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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Yeah , Using your logic Israel oppressing Palestinian have been debunked by some as well. 😆 To each his own I guess. 😆
how so? only debunking your media outlets do are parroting lines from zionists and almost always got debunked with facts, are you that numb not seeing flaws in pattern?
Oh yeah, of course. It had nothing to do with modernizing the air force with the best available fighter outside the US. It had everything to do with bribing Macron and the French to gain their support that's why the EAF has also ordered an additional 30 Rafales coming in 2024 because the French must be bribed 10 years after Morsi is ousted, yep. And the plan to increase the numbers to a potential 75 or 100 aircraft by 2030, 17 years after Morsi is the vig on the bribe, yep, makes all the sense in the world.

Oh, almost forgot - part of that bribe is the navy signing a deal with France for one of the best frigates and a local assembly of 3 out of 4 Gowind corvettes not to modernize the navy to help secure all the EEZ and newly discovered gas fields or the Red Sea or anything like that. Same with the $1.1 billion spent of the two Mistrals, that's right! Sisi actually bought those so he could rapidly deploy his loyal military anywhere along Egypt's coast to crush any protest or uprising against him. Yes, I remember the geniuses on YouTube and from the temporary MB radio channel out of Turkey saying that hahaha. It was all about bribery for the precious French "support" to spend all that money, but not to modernize all those military branches and double the strength of the military in light of what happened in Syria & Libya. Some great, goofy conspiracy theory made up by those silly anti-Sisi MB supporting Egyptians I tell ya. :tup: Glad they kept us entertained for a little while. :lol:

1- you do know rafale have no meteors .
2- fremm deals are down graded version, and they have sealed 16 cells


and they removed many important equipment like nettuno.

3- you know gowind deal is down graded and equipped with MICA VL instead of Aster 15, the qatari version is way better than us.
local assembly? lol good joke ...

4-you know that the 2 mistrals are sitting ducks, french never equipped them with air defense system and the egyptian army had to deploy avengers on top of it.

5- u-209 submarines are old versions and israel already knows their signature underwater.

didn't you really know all of this?

Douglas Murray on Proportionality of Response​

On proportionality :

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza ( and good luck finding one ... ) and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke. "

See the interview here :

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Yeah , Using your logic Israel oppressing Palestinian have been debunked by some as well. 😆 To each his own I guess. 😆
How do you feel or you nation feels now? I mean will you people support ukraine vs russia , or israel vs arabs or taiwan vs china or s.korea vs n.korea or how to stop iran nuclear program .. your europe and america is in deep shit , right?
You Have spammed this disgusting image mocking a dead Israeli baby over and over again no less than 20 times, from now on your spam will be answered in the same spam manner , if the modes here accept your behavior i see not why not to reply to each of your spam in the same manner.

Show the same respect you expect to be shown to your victims !

By all means , look for sympathy for your people that is more than legitimate.

But dont lie about what hapened or try to undermine what happened.

I will briefly describe it because this pattern repeated itself in all towns and settlements that Hamas entered.

It started with a bombing all along the border. The people of those towns are used to that and they all went into their bombs shelter. Shortly after Hamas arrived.

Now all those bomb shelters have Iron doors for protection, Unfortunaltly those Iron doors can be opened both from the inside and outside , so people can be rescued of the shelter is hit.

This is important cause shortly after there was a struggle in each house. when those terorists tried to get into the shelters and people inside where trying to hold the doors.

They moved from house to house , in many cases placed burned wheel tires next to the doors and tried to smoke people out. Some people choked to death , some burned alive , some got out and shot amd some taken hostage.

Now this is not something i read online , we all heard the cries of those inside the shelters live , calling for help on their cell phones describing how there are locked in , how smoke is coming in and than the lines went dead.

As Secratery of state Blinken described it :

" Any - no country - no country - can accept the proposition that terrorists can come in, slaughter - and I use the word very advisedly - slaughter thousands of its citizens, riddling babies with bullets, burning people alive, decapitating soldiers, executing children in front of their parents, executing parents in front of their children - no country can tolerate this. "


Douglas Murray on Proportionality of Response​

On proportionality :

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza ( and good luck finding one ... ) and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke. "

See the interview here :

reported for trolling and gaslighting.
I do not dare to post faces of martyred mother and kids of Gaza in this thread anymore. It is destroying me, others are doing the job. At least they are unveiling what west was trying to hide about true nature of Israel. God bless them.

