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Future of Muslim World

WTF and Where is muslim world?!

People still m'bate in the dream. Theological state are old stories. When there is no theological state, how can one claim "Theological World" ??? These So called Muslim nation can not stay togather. need VISA to travel these countries.. Arabs don't give sh!t to Indian Muslims (by Indian Muslims I mean Muslims of Indian origin, which include Pakistani and BD muslims as well)

Truth is, Today each country is on it own. They see there benefit, there is no "great Muslim Cause" for which they will poke there nose.

This thread is IDEAL EXAMPLE OF Foolishness And very pathetic Islamic attempt to show Worst part of world as Developing part by Using Keyboard of PC.

its the same category statement

1.Islam is Most peaceful religion of World.
2.Laden is not in Pakistan.
3.All Science originated from Koran.
4. And My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist.

above are most stupid statement i ever heard

Current situation Muslim World is worst part of Human world.

Hold on, your posts are rude and insulting. Kindly be polite and logical. Your points are not colluding with Subject of thread. I will prefer you to reaD PDF's rule and guidelines .
This thread is IDEAL EXAMPLE OF Foolishness And very pathetic Islamic attempt to show Worst part of world as Developing part by Using Keyboard of PC.

its the same category statement

1.Islam is Most peaceful religion of World.
2.Laden is not in Pakistan.
3.All Science originated from Koran.
4. And My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist.

above are most stupid statement i ever heard

Current situation Muslim World is worst part of Human world.

Hold on, your posts are rude and insulting. Kindly be polite and logical. Your points are not colluding with Subject of thread. I will prefer you to reaD PDF's rule and guidelines .
Turkey or Malaysia etc. are No Saudi.

Alcohol and Pork is available, and they are open countries like any European countries.

Including them with rabid orthodoxies like Pakistan and Saudi is totally unfair.

Muslim countries should leave religious affairs to almighty God and focus on economy and development .. Some good example is there within muslim countries ..there is a saying that 'god lives in poor mans house because there is nothing in his life to live '
While i respect your visions and goals i do not think it is near reality. In 20 years time Pakistan does not have the necessery infrastructure nor education to surpass countries like Iran, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia. Pakistan is currently a low income country while Turkey and Malaysia are upper-middle class. If you reach middle class in 20 years, now that is a realistic goal

Current GDP (PP? per capita of Muslim Majority countries:

Malaysia: 13,315
Turkey: 13,392
Iran: 10,624
Pakistan: 2,592

Now Pakistan needs to develop its industrial base significantly if it wants to reach the current level of Turkey or Malaysia.

In 20 years time Pakistan does not have the necessery infrastructure nor education to surpass countries like Iran, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia.

It's called development, and in 20 years time with good governance with Imran Khan in place and his party, rapid development is going to occur go the next 20 years. Pakistan will likely surpass Indonesia, Malaysia, and Iran within 20 years in most economic indicators. As far as infrastructure is concern Pakistan has the resources and expertise to build world-class infrastructure, Islamabad is an example.

As for surpassing Iran, Iran's economy is heavily sanctioned, if Pakistan experience healthy economic growth with rapid development in infrastructure, education, and other fields Pakistan will likely surpass Iran in most economic indicators including GDP.

As for Malaysia, their current GDP (PPP) is ~445 billion annual, Pakistan's current GDP (PPP) ~$488 billion. Even in GDP (nominal) Pakistan is ahead of Malaysia currently, in 20 years time Pakistan can double it's GDP, under the condition of good governance and stability which an Imran Khan government is likely to bring, and considering his party is economic oriented this is critical. I doubt Malaysia is going to grow as rapidly as Pakistan in the coming 20 years.

As for Indonesia it will likely take more years to catch up to Indonesia in most economic indicators but Pakistan will reach that league within that time frame. Indonesia's GDP (PPP) is ~$1.2 trillion, and Pakistan's is less than half of that at $488 billion.

As for Turkiye, Pakistan could reach Turkey's current GDP (PPP) which is ~1 trillion, in perhaps 30 years time.

Though as I said, Pakistan is likely in 20 years time to surpass most Muslim and Asian countries in most economic indicators still stands, under the conditions I've outlined (good governance and economic policy).
I give higher chance of growth to pakistan then oil rich countries for future ..phenomenon called blackgold is a temporary in nations lifespan .its like a man winning lottery ..he may enjoy for few years but it wont last long untill he is a hard worker .hardworking mass is real treasure for a country
......in 20 years time with good governance with Imran Khan in place and his party, ....

Your enthusiasm and optimism is infectious my brother. I wish we develop as per your predictions.

However we must keep few important things in mind.

1. Pakistan can develop using Chinese model. What's that model.

A. The government makes good or bad decisions. But people just work, work, work, work for every Tom, Dick, and Harry regardless of the religion, or ethnicity, or some other mumbo jumbo.

