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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Airstrikes on Gaza on the 10th of October 2023 could be seen using LanSat 2 as clearly noticed in this image below:
hats why you have been in bunkers every year and i've been enjoying my coffee watching you be misrable and crawl on you feet, EVERY YEAR.

thats why from Syria to Lebanon and Palestine to even Yemen and Iraq have their fingers on the trigger.

yeah all those missiles they have? who do you think provides them? from pin-point accurate ballistic nightmares in Lebanon and Yemen to heavy rockets in Palestine.
Bolded part. Correct!
Somehow, Israelis, with their so vulnerable geography, thought they could not repeat Custer's Last Stand against the Native Americans! Only hubris would guide someone to that conclusion!! And I have deliberately mentioned Custer because I have seen Israelis mock Americans by saying that 'Well, you did that same to the Native Americans!'.

A full scale war is not required from Lebanon and Syria, only an insurgency is required for three years to tire out and exhaust Israel. @Mehdipersian @mulj @AsianLion

Correct it to three months. Did you not see the clip I posted above? Even in Jerusalem, the Israeli Knesset session had to be postponed today. I think Hezbollah made Israel negotiate for unfavorable terms in just 6 weeks in 2006. I still remember the EU lady some Ms. Ashton, who negotiated the ceasefire as saying that 'Not everyone will get what they want' out of this ceasefire.
Consider what that minister said, a sizable number of Palestinians will never leave, knowing they will not be allowed back in, no matter what is promised, if they leave. Having said that, the death toll of the people deprived of basic needs will keep going up.

To find the number of total dead due to Covid we counted the number of excess deaths over the numbers from the previous years. The longer this conflict drags on day after day, week after week, month after month, even in the absence of direct fighting, the death toll from people with chronic conditions, on dialysis machines, babies with no electricity in incubators, etc. will keep happening. They will all be attributed to the siege. Now that the world’s attention is back on Palestine, and especially if Gaza is occupied with IDF troops with a Palestinian population there, there will be more deaths, on both sides, considering what the people are going through.

Long term, a PLO type government could work, because like Afghanistan, no outside power can nor wants to govern it, but only if it’s part of an actual two state solution (possibly with a tunnel between Gaza and the West Bank to make it contiguous). Concessions on the edges won’t work anymore. Israel hasn’t talked in any substantial manner, with the PLO for 10 years.

The risk of spillover to the region is also high. Deterrence can only be restored if the PLO can deliver a state, and the Iran back groups lose their main appeal.

For the west, the long this conflict continues, especially now that the unipolar moment is over, China is waiting in the wings to remake the global order as Xi told Putin. The reputation (and influence) of the US is also on the line, as an honest broker and balanced partner.

For the Palestinians, a tent city in their own country is better than being third class refugees in the surrounding countries. At least in Gaza they will be visible and the rebuilding funding from the GCC will come soon enough. If a PLO government is in charge, I could see the GCC could fund 1-2 desalination plant(s), a second power plant (with a certain amount of free oil/gas), and port that is run by the perhaps the UAE, covering the need for water, electricity, and the importing of food, medical products and consumer goods. Making them no longer dependent on Israel nor Egypt.

But all this will be for naught if the Palestinians don’t get a real state, not the Swiss cheese that was previously offered to them.

There is also the danger, the longer this goes on, of US forces getting drawn into this fight to take out Iranian backed groups in Syria and Iraq (and possibly Lebanon).
Well, you left out what Israel response is. And that's a big one.

Israel will not accept any two state solution if Hamas or Hamas like organisation continue to exist not just inside Gaza or West Bank, but also around them, they will see that as existential threat and if those aren't deal with, there are virtually no chance on a Palestinian state, don't forget since 2005 withdraw, it's Palestinian who themselves elected Hamas as their government in Gaza, which to the Israeli, they can't be trusted this is not going to happen again, and a state government by or even co-existed by an organisation that wanted nothing more than the entire Israel gone is not in any way acceptable to Israel. That is the bar it will have, and the west are not going to be big enough of any kind of influence to change the Israeli mind, because that would mean you basically asked Israeli to pack up and leave. That's what we Hispanic used to say "No Way Jose"

And while I would see GCC or even Muslim country in general (such as Pakistan or Indonesia) may donate something to Gaza but I don't see anything substantial that would build Gaza back to what it used to be, and that was not a good state to begin with, again, whether you believe or not, Gaza existence are actually heavily depends on Israel, the Israeli saw this as extending an olive tree after 2005 and supply Gazan what they need, as they pointed out, they pulled back after 2005, by international law, they are no longer the occupying force in Gaza, which mean they don't need to supply jack shit to Gaza, but instead they keep food, water and electricity flowing into Gaza, and that is going to be changed, so unless Egypt or some other state (and in electricity case, it has to be Egypt) want to take this on as their pet project, I don't see that strip can be habitable in the next 10-20 years. There aren't going to governmental works functioning inside Gaza after Israel pull back out again, there will not be a single functioning hospital, police station, sanitation facilities in Gaza and you can't possibly have 2 million residents (or however many left after this war) without any amenity would mostly not end up well in Gaza. and I am not talking about not being to be able to play Fortnite kind of bad.

China on the other hand, have extensive dealing with Israel, I can't see why they will stick their head out and call this one for either Israel or Palestinian, there is a reason why China don't even care to call a UNSC meeting, China can do Iran-Saudi because they have cordial relationship with Iran, they don't really have a relationship with Palestine. You are asking them to risk 300 billion trades with Israeli to help Palestine which they have 0 investment. Maybe after this war China may shift? I don't know, but coming from a Chinese background, I know one thing for sure, China will not stick their head out unless there are something in it for them. Well, I don't think you need to be Chinese to understand this concept anyway.

On the other hand, unlike the US, which can intervene in any party on their behalf, China can't as they have no asset in the region, so China wouldn't be able to enforce anything from the peace deal, which making it a moot point to begin with. Because if so, then all that is left is words from both side, which I don't see much value anyway.

The best Palestinian can hope for is a GCC intervention, but I don't think that is likely GCC or even Egypt, which is a must, will take this matter into their own hands.
An Palestinian EMT performs chest compressions on a casualty in Gaza... Yet the world sits on the side-lines with a gormless look of bewilderment. Silence is complicity.
Cope cages on merkava tanks after precise attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah which eliminated many Zionists terrorists
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