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Gay marriage to be legal in England as law clears last hurdle

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rape , prostitution has existed for centuries, infact milleniums . Just because something has existed for centuries, you cannot justify it! -

who is justifying it? I am just saying that it will not change in the future, it is here to stay so we got deal with it and accept it. Where I work we got gays and lesbians and I got to talk to them as they work in the same business. I do not like what they do but I will not discriminate them based on their sexuality that is their business not mine.
rape , prostitution has existed for centuries, infact milleniums . Just because something has existed for centuries, you cannot justify it! -

I don't think everyone is justifying it but UK is not Islamic country or their views of morality is not same as those of Islamic concept of morality. We consider polygamy as legal and they cosnider it illegal. We consider homosexuality wrong but they don't so what we can do then? beat them on the road? :D

My logic don't accept that if people should have freedom of gays marriages then why they should not have freedom of going into polygamy? Sex/marriage between two adult men is none of our business but sex/marriage between one man and two women become our business but again its their country and their laws . We cannot do anything beside talking. We cannot force gays to become straight just like they cannot force us into homosexuality..let them make this choice for themselves even if we consider it as wrong choice
Ewwwwwwww.... I maybe a liberal but this just doesn't calculate...... I feel so pukey....... yakk yakk.......
After a wild of night of drinking drugs etc anyone in the USA can go to Las Vegas to get married wake up the next morning and not know what the fck happened, and that's considered a legal marriage...

but 2 people of the same gender that have legitimate feelings of affection are not allowed to marry (depending on what US state) seems kind of ridiculous, its good that other countries are starting to recognize LGBT rights regardless of your position on the matter if you deny someone the right to marry based on any "political" reason it not only violates their rights as human beings but shows the type of intolerant primeval society we live in.
Can you tell us how you will be forbidding it if you were in uk? :)

again there is no one definition of good or bad. what you consider bad may not be consider bad by others
For a muslim. Quran and hadith decide what's good and what's bad!
if you deny someone the right to marry based on any "political" reason it not only violates their rights as human beings but shows the type of intolerant primeval society we live in.[/U][/B]

what about right of polygamy? why they deny this right if two adult women and one adult man are willing to go for it?

For a muslim. Quran and hadith decide what's good and what's bad!

I know and firmly believe in this as a muslim but that's not the answer of my questions and why you are expecting from non Muslims to live according to Islam ?
rape , prostitution has existed for centuries, infact milleniums . Just because something has existed for centuries, you cannot justify it! -

Alexander the great,leonardo da vinci,socrates,mehmet the conqueror..all gay.Mnay may not approve of it,but it can't be denied.
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