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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This that Bangladeshi girl married to the white guy? 😂

Yeah bro 😂😂

Around a week ago she posted a really bland neutral statement trying to blame it on “both sides” then she started getting attacked.

She then proceeded to do damage control and still ended up getting hate. Her teenage fan base hates her now and she has to limit her comments lmao.
Looks like the most damage was from the ignition , not the explosion. The rocket was fired from behind the hospital which is common paractice by Ham-Jihad , to protect thier laumch sites.


Maybe theis picture is clearer , though some here pretend to be blibd no matter what is posted.

So maybe the problem is not with providing more evidence.

Heres one that gives me a (much needed) good chuckle,cope cages (להתמודד עם כלוב) on merkavas:
I wonder what those who sneered when they saw these on russian tanks would have to say now?
Probably something like:
"How clever of the idf to invent anti-top attack munition shields,boy those israelis are smart"

Exactly. This is the STANAG 4569 installed on the Egyptian-built version of the BMP (SENA 200) back in 2017. Same ridiculed reaction back then as in the Russian SMO in Ukraine. And this was using 13mm Q-NET armor against RPGs and similar threats. Now they're working on integrating top cages.


"Israel Alma" was a US military Forward Air Controller trained AND experienced in airstrikes, artillery strikes, ordinance effects, and crater analysis? Interesting.
The problem with that post is he doesn't even consider the possibility of a direct impact on one of those vehicles? That wouldn't necessarily leave a "crater", no?
Considering how all those cars were parked so close together where this "mystery" ordinance impacted, a direct hit on one of those vehicles would obliterate it, leaving zero trace and certainly no crater. And I'm not "trained". :unsure:
Don´t show the Hospital´s parking, show the building.
Hamas rockets have at much 4 or 5 kilogram of explosives.
So Biden covered the Israelis' *** by agreeing it was Hamas behind the hospital attack, and in exchange Netanyahu agrees to letting in aid. Biden then looks favourable in the eyes of both the Israelis and the Arabs, win win.
Comments like this show me that Indians like you like to brown nose the white man. Your pajeet hatred is so deep for Muslims that you will defend the white master to the death - not realising g if you was on fire - they wouldn’t piss on you.
Why do you try to be more Israeli than the Israeli? Your just a brown Insignificant indian that’s managed to get an Internet connection
I can't help if you are unable to think more than about religion...

I have never condoned either Israel's killing of innocent civilians or Hamas's terror attacks that resulted in the deaths of innocent Israelis.

Are people here acting as blind supporters just based on religion?

If you ask about the third country or people: most countries are reacting neutral way, because

There are only two points-

1. Hamas killed innocent people in Israel.
2. In response, Israel attacked Gaza, and now innocent people are suffering and being killed, including Hamas.

No one cares what you believe or don't believe; - the straight-forward point is that HAMAS should have never attacked innocent Israelis.

The reason your government is mostly silent is because the Pakistani government and establishment know that openly supporting Hamas will be interpreted as supporting terrorism. Take a look at how your country is responding on this incident, still they are mostly mute.

Don't shoot me in the head—this is a simple fact. You should ask your government and leadership this question first.
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