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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I checked and found no facts to support Zionist claims. If the children were burned to death, why not first say that Hamas burned the children to death, but then say that it beheaded 40 children?

Is this is how it is going to be played ? people lying about our civilans that where murdered ?

From now on when ever they do it i am just going to post the same reply over and over again , so the story of how those people died would stick in their heads !

i see not why i should work hard and come up with a new answer for every idiot.

I will briefly describe it because this pattern repeated itself in all towns and settlements that Hamas entered. :

It started with a bombing all along the border. The people of those towns are used to that and they all went into their bombs shelters. Shortly after Hamas arrived.

Now all those bomb shelters have Iron doors for protection, Unfortunaltly those Iron doors can be opened both from the inside and outside , so people can be rescued of the shelter is hit.

This is important cause shortly after there was a struggle in each house. when those terorists tried to get into the shelters and people inside where trying to hold the doors.

They moved from house to house , in many cases placed burned wheel tires next to the doors and tried to smoke people out. Some people choked to death , some burned alive , some got out and shot amd some taken hostage.

Now this is not something i read online , we all heard the cries of those inside the shelters live , calling for help on their cell phones describing how there are locked in , how smoke is coming in and than the lines went dead.

More than 110 people died in that fasion in kibbutz beeri alone , and this is just one settlement out of many

As Secratery of state Blinken described it :

" Any - no country - no country - can accept the proposition that terrorists can come in, slaughter - and I use the word very advisedly - slaughter thousands of its citizens, riddling babies with bullets, burning people alive, decapitating soldiers, executing children in front of their parents, executing parents in front of their children - no country can tolerate this. "

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Turkey is a powerful military but they lack long range surface to surface missiles and this limits them to a 500 KM effective range. (current missiles can reach targets up to 500 KM). I am not including the (under development weapons).
Also, Turkey does not have the capacity to deploy large forces in scale near Israel, it would risk being shot down. Iran already has the infrastructure in place. This is why Iran is the player in the Palestinian issue, and this is why Israel and the US have sanctioned Iran for the past 40 years.

TAYFUN Ballistic Missile is delivered for the first time in 2019 and already in mass production with range of up to 800 km

from Hatay-Turkiye to Tel Aviv-Israel ( 470 km )

Turkiye spent $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim Countries instead of giving military aid to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH

Turkiye doesnt give weapons to HAMAS or HEZBOLLAH

but Turkiye can give dozens of game changer weapons to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH or SNA in Syria to destroy even DIMONA nuclear power plant in Israel and Israeli GAS facilities in the Eastern Mediterranean

100 unmanned Kamikaze USVs will be enough to harm even American Aircraft Carrier


but this is not our war .... Turkiye is neutral now

Iran directly support and give military technologies to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH
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I've noticed how cunningly some members are suggesting that there maybe a chance of peace once Israel overtakes Gaza and Hamas is destroyed. They are trying their level best for people to give up their support for Palestine and trust Israel for peace lol.

The Gaza Israeli war has exposed many people, the muslim leadership is naked, Usa who always tried to make big statements is now openly sending their aircraft carriers in support of israeli genocide, the arab countries are bowing down to Israel for peace treaty.

Keep in mind, Israel creation was planned to control the Middle East and they are only deceiving the people, sometimes pretending to be the peace makers with vicious designs. Slowly they all will be exposed. The people need to decide if they want to be on the right side of history.

People say why God punishes people, this is the exact reason, when certain people are given power, they misuse it and cause chaos when we all can live in peace. Israel has been given a state after 2000 years but they go back to their old ways of causing destruction.

Indeed their end is near
View attachment 962522
Omar Mukhtar (RA) was a great man and a great warrior. A symbol for every Muslim soul that fights for honor and freedom.
Blinken is on his way back to zion with what is most likely a negotiated offer to not interfere with the aid through the crossing first and then the dual citizens can be allowed to leave. That's my guess as of now.

But setting up a tent city for 1.2 million Palestinians in Sinai is absurd, of course. It'll never happen. Just like that host who asked the zionist why should they cross into Egypt when they should make that tent city INSIDE Israel and the zionist didn't know what to say.

Bottom line, if they leave Gaza, it's over for them. They'll never be allowed to go back just like the refugees from 48 and their right to return was and still is being denied. I'm astonished that some people still don't get that or chose not to accept that fact. It's mind-numbing. That should tell you why they think that way.

