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Gay marriage to be legal in England as law clears last hurdle

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I know and firmly believe in this as a muslim but that's not the answer of my questions and why you are expecting form non Muslims to live according to Islam ?
now a debate will start wether Religion is a personal thing or should it be implemented on society
I didnt see paedophiles are getting what they want in countries where polygamy is legal ..so whats your point?

My point is that polygamy and gay marriage are not connected one bit in some cultures polygamy is allowed and not frowned upon if you want to have 5 wives so be it just good luck remembering all their names, the only reason it is illegal here however is due to religious reasons (mormons in Utah wanted to make polygamy legal casting ire from other US states and congress) and because child molesters would use it as a cover to have child brides.
Oh... thanks.... if this is the defining line, excellent news...... :D

You will be surprised.
I was sent a pew or something survey last year online as king several questions.
The only thing I disagreed on was gay marriage and was purely neutral on couple of questions.
When I saw the results, on their scale I was wayyyyyyyyyyy too far to the right just under extreme far right & republican. I kid yo not! Fuuny thing is I ve lived in/around San Francisco and been surrounded by gay, never held a personal dislike even though religiously speaking ,I ve considered it an abomination and something that would entail divine wrath sometimes soon.

In Pak, most of my social setup is totally ok with anything. Kids( guys/girls) start consuming alcohol at around age 16 and in front of parents. You are left leaning righty I think!
Alexander the great,leonardo da vinci,socrates,mehmet the conqueror..all gay.Mnay may not approve of it,but it can't be denied.
That doesn't make it legal or justifiable
Don't most pedophiles reside @ Vatican? I don't remember polygamy being legal @ HQ of catholicism... :blink:

new religious movements or "cults" as we call them believe they are in the behest of a new prophet/religious dogma or whatever crazy sht they believe in I don't believe its legal either in catholicisim but I was answering a question some other member asked.
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