (defeated Al-Qaeda Network; convinced Afghan Taliban to not support Al-Qaeda Network and the sort), but American withdrawal from Afghanistan is still construed as defeat to some.

It is not sensible to challenge Russia on every front but US needs to draw a line somewhere and protect its allies. If US does not then it is done and dusted. Maybe Tucker Carlson has a solution :lol:. Fortune favor the bold, not cowards.

I am simply pointing out the obvious as a distant observer.

I am all for peace and prosperity in person.
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