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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Bob bots working overtime spreading misinformation on social media. No Israeli's have been stabbed in Dubai. DEBUNKED

وہ پھول جو ابھی کھلے بھی نہ تھے
وہ امت کا قرض ادا کرتے مرجھا گئے
View attachment 962668
worry about your khota biryani leaders, who have taken so many pakistani phools, by taking their food from the table through corruption.. shutup low lifer.
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The Israeli army calls on residents of the Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City to leave to the south of the Strip​

Be my guest, hold me to it.

Here's a brief 1:30 minute snippet of that brilliant interview that showed the zionist's ridiculous idea of a tent city in Sinai, and how it should be set up inside Israel.

100%. Especially the one-eyed bandit. But they're not Arabs, ma man! Don't you know that 'only' Arabs can be labelled as 'terrorists'? When it's a different ethnic group -- other than Arabs (or Muslims for that matter) -- that commits the same type or atrocities or even worse, they're called 'aggressors'. The importance of wordage can never be underestimated.

CNN reporting its journalists saw 6 Egyptian fuel trucks entering Gaza from at the Rafah border. Camera man has seen "critical aid" crossing the border.
Wordage does indeed matter. This former deputy foreign minister is trying to push the old Trump “deal of the century” as their offer to make Gaza a Singapore. But not before they will level all of Gaza; “They make a desert and call it peace”.

The plan already rejected by Abbas. To turn Palestine permanently into a “Bantu-stans”

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US and UK rejected and vetoed the vote on a draft resolution at security council to immediate ceasefire in Israel/Gaza war.

Update on this, this draft resolution was tabled by Russia.

A second draft resolution has been tabled by Brazil, no update on the outcome of the vote yet.
UN Operations in Gaza on verge of collapse!
"Gaza is being strangled and it seems that the world right now has lost its humanity," said United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) commissioner-general Philippe Lazzarini.

"There is not one drop of water, not one grain of wheat, not a litre of fuel that has been allowed into the Gaza Strip for the last eight days."

The number of people seeking shelter in UNRWA facilities is also rising, with Mr Lazzarini saying:
  • "We do not have any more capacity to deal with them."
  • "Every story coming out of Gaza is about survival, despair and loss. 
  • "Thousands of people have been killed, including children and women.  Gaza is now even running out of body bags."
  • He described one situation where hundreds of people are sharing a single toilet
  • "Old people, children, pregnant women, people with disabilities are just being deprived of their basic human dignity, and this is a total disgrace," he said,
  • Most of the organisation's 13,000 staff have been displaced, and 14 employees have been killed.
  • "An unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding under our eyes," Mr Lazzarini added.
  • "Unless we bring now supplies into Gaza, UNRWA and aid workers will not be able to continue humanitarian operations.  
  • "The UNRWA operations is the largest United Nations footprint in the Gaza Strip and we are on the verge of collapse."
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