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Actually Iran continued to be ruled by Azaris after 1925... Reza Khan (first Pahlavi king) was half Azari, his wife was full Azari from Ayromlu clan of caucusus... So the next king Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was 3/4 Azari, he also married a full Azari woman (Fara Diba), so his kids where pretty much 100% Azari. Yet they still called themselves Shahs of Iran and spoke Persian and where very patriotic...

Same as all our Turkic kings have been for past 1000 years... Is my lesson for today over now? :cheers:

No, I said 1925 because after they pretty much did Persian chauvenism to keep the country intact against Soviet and islamic thread.

We discuissed it before but you're still arrogant as much as you were before !

I write to some mods, I was thinking these flame wars ended and we got the peace but take a look at the situation.

You can write the president if you want. Fact is that you guys bring continue this Azerbaijan separatism in most Iranian-Turkish threads and I and other Iranians won't let such pan-Turkism propaganda rule this forum.
Just because of some Turkish trolls which is we're constantly warning I don't want that section to be raped by Iranian trolls.
No, I said 1925 because after they pretty much did Persian chauvenism to keep the country intact against Soviet and islamic thread.

If your argument is 'Persian' chauvinism than Iran is never ruled by Turks. It were the Turkic Seljuqs and Safavids who resurrected the Iranianhood.
Every savage can conquer lands. Just look at the Mongols. A intellectual achievement is far more difficult. E.J.W. Gibb:

Persianate society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Except for few like Greeks, Chinese and Indians there aren't any nation on earth who weren't influenced by superior civilazations... For example Persian culture was influenced by Mesopotamian culure the same way as Turks were influenced by Persians, ony difference is that Persian culture still lives on with some Turkish and big Arab influence while Mesopotamian culture is death thanks to Arabs.

If your argument is 'Persian' chauvinism than Iran is never ruled by Turks. It were the Turkic Seljuqs and Safavids who resurrected the Iranianhood.

They didn't resurrect Iranianhood, they resurrected Shii'sm and that Shii'sm became Iranianhood so rasing of Iranian identity was a consequenses of Shii'sm not an objective but a consequence of another objective.
Iran is omsingeld met Amerikaanse legerbasissen. Iran is degelijk wel bang anders zouden ze niet zo schijterig zijn. In Syria veranderen de dingen, binnenkort zal Assad weggaan en het zal onder turkse invloed vallen en lebanon zal automatisch onder turkse invloed vallen nadat we syrie hebben. Iran kan hier niks aan doen, anders komt er oorlog! Iran weet dit.

Wat voor een manier van denken is dit? Waar moet Iran bang voor zijn? Iranezen met Arabieren vergelijken is krankzinnig. Iran is geen land die je zo maar kunt aanvallen. Saddam had bijvoorbeeld tijdens de Irak-Iran oorlog volledige steun gekregen van de VS maar alsnog gefaald. Syria onder Turkse invloed? Man wat een komiek figuur ben jij. Als jij maar een beetje de nieuws en de gebeurtenissen eromheen had gevolgd, zou je begrijpen dat AKP Turkije voorschut heeft gezet door hun idiote buitenlandse politiek. Net zoals de Mavi marmara gebeurtenis. Veel geroepen maar weinig in praktijk gebracht. Rusland heeft goed bewezen dat Turkije (VN) geen moer kan uitvoeren betreft Syrië. Erdogan zal overmorgen naar Rusland gaan en vragen naar de sateliet beelden betreft de neergehaalde straaljager omdat Turkije nog steeds niet weet of het met AA-gun of met een raket is neergehaald maar toch uitspraken heeft gedaan dat Syria het heeft neergehaald.

Rusland staat achter Assad, laat staan als Iran (wat nog belangrijker is voor Rusland) wordt aangevallen.
Beji Kurdistan? Really? You don't even know its written as ''Biji''? He doesn't post in Turkish, he can't even speak or write Turkish... Even a 5 years old is better than him and he racily attacks his own alleged nationality and you believe that he is a Turk? And you find yourself the right to post on science thread. Funny...

