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Game Changing Russian S-300 Missiles already in Syria.

Look we have nothing but love for Iraq, and no one will be happier if Iraq can start growing now.
But you must realize that your attitude of blaming only the others is not correct.
History is open to all. Facts must be respected.

No country is blamed specifically, I have criticized all regimes including my own in the ME, because none is worthy to be respected, so the idea of me being a pro iran anti saudi is bs.

Though how hard is it to look at the facts and see who is supporting this terrorism in the country today, then why would it be wrong for me to speak against those supporters, btw a little mess in Saudi Arabia and Qatar does not sound so bad to me, maybe they will quit terrorizing the world.
They call Syrians terrorists when they counter a "revolution" in their country, but the other Arabs are heroes countering the "revolution" in Bahrain, btw those Bahraini shias are majority and natives.
Nothing is based on what is right and wrong here, it is only about interests.

So if you don’t mind we will continue against the terrorist spreading nations.
I thought we were friends Yzd Khalifa,why you do this?
What do you expect them to say,allways the same.
It doesnt matter who did it,i just hope for them that we wont get involved.
You better have those Tyhoons ready,we might need them.:azn:

;) I gotcha man.

I'm coming in :sniper:

Look we have nothing but love for Iraq, and no one will be happier if Iraq can start growing now.
But you must realize that your attitude of blaming only the others is not correct.
History is open to all. Facts must be respected.

A stable prosperous Iraq is everybody's own interests.

No country is blamed specifically, I have criticized all regimes including my own in the ME, because none is worthy to be respected, so the idea of me being a pro iran anti saudi is bs.

Though how hard is it to look at the facts and see who is supporting this terrorism in the country today, then why would it be wrong for me to speak against those supporters, btw a little mess in Saudi Arabia and Qatar does not sound so bad to me, maybe they will quit terrorizing the world.
They call Syrians terrorists when they counter a "revolution" in their country, but the other Arabs are heroes countering the "revolution" in Bahrain, btw those Bahraini shias are majority and natives.
Nothing is based on what is right and wrong here, it is only about interests.

So if you don’t mind we will continue against the terrorist spreading nations.

I wouldn't call it a revolution in Bahrain because we all know who's behind it in there. And No, we don't have a problem with Shias and all that kind of drama is a bullcrap.
;) I gotcha man.

I'm coming in :sniper:

A stable prosperous Iraq is everybody's own interests.

I wouldn't call it a revolution in Bahrain because we all know who's behind it in there. And No, we don't have a problem with Shias and all that kind of drama is a bullcrap.

Iran supports it for their own interests but leave all that behind and compare it to Syria, they are the majority in Bahrain and they want change, foreign forces come and help surpress the revolution.
If Iran sends military troops to protect the Syrian regime you don’t accept it.

You might not have a problem with shias, but you have a problem with them being in power, as most of the people here.
They say they don’t have a problem with shias..., its about them having power like in Iraq.
Syrian army personnel were trained on using the S-300 system in Russia, this is part of the deal signed 3 years ago.
There are also videos on S-300's in Syria for a long time.

The latest news that worries Israel most is the delivery of 60 Iskandar missile System that can be mounted with nuclear warheads; Nuclear capable theatre Ballistic missile:

The Iskander ballistic missile is superior to its predecessor, the Oka. The Iskander-M system is equipped with two solid-propellant single-stage guided missiles, model 9M723K1. Each one is controlled throughout the entire flight path and fitted with a nonseparable warhead. Each missile in the launch carrier vehicle can be independently targeted in a matter of seconds. The mobility of the Iskander launch platform makes a launch difficult to prevent.

