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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hey, I am going by your narrative. You so angry in response. :undecided:
I do not dare to post faces of martyred mother and kids of Gaza in this thread anymore. It is destroying me, others are doing the job. At least they are unveiling what west was trying to hide about true nature of Israel. God bless them.

Going through some posts such as yours is like pouring sult on one's open bleeding scar and laughing at his face.

You Have spammed this disgusting image mocking a dead Israeli baby over and over again no less than 20 times, from now on your spams will be answered in the same spam manner , if the modes here accept your behavior i see not why not to reply to each of your spam in the same manner.

Show the same respect you expect to be shown to your victims !

By all means , look for sympathy for your people that is more than legitimate.

But dont lie about what hapened or try to undermine what happened.

I will briefly descrined it because this pattern repeated itself in all towns and settlements that Hamas entered.

It started with a bombing all along the border. The people of those towns are used to that and they all went into their bombs shelter. Shortly after Hamas arrived.

Now all those bomb shelters have Iron doors for protection, Unfortunaltly those Iron doors can be opened both from the inside and outside , so people can be rescued of the shelter is hit.

This is important cause shortly after there was a struggle in each house. when those terorists tried to get into the shelters and people inside where trying to hold the doors.

They moved from house to house , in many cases placed burned wheel tires next to the doors and tried to smoke people out. Some people choked to death , some burned alive , some got out and shot amd some taken hostage.

Now this is not something i read online , we all heard the cries of those inside the shelters live , calling for help on their cell phones describing how there are locked in , how smoke is coming in and than the lines went dead.

As Secratery of state Blinken described it :

" Any - no country - no country - can accept the proposition that terrorists can come in, slaughter - and I use the word very advisedly - slaughter thousands of its citizens, riddling babies with bullets, burning people alive, decapitating soldiers, executing children in front of their parents, executing parents in front of their children - no country can tolerate this. "


Douglas Murray on Proportionality of Response​

On proportionality :

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza ( and good luck finding one ... ) and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke. "

See the interview here :

this cunt parrot dougles murrey well known idiot from GB, british pakistanis know who is that idiot and he exoects to be taken seriously.
this cunt parrot dougles murrey well known idiot from GB, british pakistanis know who is that idiot and he exoects to be taken seriously.

Dont know him but what he said make sense :

Douglas Murray on Proportionality of Response​

On proportionality :

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza ( and good luck finding one ... ) and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke. "

See the interview here :

Dont know him but what he said make sense :

Douglas Murray on Proportionality of Response​

On proportionality :

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza ( and good luck finding one ... ) and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke. "

See the interview here :

i know him, he is coward who is running away from any muslim to debate on any given topic and has no relevancy beside far right wings in britain.
you are in desperate situation regarding propaganda if you need to quote and reffer to persons like him.
Palestinians have ignored previous plans for a two state solution. Maybe the UN needs to come up with a final plan for that.

The arabs needs to learn to coexist with others.
This sort of thing had happened before, in Lebanon, with the Christians.
Gee wonder why. There seems to be a correlation of being a pure fucking evil child killer and people hating you.
Agree just like what most Muslims say your "evil" Chinese government is doing to the poor innocent muslim Uygurs and putting them in concentration like Camps.
Hopefully they too will be free one day like Palestinians.
Agree just like what most Muslims say your "evil" Chinese government is doing to the poor innocent muslim Uygurs and putting them in concentration like Camps.
Hopefully they too will be free one day like Palestinians.
debunked, in contrasts you did indeed put people into concentration camps.
But if the Palestine Liberation Organization that represent the Palestinian people as their legitimate and sole representative then why Gazan didnt vote for them in Gaza. PLOs cuck abu mazen.

