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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

There have been dozens of rocket strikes in past one week in Israel

In TEL Aviv, in ashkelon, in sderoot

Iron dome failed many times. Even hit a residential building in Israel

But despite all that Israeli civilian deaths due to rocket attacks are still in single digits

But somehow one Hamas rocket was so powerful that it leveled the whole hospital structure and killed 500 plus humans

Jews really think whole world is as dumb as an average white American

Their most heavy one
Stupid hamas killing 500 palastinians
Im laughing at the fake generals @jhungary
Thinking Iran is going to mass divisions of troops and cross 3 countries into israel…..

Zionists cant even handle gaza, they are terrified of hezbollah and clowns here are talking about taking on Iran

Iran will destroy every single zionist airport, desalination plants, power plants, dimona reactor, and pound just about any zionist military target at will

A single ballistic missile will wipe out several blocks in tel aviv… Iran has thousands of them aimed at the zionist entity

Iran almost certainly has a few nukes by now… though it doesnt need them , it can wipe israel out with its missiles alone

Then there are the 20-30k~ american troops and bases within range of Iranian short range missiles

Iran will mine and sink ships in the persian gulf to bringn the worlds economy to its knees

And there is a high chance it will directly anahilate the oil infrastructure of the persian gulf arabs, if they allow a single american fire cracker to be fired from their territory

To go to war with Iran will be the end of israel, and the end of the world economy

People really underestimate Irans power, and how badly it can hurt the US / Israel and the whole western world if the gloves came off. Regardless of what fake generals like @jhungary might want you to believe

I don't know if you are exaggerating Iran's military capabilities or not but I do believe Iran can really do major damage to Israel, setting it back decades. But Iran should NEVER launch an attack on any Arab countries--they are powerless and live in fear of the American reprisals. Instead, Iran should work with the Arab countries AND their people to join the fight.
But same most heavy ones never killed 5 Israelis with a single rocket

You guys really are the filthiest liars around
They called the hospital hundreds of times to evacuate since few days ago. And now they actually went through and committed a horrendous terrorist attack. Now we will see what kind of nonsense they'll make to try to cover it. And it will be exposed again. Like the 40 fake babies or AI generated images.
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