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Gandhis divided Pakistan: Rahul

Rahul gets flak from Pakistan ; stokes national debate

New Delhi, Apr 16: Amethi MP Rahul Gandhi's remarks on Pakistan's division in 1971 evoked a bitter response from Islamabad today and ignited heated debate within the country.

Pakistan said ''the leader only brought to the fore the real Indian motive behind the division.'' ''This is a clear admission from a civilian, who is a member of the family that ruled India in 1971,'' Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said in reference to Rahul's remarks that Gandhi family was not one that did not keep its words.

Ms Aslam was, however, not willing to answer more questions on the issue, saying ''there is no reason why should we give importance to statements by such people.'' The BJP ridiculed Mr Gandhi's comments, saying it exposed his ''limited family world vision.'' The party described the statement as ''absurd'' and ''diplomatic disaster'' and added it was an ''insult to the revolutionaries and freedom fighters'' of the country.

It mocked Mr Gandhi and tried to chide him to give credit to the Gandhi family for partition of India, creation of Azad Kashmir, allowing Pakistan to hand over Aksai Chin to China, imposing Emergency in the country in 1975, promoting Bhindranwale, IPKF misadventure in Sri Lanka, protecting Bofors scandal prime accused Ottavio Quattrochhi and for the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.

The Janata Dal (United) also strongly criticised Mr Gandhi for his remark, fearing it could derail the peace process with the neighbouring country and demanded that he, alongwith the Congress party and the UPA government, should immediately apologise for all his remarks.

JD(U) General Secretary and Spokesman Shambhu Shrivastava said that the statement of Mr Gandhi that Nehru-Gandhi family won freedom and divided Pakistan showed that ''he is an immature politician who has no comprehension of the consequences of what he is talking.'' The Congress, however, tried to shield Mr Gandhi by justifying his remark taking credit for the Gandhi family for dismemberment of Pakistan, saying he had only talked of history referring to a war which was thrust on India by that country.

''All parties have been highlighting the achievements of their leaders during their poll campaigns. It is but natural,'' Congress Spokesman Satyavrat Chaturvedi said, adding it was not a pre-meditated remark.

''Right from the BJP to BSP and Samajwadi Party all have been talking of the achievements of Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Mr Kanshi Ram and late Ram Manohar Lohia respectively during poll campaigns. What is then wrong in Mr Gandhi talking of a fact of history referring to the ultimate result of Bangladesh war which was thrust on us,'' Mr Chaturvedi asked talking to mediapersons here.

Substantiating his claim that Pakistan had thrust the war on India, he recalled that it was the bombardment of Agra and Chaklala in 1971 by Pakistan which provoked the Bangladesh war, which ultimately resulted in the dismemberment of Pakistan.

I dont find this suprising, After the BJP CD issue, Rahul had to say something like this to get the hardliner vote.

Rahul is not regarded as anything, that exactly is the issue over here, He is just trying to do the Bad Cop, Good Cop routine, Mummy goes for the Muslim votes, while son goes for the hardliners votes. Though I am a Congress men myself : Congress is known for its appeasement of minority's to gain vote banks. Division of Pakistan nor gandhi Family being the only family that can save India is not a populist subject in India, though Rahul would certainly like it to be.
Is Rahul regarded as a populist?

He is being portrayed as one simply for his pedigree. Unfortunately in India, there are still some freedom fighters alive who owe their allegiance to Nehru-Gandhi family. These people are the ones still keeping Nehru's dynasty alive.
I see two different threads on same topic.
If possible than why not connect them!

I dont find this suprising, After the BJP CD issue, Rahul had to say something like this to get the hardliner vote.

1- I think R.Gandhi knows his family more than you or any other Indian.
2- Fact is that hardliners are in majority in India and can make break governments and dictate there terms. Politicians can never dream to go agaist there aspirations.
3- People who destroyed 'Babri Mosque' are hard liner and those who blasted 'Bamian' statue were terrorist. My friend you are not doing justice here.
4- Whom should we believe, you or the sibling of Gandhi.
I wonder why the BJP lost the elections the last time around, werent they hardliners enough for the so called majority hardliner population of India
This guy seems to be in too much hurry to meet his late father and grand mom, if he continued this bs and irresponsible statements, some Sikh guy is going to be hanged for his murder.
The next thing you know, India wins a cricket match and this moron will give credit to his family!
It was a political statement, right. But i believe if it wasnt for Indira, bangaldesh would have been born.
He is a young guy, it will realy sad if he mets same fate as his father, emotional statements are not good for politicians, tommorow he would come up with same statement against Sikhs.

Oh pls, be mature as to understand what his intentions were when he said that.

Well about his life, if he was that scared he could have decided to live a safe life in london or elsewhere.
It was a political statement, right. But i believe if it wasnt for Indira, bangaldesh would have been born.
Same can be said about countless Indian and Bangla Jawans who laid put their lives on the line. No single person must take all the credit. It is a selfish statement by the "heir apparent" and it shows complete lack of respect for those who died.
Hardliners!! or FANATICS?
How many it takes to command India's foreign policy?
Do you count the speaker in?

Batman understand the context.

Everynow and then India is blamed as a country of fanatic hindus and yet the hardest of hardes Hindu oriented political parties have lost ground ina country where 80% are hindus. Now what does that tell you?

If as is being accussed BJP, Bajrangdal would have been the sole power in Indian politics.

Now look at your own country and see which parties are gaining support. Now do you realise where the hardline fanatics are gaining ground.
Same can be said about countless Indian and Bangla Jawans who laid put their lives on the line. No single person must take all the credit. It is a selfish statement by the "heir apparent" and it shows complete lack of respect for those who died.

Come on Sri, soldiers did a good job.

But the ultimate decision was taken by Indira. How many Indian leaders can boast of such guts.
Finally India admitted that it has interfered in our internal affairs in past & will also do so in future by using agencies such as RAW, bugthi etc.

Now I hope they don't cry foul when its our time to return the favour

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