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Gays, Lesbians To Stage Protest On India’s Republic Day -Demand Equal Rights, Reversal Of Recent Ban

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Supreme Court verdict was correct. I believe we should not criminalize homosexuality but also not legalize or indirectly promote it, let it stay in the closet

I completely agree with you. Hijra community is another issue but promoting homos will make the society an abnormal society. Every here and there will be Gay friendly environment like Saudi Arabia. That country indirectly promotes gays by criminalizing mixing between boys and girls but they have no problem in open gay parties at hotels and malls, restaurants.

Let it stay in the closet. God will decide what he will do to these people. Jesus Christ (pbuh) in Bible and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Hadith ordered to kill homosexuals but I don't support killing homosexuals. We should not kill them. Let God decide what he will do to these people in afterlife. We should just ensure they should not be discriminated in getting rights to live.
Everything the west throws up is not good, you need to recognize the good from bad, If they want to be homos let them be at their homes and clubs, why they want legal sanctions? Legalizing homos now, what next, pedophillia, bestiality,rape in future be legalized?

I don't understand gays they don't want us to treat them different but then bitch about every little thing and bring themselves into the spotlight lol.
I don't understand gays they don't want us to treat them different but then bitch about every little thing and bring themselves into the spotlight lol.
I think all they really want is too have full rights like everyone else.
I don't understand gays they don't want us to treat them different but then bitch about every little thing and bring themselves into the spotlight lol.
I don't even understand why there is even LGBT community. Do they demand legalizing gay marriages? I know there are laws saying homos should be put to death or be jailed. That's inhumane but demanding marriages?
bloody hell.. you see conspiracy everywhere..
and am not gay so wont rope in anybody... I have not been to any pride parade but have used the opportunity to drink beer publicly thats the only advantage I have ever taken of a parade.
you should travel more.. your idea of 'west' is comical but funny. :)

That's right @hinduguy first, it's free beer then it is a you know what up your you know what

:blink: What a logical phallacy (pun intended) @Bombermanx1
I don't understand gays they don't want us to treat them different but then bitch about every little thing and bring themselves into the spotlight lol.
Exactly! :D,Why need for legalization i say, what you do in your home is your life.
I don't even understand why there is even LGBT community. Do they demand legalizing gay marriages? I know there are laws saying homos should be put to death or be jailed. That's inhumane but demanding marriages?

Yeah why not. If your parents can get married why not homosexuals?
Yeah why not. If your parents can get married why not homosexuals?

The problem is marriage itself is recommended by religions and came into being because of various religions so people take offense to them asking for a religious rite for something that is against almost all religions.
like what? apart from games and exercise..
A lot about things in life and how to behave and how to conduct oneself .
Let me give you an example:-- If a Ph.d teacher teaches a kindergarten class it will evoke blank stares from students, likewise if a Ph.d teacher teaches Ph.d aspirants they will be enthralled and vice versa for a kindergarten teacher teaching Ph.d aspirants.

It all depends on what you can grasp and what you can assimilate, knowledge is given to you, its upto you how you grasp it, Some don't get basics right while some get it right.

Yeah why not. If your parents can get married why not homosexuals?
Are you for real?
A lot about things in life and how to behave and how to conduct oneself .
Let me give you an example:-- If a Ph.d teacher teaches a kindergarten class it will evoke blank stares from students, likewise if a Ph.d teacher teaches Ph.d aspirants they will be enthralled and vice versa for a kindergarten teacher teaching Ph.d aspirants.

It all depends on what you can grasp and what you can assimilate, knowledge is given to you, its upto you how you grasp it, Some don't get basics right while some get it right.

Are you for real?

Yea for real. Answer me please
I think all they really want is too have full rights like everyone else.
Who is stopping them as a citizen to have their rights? please dont tell me you are not human, if you are then pack off to antartica or some island.Wtf is gay rights?
I don't even understand why there is even LGBT community. Do they demand legalizing gay marriages? I know there are laws saying homos should be put to death or be jailed. That's inhumane but demanding marriages?
your failure to comprenend why a minority( and oppressed) community chose to stick together and make a community, is understandable especially because you belong to a majority group in your place.

but to understand why LGBT community is asking for marriage rights, you need to understand a concept called equality. Its not easy to think women are equal when you live in 40s or 50s america. same for blacks of that period.
It requires quite a bit of understanding about others.

There are two parts of marriage right. one is related to religion other is legal rights like inheritance, tax credit (secular bit)
I dont like religious people being forced to accept gay marriage, it is a reform that religion has to go through, not by govt legislation. For example church of England should though its own process of keeping pace with changing circumstances, without being forced by UK govt to accept gay marriage.
The non religious bit is more important to me, govt should enact law by which they become functioning and productive member of society not remain some secret underclass.
being forefront in adopting ideologies especially from America and west, we should not blindly embrace things like LGBT concepts.
slightly offtopic here:
some will claim marrying lesbian/gay and straight man/woman can make the future generation carry the "homo" trait hidden and many theories - in defence.

let it be clear Radical Feminism from the 60s changed Europe and America's adopting Feminist agendas as laws(to a great extend). I believe our law system may not be corrupt with western feminist ideologies atleast until if our society even 50% resemble America. these are the man hating poodles who wants to manipulate their society now wants to import this scum to India. those who are acclimatized to Western culture will vehemently deny or even defend LGBT. but truth is, Gayism is not something "natural" for "all". it is propagated for sure especially among women.

when they(LGBT apologists and West ka chamcha's) claim Homosex is "natural" as "seen in animals,birds blah..." .then, they will claim sex orientation is "fluidic"/"flexible" and then they are confused defending unnatural.
e.g: women leaving husband's for same sex relationship. so called straight ones leads the chart. so, this American Sodom Gomorrah which we want to recreate in India?
Why Women Are Leaving Men for Lesbian Relationships - Bisexuality - Oprah.com

Yes. Because Men get only turned on by things that adhere to their sexual orientation. Women get turned on by anything. And I do mean anything.

Granted, I do think the divorce laws for Western countries are silly.

Your line of argument has been used over and over by western Christian conservative over and over and over. They reference it to the good old days. When white men were in charge.

The line of argument, that they are foreign can very well be used against Christians and Muslims. And Homosexuality has been in India before even those religions came here.

The percentage of Homosexuals never seem to deviate too much from beyond the 10% point. Why is that.

Take scandinavian countries for example.

Legalise homosexuality? No, you will inspire a whole generation to turn gay. Nothing happened. Ditto for civil unions and marriages.

Now I am not advocating for civil unions and marriages, I think that is going too far.

The same arguments that you have made right now have been made by white supremacists a 100 years ago in their defense against miscegenation.

The fact remains that everyone is O.K. clamoring for their rights, but so willing to deprive others of it.
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