B. For Chinese, the only relgion is "China, China, and China". No other ideology or "idiotology" has any value.

C. Ordinary Chinese doesn't protest about things happenings in far off countries. The only issues they have are the ones that concern Chinese government itself.

D. What America does in Afghanistan or India, or Vietnam is the concern for Chinese government, NOT Chinese people. They don't come out in street and burn down American flags.

E. China's wealth came from America and Europe the gora countries, and even now Goras / whites feel at home in China.

2. Imran may be PM for 5 years or perhaps 10 years. But he is not going to be KIng for life like Hosni Mubarak. So the development has to continue beyond his poltiical life.

3. Imran used to be secular when he guided his cricket team to the world championship. Now Imran is a Mullah without a beard. Unless he goes back to his easy ways of the Cricket captainship, Pakistan will be driven down to the blackhole of religious orthodoxy not too different from Somalia, Yemen, or Sudan.

i DON'T HAVE ANY HOPE , World clearly getting divide in two groups Muslims Vs all Non-Muslims , every non-Muslim have problems with Muslims from China to America , Russia to Australia.

Internal condition of Muslim countries is very Critical, stability is volatile,violence. Hardly very few Muslim countries have democratic government.
Everyday there is RAPE Secularism in Many Islamic countries.

JUST WAIT TILL OIL DRY IN major Islamic countries they will start killing each other.

and one more possibility is there that Third World War will be Between ISLAMIC and NON-ISLAMIC COUNTRIES.

Muslim countries have good relations with China.

In fact China's closest ally isn't North Korea and China's closest ally is a Muslim country called Pakistan.

Most Muslim countries of Central Asia have good relations with both China and Russia.

Malaysia has good relations with Russia. Mahathir Mohamad made the statement that Russia can be the rival to the United States and Israel andhe praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and his opposition to Western interference and democracy promotion.

Your enthusiasm and optimism is infectious my brother. I wish we develop as per your predictions.

However we must keep few important things in mind.

1. Pakistan can develop using Chinese model. What's that model.

A. The government makes good or bad decisions. But people just work, work, work, work for every Tom, Dick, and Harry regardless of the religion, or ethnicity, or some other mumbo jumbo.

B. For Chinese, the only relgion is "China, China, and China". No other ideology or "idiotology" has any value.

C. Ordinary Chinese doesn't protest about things happenings in far off countries. The only issues they have are the ones that concern Chinese government itself.

D. What America does in Afghanistan or India, or Vietnam is the concern for Chinese government, NOT Chinese people. They don't come out in street and burn down American flags.

E. China's wealth came from America and Europe the gora countries, and even now Goras / whites feel at home in China.

2. Imran may be PM for 5 years or perhaps 10 years. But he is not going to be KIng for life like Hosni Mubarak. So the development has to continue beyond his poltiical life.

3. Imran used to be secular when he guided his cricket team to the world championship. Now Imran is a Mullah without a beard. Unless he goes back to his easy ways of the Cricket captainship, Pakistan will be driven down to the blackhole of religious orthodoxy not too different from Somalia, Yemen, or Sudan.


faujHistorian, democracy is a complete failure in Pakistan.

How did the Meiji Japan develop? How did Deng's China develop? How did Stalin's Soviet Union develop.

Pakistan needs an authoritarian regime, democracy just doesn't work in Pakistan.
My dear poster,

You have a wrong title. There is no "Muslim" or "Hindu" or "Christian" world.

There is just one world, unless you believe that somehow Muslims are living on a distant and different planet.

Let's make sure we use the correct terminology, otherwise we'll always come up with incorrect results.

If you want to talk about economic progress of countries, then you cannot limit them to a particular religion.

Economic grouping works when the members of the group share some socio-economic balance. If they don't then, the condition will be like Germany vs. Greece in the EU. Either party accusing the other for destroying the grouping or Union. The relationship will soon be master-slave in terms of economy.

Similary a grouping between Saudi and Pakistan will not work.

Saudis have 1/10 the population of Pakistan. But 10-20 times yearly budget. Guess what, any union between Saudi and Pakistan will soon be Master-slave.

Muslim Master and Muslim slave doesn't change the situation. it remains master-slave.

Thus the union will be fruitless and useless.

We can use the same analogy for other countries be they Muslims or non-Muslims.

It is time to stop this maddening topic called "Muslim world", unless you want to live on a far off distant planet,.


p.s. This is nothing against you personally. It is just that the title of this thread has been abused for so long, that few "practical" people want to hear about it.

Wise words bro. indeed rational. :cheers:
Islamic countries can only become strong again if they can separate religion from politics. It's nothing wrong to have a strong faith as long as it's a personal matter. The most developed Islamic (with little natural resources) countries are also the most secular. If you strip the Gulf States from their oil wealth, they would be a dirt poor backward country again as they had been for centuries.
Götterdämmerung;3275436 said:
Islamic countries can only become strong again if they can separate religion from politics.

Well, thank you but Islam is not a religion so we can't separate it.

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