Yeah,, under no circumstances can Egypt allow the Palestinians to be ethnically cleansed

Demographics favour the Palestinians, and in couple of more decades the situation for the Jews will be irredeemable

Whatever happens beyond dual passport holders etc no one can leave Gaza and the aim would be to utilise this to put massive pressure on the west, the world and Israel that we can't go back to Occupation, the norm.is no longer acceptable or tolerable

Personally I understand Egypts issues, I would personally like that Egypt shows some balls and makes some aggressive statements or even sends in weapons to help Palestinians hit the IDF
But if Egypt bends and allows the ethnic states of Palestinians that would be awful

Just remember

Average age of Palestinian is 19
Average age of Jew in Israel is 43

The future is Palestine and they can't keep the Palestinians under occupation forever
I've noticed how cunningly some members are suggesting that there maybe a chance of peace once Israel overtakes Gaza and Hamas is destroyed. They are trying their level best for people to give up their support for Palestine and trust Israel for peace lol.

The Gaza Israeli war has exposed many people, the muslim leadership is naked, Usa who always tried to make big statements is now openly sending their aircraft carriers in support of israeli genocide, the arab countries are bowing down to Israel for peace treaty.

Keep in mind, Israel creation was planned to control the Middle East and they are only deceiving the people, sometimes pretending to be the peace makers with vicious designs. Slowly they all will be exposed. The people need to decide if they want to be on the right side of history.

People say why God punishes people, this is the exact reason, when certain people are given power, they misuse it and cause chaos when we all can live in peace. Israel has been given a state after 2000 years but they go back to their old ways of causing destruction.

Indeed their end is near
View attachment 962522
Israeli destruction with statements? Literally no country has claimed that it will wipe out Israel, sink American fleets, and send Americans back to their homeland but one and you know which one.

Statements should have meaning and not be empty to give the impression of being mighty only to show otherwise.
TAYFUN Ballistic Missile is delivered for the first time in 2019 and already in mass production with range of up to 800 km

from Hatay-Turkiye to Tel Aviv-Israel ( 470 km )View attachment 962490

Turkiye spent $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim Countries instead of giving military aid to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH

Turkiye doesnt give weapons to HAMAS or HEZBOLLAH

but Turkiye can give dozens of game changer weapons to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH or SNA in Syria to destroy even DIMONA nuclear power plant in Israel and Israeli GAS facilities in the Eastern Mediterranean

100 unmanned Kamikaze USVs will be enough to harm even American Aircraft Carrier
View attachment 962559
View attachment 962560

but this is not our war .... Turkiye is neutral
Will you ever shut up and stop repeatative nonsense? Why do you have urge to announce that you're still around. You are munafeeq
TAYFUN Ballistic Missile is delivered for the first time in 2019 and already in mass production with range of up to 800 km

from Hatay-Turkiye to Tel Aviv-Israel ( 470 km )View attachment 962490

Turkiye spent $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim Countries instead of giving military aid to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH

Turkiye doesnt give weapons to HAMAS or HEZBOLLAH

but Turkiye can give dozens of game changer weapons to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH or SNA in Syria to destroy even DIMONA nuclear power plant in Israel and Israeli GAS facilities in the Eastern Mediterranean

100 unmanned Kamikaze USVs will be enough to harm even American Aircraft Carrier
View attachment 962559
View attachment 962560

but this is not our war .... Turkiye is neutral now

Iran directly support and give military technologies to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH
you do know dimonia nuclear reactor is mostly underground?
Let's hope this is true. It's only from a comment posted on another outlet but I haven't verified the source yet. If anyone else can confirm, that would be appreciated.

CAIRO, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Egypt, Israel and the U.S. agreed to a ceasefire in southern Gaza to begin at 0600 GMT coinciding with the re-opening of the Rafah border crossing, two Egyptian security sources said on Monday.

Anyone know if this is true? If so, this has the potential to really ignite the volatile situation. There is actually a "registry"?

Will you ever shut up and stop repeatative nonsense? Why do you have urge to announce that you're still around. You are munafeeq

Shut up and go to fight Israel instead of babbling on PDF

This is not our war and I congratulate the Turkish political mind which acting as a mediator for peace

finally ERDOGAN stopped repetitive nonsense " Eyyy Israel "
Shut up and go to fight Israel instead of babbling on PDF

This is not our war and I congratulate the Turkish political mind

finally ERDOGAN stopped repetitive nonsense " Eyyy Israel "
Shut up autistic moron, what are you even talk about? Munafeeq and big thick munafeeq you are. I was fighting in Bosnia you donkey. You little autistic idiot, why do you publish your photos here? Tayfun missile and Turkish arsenal has something to with this topic? What ? On Turkish forum no one watching your autistic psychotic episodes? Shut the F donkey
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