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Galwan Valley. China got India by the neck?

I agree that Bipin Rawat should resign, but do not know your reasons for saying it. Your face-saving mention of his having been spared his life during your counter-strike is noted; this is called scraping the bottom of the barrel (and before you say it, let me inform you that finding Rawat there is a natural thing).

The problem with your fantasising posts is that they are ALL based on a possible collusion, not a probable one, because it is so far-fetched, between the Pakistan Army and the PLA GF. They are ALL based on the Chinese moves on the frontier being primarily driven by concern for Pakistan's interests, in general, in economic terms relating to the CPEC, and thirdly, in Kashmir. They are ALL based on a hope that this will see a coming together of allied forces in that area to the great satisfaction of Pakistan's aims (not published yet, other than the constant seven-decade old theme of recovering Kashmir).

Unfortunately, two facts come in the way of this beautiful vision ever becoming reality.

First, the Chinese have occupied no extra territory; what they have done is to strengthen their forces in areas already under their regular passage and control. Their overlooking the Dubrok-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie Road has been suggested, but there is little to show that this is in their set of aims.

Second, the Chinese have numerous reasons to seek to pressurise India, reasons that have been recited again and again and again, to the great annoyance of fanboys, who want a happy ending to this latest video-game of theirs. These reasons neither call for them to support Pakistan in any conflict, nor to extend their crisis with India beyond a point before seeking a resolution that will amount to a status quo ante.

That is why I find fuming and angry posts very dull and boring; they try to reasoning and logic, and established facts, with raw emotion, not realising that it gives up to the other side the clear story of the decline of the situation to their west. It is clear from these extensive posts about China relieving Indian pressure on opponents on the Indian western frontier that there was indeed an Indian pressure. Something that has been denied all along.

It is a truism of the India-Pakistan conversation over the years that Pakistan and her representatives should deny any feature of the military confrontation strenuously at the beginning, and then collapse into admissions of guilt later. As is happening right now, right here on this thread.

Do you have ANY genuine, reliable and credible evidence that Chinese has not occupied any extra indian land?........:azn::
With each reply you are getting more senile and ludicrous in your narrative and arguments. Clearly, despite pointed on several occasion to listen to what your own, Paravin Sawhney is saying, you didn't even bother listen to the man. Had you listen to him, for your disappointment, its not my suggestion that Rawat should resign, that what Parvin is saying. Rawat can stay as life long chief of Indian armed forces for all I care. The man who was "pinged" will always remain in physiological discomfort when dealing with us. As for finding him, indeed not a big thing, but the audacity to ping a sitting Indian army chief is where I give 10/10 marks.

Since when securing CPEC/OBOR becomes only "Pakistani concern" ???

We are responsible for the security on our side and if you have bothered with the maps and geography, Chinese are now doing their bit from their side. A collectively responsibility one might say.

Ofcourse Kashmir is just next to the area of conflict which might be sucked into this issue at some point as a side effect, but for time being , its all about securing CPEC/OBOR from any misadventure, direct or indirect (using hybrid war which Rawat/Dovel has been peddling).

Pardon my French, but who the hell are you to make such outlandish claim? Have you even listened to your analysts, ex servicemen, general and even ex army chief? The land you claim, is under Chinese boots as we speak. Worst, the Galwan valley which overlooks DBO road, was not even disputed chunk of territory where PLA has encroached within the firing range of the road. To make matter worse for India, PLA refused to discuss Galwan valley with India. Consider it done and dusted.

Indian fanboys, rather sheepishly keep on living in some alice and wonderland, self concocted ideas , as if China is bound to fight Pakistan wars. Hilarious. No, never was or will be. Its a affront to our own military might and power. Why would we need such assistance anyway?

Nations come together when their strategic interests align. Pakistan and China are on same boat. CPEC/OBOR is the top priority of the Chinese establishment specially in current atmosphere where things are heating up in south China sea. India is on the opposite camp and seen as a threat for not so hidden reasons. Indian leadership itself, both military and civil are suffer rather public and uncontrollable diarrhea over CPEC, which mind you in an understanding to two sovereign nations. So, consider this current situation as a gentle slap, a reminder to what is at stake here and if you stays in your limits, long may you live happy after.

What is your definition of status quo? Conceding more territory to PLA without firing a single bullet? If that's how India seek peace with China, long may this continue.

Your hysteria gives the clue to your inherent security, but take comfort: you are not alone.

Do you have ANY genuine, reliable and credible evidence that Chinese has not occupied any extra indian land?........:azn::
The Global Times.
Look it up. I won't do your homework for you.
Your hysteria gives the clue to your inherent security, but take comfort: you are not alone.

The Global Times.
Look it up. I won't do your homework for you.

As you are the one making those claims the onus is on YOU to provide the evidence, not me.........:azn:
As you are the one making those claims the onus is on YOU to provide the evidence, not me.........:azn:

No, not on me. Oh sorry, wrong amateur Since I have actually given you a unit by unit break-up and you continued to waste time in your amateur fashion, I called in your own serving officer, and he gave the figures. Go look it up.

You are well-known for slinging around that phrase whenever you run out of arguments, which is typically at the very outset. You are also known for rejecting every bit of evidence adduced for no reason at all, merely in order to survive and in order to try and show that you are making a point. So people have now started laughing at you and at this fairly transparent habit, that seeks to hide all your uninformed nakedness, but fails.

Go do your own looking up. Nobody cares any more whether you do or not, once you've used the magic phrase. Each of the Three Idiots (I am talking of the movie) had his pet phrase or his pet quirk, and could be recognised by that. One of them (you must watch the movie) used to demand incontrovertible proof, even of things like sunrise being in the east, just as a diversionary tactic. It soon became a joke. Who knows, maybe if we were to follow the film, we might in time have a PDF joke-book?
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No, not on me. Since I have actually given you a unit by unit break-up and you continued to waste time in your amateur fashion, I called in your own serving officer, and he gave the figures. Go look it up.

Unit by unit breakdown WITHOUT any credible evidence..........:azn:
Your hysteria gives the clue to your inherent security, but take comfort: you are not alone.

Replies becoming shorter and incoherent, kinda give away.

Our security is in good hands, its your insecurity which make you lot go in denial mode from the word go, sanghis , bhakts, liberal, secular, without any acceptation, across the board. Indeed, you are not alone.
Replies becoming shorter and incoherent, kinda give away.

Our security is in good hands, its your insecurity which make you lot go in denial mode from the word go, sanghis , bhakts, liberal, secular, without any acceptation, across the board. Indeed, you are not alone.

No, bored.
Today, it appears that PLAAF locked on to a USAF transport jet that entered Taiwan airspace.

I think USAF will send fighter jet patrols over Taiwan airspace next time.

India is intended as one front in a two front war by the designs of Washington.

Indians are mobilizing their army and waiting for the green light from the Americans.
Go to sleep, you have done enough defence for your bharat mata, don't you wish those soldiers manning your border with China show similar enthusiasm protecting the mother land?

Those kids show more. I am proud of them.

Can you post the link?

It's already posted. Look up my posts.

Try to understand: everyone knows your game by now, to continue to remain in a thread by spinning out your excuses, without having anything to say. Nobody is going to play it.
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