Going through some posts such as yours is like pouring sult on one's open bleeding scar and laughing at his face.
Just ignore trolling.
Not surprising Israeli’s memory starts with Hamas committing terrorism on a rave party yet in 2023 alone, 200+ Palestinians have been martyred at the hands of IDF.
that terrorist acusation remains to be proven by entity which is not under the control by occupiers, rest of the post are facts.
@LeGenD @RescueRanger @PanzerKiel

This begs a question.

Which force (multinational or UN or some military/semi-military/private of any country) can legally enter Palestine while IDF will not engage it, legally, or a war will start between Israel and that country.
Law of Armed Conflict, it would have to be a multilaterally agreed peace keeping force. Or observer group. So ultimately the UN.
You Have spammed this disgusting image mocking a dead Israeli baby over and over again no less than 20 times, from now on your spam will be answered in the same spam manner , if the modes here accept your behavior i see not why not to reply to each of your spam in the same manner.

Show the same respect you expect to be shown to your victims !

By all means , look for sympathy for your people that is more than legitimate.

But dont lie about what hapened or try to undermine what happened.

I will briefly describe it because this pattern repeated itself in all towns and settlements that Hamas entered.

It started with a bombing all along the border. The people of those towns are used to that and they all went into their bombs shelter. Shortly after Hamas arrived.

Now all those bomb shelters have Iron doors for protection, Unfortunaltly those Iron doors can be opened both from the inside and outside , so people can be rescued of the shelter is hit.

This is important cause shortly after there was a struggle in each house. when those terorists tried to get into the shelters and people inside where trying to hold the doors.

They moved from house to house , in many cases placed burned wheel tires next to the doors and tried to smoke people out. Some people choked to death , some burned alive , some got out and shot amd some taken hostage.

Now this is not something i read online , we all heard the cries of those inside the shelters live , calling for help on their cell phones describing how there are locked in , how smoke is coming in and than the lines went dead.

As Secratery of state Blinken described it :

" Any - no country - no country - can accept the proposition that terrorists can come in, slaughter - and I use the word very advisedly - slaughter thousands of its citizens, riddling babies with bullets, burning people alive, decapitating soldiers, executing children in front of their parents, executing parents in front of their children - no country can tolerate this. "


Douglas Murray on Proportionality of Response​

On proportionality :

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza ( and good luck finding one ... ) and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke. "

See the interview here :

one question and I'm serious not joking.

why israelis always accuse people against them they are (antisemities) .. the only semities people left are the arabs in gulf countries plus Yemen... how come the european, african and asian jews claim to be semities?
There is no basis for two state solution. If I break into your house and you go to court, the judge won’t divide your house. That’s not how it works.
Only one side will emerge victorious in this war.
Muslims have been promised victory in this.
Israelis got that land fair and square from the people ruling those lands.

Arabs attacked them and lost.
Multiple times. This led to Israelis capturing more land.

Palestinians are arabs, and that's not the only land they have. They have options. Jews don't.

I understand your religious hatred, because I have read some of your books. But this world is more than just religion.

Finally, Israel has a much greater contribution to advancement of humanity/ science/ research than the Arabs. That alone, should be enough to them have a place, in peace.
Israelis got that land fair and square from the people ruling those lands.

Arabs attacked them and lost.
Multiple times. This led to Israelis capturing more land.

Palestinians are arabs, and that's not the only land they have. They have options. Jews don't.

I understand your religious hatred, because I have read some of your books. But this world is more than just religion.

Finally, Israel has a much greater contribution to advancement of humanity/ science/ research than the Arabs. That alone, should be enough to them have a place, in peace.
Muslims got india fair and squre , 200 million muslims in india need to have their independent country, they must take a piece of india.
Sikhs need to have their own country, they must take piece of india.
Dont know him but what he said make sense :

Douglas Murray on Proportionality of Response​

On proportionality :

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza ( and good luck finding one ... ) and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke. "

See the interview here :

How does any of this make sense? A three second Google search tells you that the principle of proportionality is 'the idea that an action should not be more severe than is necessary, especially in a war or when punishing someone for a crime.' His own childish interpretation of proportionality is simply a red-herring attempt to deflect from the fact that what Israel is doing and is about to do in Gaza is obviously not proportionate.
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