Also IDF and Settlers shot Palestinians in Westbank now. So one has to ask what function "PLO" even has. What i can see is PLO is only talking bullshit since 30 years and rubbing itself while Westbank vanishs.
In the long run, the IRGC will probably take over that cause too.
Pakistan has proven themselves incompetent and unwilling to properly aid to the level that the Quds force does.
Iran will likely find itself at odds with India in the coming decades due to the rising power of India and its use as a proxy factor to control US enemies like Iran
Kashmiris are sufficient and strong enough to fight and give india hell. Even weapons and logistics isn’t an issue. The issue is literally Pak establishment tryna put every group on a leash and restricting the movement of mujahideen in AJK. If AJK is given free hand then the people of AJK and IOJK would themselves free IOJK from the clutches of india.
There is a reason that Kashmir is called little Iran. Nothing will remain stable, tactics will change, priorities will change. Kashmir will never lose its place. Mark it
Idk about the little Iran part but any support from Muslims to Kashmir cause is always welcomed and supported. Even if no one helps them they will eventually free them selves.
It’s time the Ummah helps Muslims liberate areas from the clutches of Kuffar. Be it israel, india or usa. They must learn the consequences of messing with Muslims.
You Have spammed this disgusting image mocking a dead Israeli baby over and over again no less than 20 times, from now on your spams will be answered in the same spam manner , if the modes here accept your behavior i see not why not to reply to each of your spam in the same manner.

Show the same respect you expect to be shown to your victims !

By all means , look for sympathy for your people that is more than legitimate.

But dont lie about what hapened or try to undermine what happened.

I will briefly descrined it because this pattern repeated itself in all towns and settlements that Hamas entered.

It started with a bombing all along the border. The people of those towns are used to that and they all went into their bombs shelter. Shortly after Hamas arrived.

Now all those bomb shelters have Iron doors for protection, Unfortunaltly those Iron doors can be opened both from the inside and outside , so people can be rescued of the shelter is hit.

This is important cause shortly after there was a struggle in each house. when those terorists tried to get into the shelters and people inside where trying to hold the doors.

They moved from house to house , in many cases placed burned wheel tires next to the doors and tried to smoke people out. Some people choked to death , some burned alive , some got out and shot amd some taken hostage.

Now this is not something i read online , we all heard the cries of those inside the shelters live , calling for help on their cell phones describing how there are locked in , how smoke is coming in and than the lines went dead.

As Secratery of state Blinken described it :

" Any - no country - no country - can accept the proposition that terrorists can come in, slaughter - and I use the word very advisedly - slaughter thousands of its citizens, riddling babies with bullets, burning people alive, decapitating soldiers, executing children in front of their parents, executing parents in front of their children - no country can tolerate this. "


Douglas Murray on Proportionality of Response​

On proportionality :

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza ( and good luck finding one ... ) and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke. "

See the interview here :


How is the urban warfare in Gaza going?
Also IDF and Settlers shot Palestinians in Westbank now. So one has to ask what function "PLO" even has. What i can see is PLO is only talking bullshit since 30 years and rubbing itself while Westbank vanishs.
most stupid and corrupt fraction of palestinian resistance, their responsibility is huge for tragedy that palestinians suffer, they sold their soul to the occupier legitimizing them.
Palestinians have ignored previous plans for a two state solution. Maybe the UN needs to come up with a final plan for that.

The arabs needs to learn to coexist with others.
This sort of thing had happened before, in Lebanon, with the Christians.
There is no basis for two state solution. If I break into your house and you go to court, the judge won’t divide your house. That’s not how it works.
Only one side will emerge victorious in this war.
Muslims have been promised victory in this.
The Washington Post published an article alleging that during Blinken's visit to Saudi Arabia, the crown prince kept him waiting for several hours. At the same time, the meeting itself was supposed to take place in the evening, but the prince appeared only the next morning. The humiliation did not end there. As soon as the meeting began, the Crown Prince demanded an end to the siege of Gaza, as well as any military operations.
My advice is do not beleive these stories. They might have been manufactured as a face saving for Saudis. They never stand up to the Americans. If they do, then Americans can make this "crown prince" lose his job within no time.
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