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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Reading this thread, most could care less about the facts and just want Israeli blood. Thats the sad reality.
Israel has been bombing hospitals indiscriminately and because they OBVIOUSLY blew up this hospital (no Hamas rocket debris could have caused this type of explosion) and because this crime is a step even more heinous than the previous hospitals they blew up, now you're begging people to look at the facts.

Israel has been bombing hospitals indiscriminately and because they OBVIOUSLY blew up this hospital (no Hamas rocket debris could have caused this type of explosion) and because this crime is a step even more heinous than the previous hospitals they blew up, now you're begging people to look at the facts.

Israel said it would release videos proving hospital bombing was done by a terrorist group called Islamic jihad ..wait until all the facts come out.
Israel said it would release videos proving hospital bombing was done by a terrorist group called Islamic jihad ..wait until all the facts come out.

Considering that Israeli they've targeted every single other type of civilian item and person for decades, your doubt seems remarkably naive.
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Did you honestly expect Israel not to retaliate after 1,400 were murdered by Hamas? A ruthless terror attack would be met with ruthless countermeasures.
If you're a so called American, let me ask you, do you know the story of Nat Turner? Who was right or wrong in that story?

Hamas is Nat Turner. Just let that sink in.
its only 40km for them. not enough range and its not really a static front line. And pretty useless if Israel has total air superiority.

You will remember we stared to use rockets in a massive way in late 1994 and 1995. Those cube box multiple launch rockets. range probably 75km in addition to artillery. We had an ukraine type of war. This and lebanon is something completely different.
Yes, but 40km is within range of a lot of military installations and cannot be intercepted.
I swear I’m this close to get out my gun and shoot some motherfuckers tonight 😡

**** these white motherfuckers

You might get hit with a "making terroristic threats" charge please be careful bro and delete.

I don't want someone getting time for some dumb sh!t.
My 2 cents is that F22-Raptor is not suicidal but possibly in denial. He comes as a society that in its own country, is pretty compassionate, even to animals. People treat dogs as family, they will take stray dogs in, spend vet money, and call themselves dog parents. Its impossible for him to comprehend how that compassion at home by his fellow citizens can support a policy that leads to direct bombardment of a hospital in a war zone. So to reconcile it, the rocket theory sounds plausable (even though it may not be factual)

Cognitive Dissonance: Experiencing discomfort because your values don't coincide with reality.
wonder why Western historian challenge 6 million figure
I dont know about numbers, I'm not an expert, but I was I Auchwitz. Well just visiting. I'm not a survivor. I can tell you that this camp had accomodation for at least 500,000 people and better sanitation than rural India has today. Like it has sit down toilets. and places to wash yourself. This is a fact. It seems a bit obsolete to have these facilities for a pure death camp. And no doubt terrible atrocities were committed on all sides, but it's jsut astoiunding how many survivors you see. I guess it shows human resilience if nothing else.

Soviets played on many sides.
supplying Egypt with weapons but they don't want Egypt to get in a major war and end everything with israel, because they wanted the flow of weapons (more weapons sold , more money).

Soviets had shit tons of jews in its administration.
USSR was more ZOG than america. At least America was founded by the English. The USSR was founded by a group who could all qualify for Israeli citizenship today. dont make me name them all, I cant spell that many Hebrew names wihtout getting a headache.
My 2 cents is that F22-Raptor is not suicidal but possibly in denial. He comes as a society that in its own country, is pretty compassionate, even to animals. People treat dogs as family, they will take stray dogs in, spend vet money, and call themselves dog parents. Its impossible for him to comprehend how that compassion at home by his fellow citizens can support a policy that leads to direct bombardment of a hospital in a war zone. So to reconcile it, the rocket theory sounds plausable (even though it may not be factual)
There is nothing compassionate about this creep. Have you not been paying attention? Dude is literally an ultranationalist psychopath.
Israel said it would release videos proving hospital bombing was done by a terrorist group called Islamic jihad ..wait until all the facts come out.
Israel has been bombing hospitals non stop all week. They literally admitted they notified this hospital and told them they would bomb it.

I have seen the video. It is unmistakable that this was a missile strike. The whistle sound of the missile and scale of impact makes this unquestioningly a missile strike.

Honestly, this is so sickening to the core.
Israel has been bombing hospitals non stop all week. They literally admitted they notified this hospital and told them they would bomb it.

I have seen the video. It is unmistakable that this was a missile strike. The whistle sound of the missile and scale of impact makes this unquestioningly a missile strike.

Honestly, this is so sickening to the core.
It honestly broke my heart seeing piles of dead babies and children. It reminds you that these aren't mere political conflicts but real lives on the line, and only a barbaric brute could mercilessly target children.
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