Targets can be located not only by satellite and aircraft but also by a conventional intelligence center, by a soldier who directs artillery fire or from aerial photos scanned into a computer. The missiles can be re-targeted during flight in the case of engaging mobile targets. Another unique feature of Iskander-M (not Iskander-E) is the optically guided warhead, which can also be controlled by encrypted radio transmission, including such as those from AWACS or UAV. The electro-optical guidance system provides a self-homing capability. The missile's on-board computer receives images of the target, then locks onto the target with its sight and descends towards it at supersonic speed.[citation needed]

In flight, the missile follows a quasi-ballistic path, performing evasive maneuvers in the terminal phase of flight and releasing decoys in order to penetrate missile defense systems. The missile never leaves the atmosphere as it follows a relatively flat trajectory.

The Russian Iskander-M cruises at hypersonic speed of 2100–2600 m/s (Mach 6–7) at a height of 50 km. The Iskander-M weighs 4615 kg, carries a warhead of 710–800 kg, has a range of 400–480 km, and achieves a CEP (Circular error probable) of 5–7 meters. During flight it can maneuver at different altitudes and trajectories and can pull up to 20 to 30 G to evade anti-ballistic missiles. For example, in one of the trajectory modes it can dive at the target at 90 degrees at the rate of 700–800 m/s performing anti-ABM maneuvers.

Iskander has achieved accuracy, range and reliability (ability to penetrate defences) that constitutes an alternative approach to precision bombing for air forces that cannot expect to launch bombing or cruise missile fire missions reliably in the face of superior enemy fighters and air defences. Training and competence requirements are much lower than for normal air force assets like a fighter bomber squadron utilizing guided bombs.[citation needed]

Iskander is a tactical missile system designed to be used in theatre level conflicts. It is intended to use conventional warheads for the engagement of small and area targets (both moving and stationary), such as hostile fire weapons, air and antimissile defense weapons, command posts and communications nodes and troops in concentration areas, among others. The system can therefore destroy both active military units and targets to degrade the enemy's capability to wage war.[citation needed]

In 2007, a new missile for the system (and launcher), the R-500 Iskander-K (K stands for krylataya or "winged") cruise missile, was test fired.

According to the Moscow Centre for Strategy and Technology Analysis, the Iskander-M system was combat-tested in the 2008 South Ossetia war with Georgia and it proved highly effective in destroying military targets and infrastructure. Quoting unconfirmed reports,[who?] Moscow Defense Brief says that it was an Iskander missile that inflicted a high precision strike on the Georgian Separate Tank Battalion base in Gori, destroying 28 tanks. Russian officials have admitted to using the Iskander missile against Georgia and official reports[who?] testify to the high effectiveness of the Iskander missiles, as one of the most devastating and accurate weapons in the Russian arsenal. The Dutch government's investigation claims that a single, 5 mm fragment from an anti-personnel sub-munition, that was propelled by an Iskander missile, killed Dutch journalist Stan Storimans in Gori, which was home to various military targets and had been almost completely evacuated before the bombardment.

In November 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev stated in his first state of the nation speech that Russia would deploy Iskander missiles to Russia's western district of Kaliningrad "to neutralize, if necessary, a NATO missile defense system." However, on September 17, 2009, US president Barack Obama announced the cancellation of the US missile defence project in Poland and the Czech Republic. Following the announcement, on September 26, Medvedev stated in a press conference that he would in turn cancel the plans to deploy Iskander missiles to Kaliningrad. According to the Stratfor.com e-mails leaked by
Wikileaks, there are a number of Iskander brigades operational. The leaked Stratfor.com e-mail was dated 13 December 2009:

On September 29, 2009, the Russian military announced plans to set up an extensive network of Iskander missiles throughout the country as part of the broader military reforms underway. According to General Vladimir Boldyrev, Iskander systems would be stationed in every defence district in Russia, with exception to Kaliningrad. On November 23, 2011, President Dmitri Medvedev again said that Russia may deploy Iskander tactical missiles in the Kaliningrad region as part of Russia’s reaction to the United States’ missile shield plans.

9K720 Iskander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if Russia supplies to SAA IskanderE Mig29 m1/m2 Yak130 this it will be strong and better

lets see what happens

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