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Gaza fighters now using tank-piercing missiles

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Oct 18, 2010
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Gaza fighters now using tank-piercing missiles

JERUSALEM: Israel will deploy tanks equipped with a miniature missile-defense system along the Gaza border in the coming weeks now that Palestinians are using a sophisticated, tank-piercing missile, defense officials said Wednesday.

Violence has been escalating along the Gaza border in recent weeks, and Israel's military chief disclosed Tuesday that fighters from the Palestinian coastal strip had for the first time fired a Kornet missile earlier this month and that it penetrated an Israeli tank.

Gaza's Hamas rulers have not confirmed or denied possessing the missiles.

Israeli officials say the Gaza fighters who once relied on crude, locally made projectiles, have steadily acquired more powerful and accurate missiles produced overseas.

The Israeli defense officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss such matters publicly, alleged the laser-guided Kornet had come from Iran. They provided no proof and it was not clear how the missiles were delivered. Hamas, which has close ties with Iran, controls a network of smuggling tunnels along Gaza's southern border with Egypt.

"We are talking about a powerful missile, one of the most dangerous in the battlefield," Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi told a parliamentary committee Tuesday. He added the missile did not explode inside the tank, and no one was hurt.

But after this attack, the military decided to move to the Gaza border dozens of tanks equipped with the Israel-developed "Trophy" system, which detects incoming projectiles and shoots them down before they reach armored vehicles.

Production of the Trophy was stepped up after Kornet missiles fired by Hezbollah destroyed or damaged several dozens Israeli tanks during a 2006 war.

The Trophy has not yet been tried on the battlefield, though the Defense Ministry says it has been tested successfully against a variety of weapons, including Kornets.

The Kornet — made in Russia and sold widely overseas — is the most advanced weapon believed to be in the hands of Gaza fighters. In use since the mid-1990s, it is capable of penetrating armor up to four feet (1,200 mm) thick and has a range of about almost 5.5 km. It carries a warhead of 22 pounds (10 kg).

Because it was designed to puncture multiple layers of armor, "this missile knows how to penetrate modern tanks," said Yaakov Amidror, a retired Israeli general.

"It is a very accurate missile. That means our tanks that enter Gaza or move along the Gaza border are in much greater danger."

Amidror added. "The military will have to move more quickly than it expected to bring in tanks with anti-tank cover that intercepts incoming missiles. That's the Trophy."

Israeli media have said the cost of deploying the Trophy is about $200,000 per tank. The Defense Ministry company that produces the system would say only that the price is a "small fraction" of a tank's overall cost.

The US and Russia are developing similar systems, but the Israeli one is believed to be the first to be deployed on the battlefield.

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Gaza fighters now using tank-piercing missiles - Arab News

I personally like this news.
The Gazaians have right to destroy the army taking illegal control of their land.
now......i wonder who supplied these tank piercing missels to hezbollah......i would like to make preceptions...but i dont think my preceptions are welcome ......
I personally like this news.
The Gazaians have right to destroy the army taking illegal control of their land.
I think you are confused or misinformed. The "army taking illegal control of their land" is the same Hamas which has the missiles. Hamas illegally seized control of Gaza from the Palestinian Authority a few years ago.
Israel's military chief disclosed Tuesday that fighters from the Palestinian coastal strip had for the first time fired a Kornet missile earlier this month and that it penetrated an Israeli tank.

"We are talking about a powerful missile, one of the most dangerous in the battlefield," Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi told a parliamentary committee Tuesday. He added the missile did not explode inside the tank, and no one was hurt.

But after this attack, the military decided to move to the Gaza border dozens of tanks equipped with the Israel-developed "Trophy" system, which detects incoming projectiles and shoots them down before they reach armored vehicles.

I personally like this news.
The Gazaians have right to destroy the army taking illegal control of their land.
May ALLAH help Mujahideen!

that is great for Gaza Mujahiddin....

Insha Allah this terrorist State of Israel will be no more on the map of the world one day..... And thats very near Insha Allah....

Lol, for all your wishes, Merkava is still a formidable tank which can take a lot of punishment!! Merkava IV is another beast altogether!

The best anti-tank missile just about managed to do little damage to the Merkava tank. The crew were not harmed, speaks volumes about the tank's capabilities! Just imagine what the latest Merkava IV with the "trophy" system can do! Render the hamas missiles useless!!

Please to be continuing with your stupid delusional "support" of Hezzies and Hamases!!
I think you are confused or misinformed. The "army taking illegal control of their land" is the same Hamas which has the missiles. Hamas illegally seized control of Gaza from the Palestinian Authority a few years ago.

All that has happened is between Hammas and the government.
Israel has no right in interfering between them.

How would you like when Pakistan army comes to US, if there are rebels, and kill you citizens 'accidently' ??
When Markava was introduced, Israelis had similar claims but Allah say,

"And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah."

and we all know what happened to Markava! Now they talk of Trophy? Keep watching what will happen to them! I don't know how many lives will be sacrificed to gain victory over them, I just know the results.. Israel is made to be conquered!
India the No 1 world's weapon importer has also purchased the more lethal javelin anti tank missiles which strike tanks from the air. So why the freedom fighters from Gaza could not buy the kornet in view of defending the holy palestinian territory from the Israeli military intrusion as well as from illegtal jewish settlement. The current embargo on Gaza is killing children and women, is this not a crime against humanity and abuse of human rights, so where is the nobel prize committee, where is the UN etc:pakistan::china:
u r wrong hamas was elected by gaza ppl


They were elected in the beginning to a majority in the parliament. However they did not control the executive branch where their style of Government has the true power. When Hamas tried to hold Abbas hostage to their demands he called new elections as was his right under their law. Hamas didn't like this and overthrew the Government at gunpoint.

Now Hamas will not allow any resemblance of a fair election. They know that the people who voted them in as a protest against Palestinian Authority corruption. Now would most likely vote them out. why? Because of the destruction and suffering they have brought to the people.

Hamas may have anti-tank missiles from Iran now. But using them will simply bring even more misery to the people in any Israeli counter response.

There is another Gaza war coming, it is simply a matter of when. And this time I think the last one will pale in comparison. Israel does have the ability to completely take over Gaza again. Would the cost be high? Yes! But at this point it might be better for them to do to Hamas what they did to the Palestinian Authority fighters in Lebanon back in 1982. They can then allow the Palestinian Authority back into Gaza and rebuild the infrastructure.
Bharati members should keep this in mind that they are ON a Pakistani forum and for us, neither the Afghan resistance is terrorists nor the Palestinian and Kashmiri.

They all are fighting to get their land back from the occupiers.


I would like to request Mods to please take some action against people calling Palestinian freedom fighters as Terrorists.

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