And I didn't said I want South Azerbaijan should join Turkey or Azerbaijan, I said there are many groups that wants it. I think you should read more carefully next time hun :)

Watch your words carefully Armenian, I wouldn't call other nations monkey when I was a part of nation that is famous for being hairy....

Yeah, it's famous for kicking their @SS with half the resources

You probably know as much about Azerbaijan as the average 15 year old computer nerd

Tell me thar you support the reign of Sultan Aliyev so that I can know that you are inhuman.
Except for few like Greeks, Chinese and Indians there aren't any nation on earth who weren't influenced by superior civilazations... For example Persian culture was influenced by Mesopotamian culure the same way as Turks were influenced by Persians, ony difference is that Persian culture still lives on with some Turkish and big Arab influence while Mesopotamian culture is death thanks to Arabs.

They didn't resurrect Iranianhood, they resurrected Shii'sm and that Shii'sm became Iranianhood so rasing of Iranian identity was a consequenses of Shii'sm not an objective but a consequence of another objective.

They for sure respected Iranianhood... Why else did almost half these "Turkic" kings have pure Persian names? Not Arabic or Turkic but Persian... Also they are the ones that revived us from being just another Arab country after being part of the Islamic empire for a few centuries... It was them that gave us back our sense of identity... They wouldn't have done that if they weren't patriotic.
Bro pretty much half of my province of Gilan is Azeri... The most welcoming people you will meet... But don't cross them, they will beat your *** down if they think you did them wrong :D

Just out of curiosity, what do Golan Azeris think about Armos?:D
They didn't resurrect Iranianhood, they resurrected Shii'sm and that Shii'sm became Iranianhood so rasing of Iranian identity was a consequenses of Shii'sm not an objective but a consequence of another objective.

I think you're right. The resurrection of the Iranianhood started by the Shu'ubiyya movement and by people like Abu Muslim Khorasani.
Just out of curiosity, what do Golan Azeris think about Armos?:D

Hahaha my favourite restuarant is Armenian!!! Its called Martik's, they serve the best pizzas... Only place I know of in Iran where you can eat pork...

Bro in Iran we got bigger worries then carrying over caucasus rivalries of Azeris and Armenians. We all get along. There are Armenian churches in Tabriz, one near Maku in West Azerbaijan is actually a Unesco Heritage site!!! :

Saint Thaddeus Monastery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of them know about the Khojaly massacre and are against that, but they largely get along just fine...
Wat voor een manier van denken is dit? Waar moet Iran bang voor zijn? Iranezen met Arabieren vergelijken is krankzinnig. Iran is geen land die je zo maar kunt aanvallen. Saddam had bijvoorbeeld tijdens de Irak-Iran oorlog volledige steun gekregen van de VS maar alsnog gefaald. Syria onder Turkse invloed? Man wat een komiek figuur ben jij. Als jij maar een beetje de nieuws en de gebeurtenissen eromheen had gevolgd, zou je begrijpen dat AKP Turkije voorschut heeft gezet door hun idiote buitenlandse politiek. Net zoals de Mavi marmara gebeurtenis. Veel geroepen maar weinig in praktijk gebracht. Rusland heeft goed bewezen dat Turkije (VN) geen moer kan uitvoeren betreft Syrië. Erdogan zal overmorgen naar Rusland gaan en vragen naar de sateliet beelden betreft de neergehaalde straaljager omdat Turkije nog steeds niet weet of het met AA-gun of met een raket is neergehaald maar toch uitspraken heeft gedaan dat Syria het heeft neergehaald.

Rusland staat achter Assad, laat staan als Iran (wat nog belangrijker is voor Rusland) wordt aangevallen.
Ik dacht dat jij een kontenlikker was van AKP. Gezien dat jij in het andere topic Efes festival wou bannen. AKP is inderdaad een stelletje mongolen, alleen maar stomme speeches geven en vijanden maken.
Ofcourse being brainwashed by religous cults in Denmark can make you believe that religious people of Turkey were opressed or some other non-sense stories but do I really need to teach you that thanks to communists fear of our army that army actually supported religious zeleots so they wouldn't need to bother with communists. You cult wasn't even touched by military coup and now you are playing the victim...

And why I am talking to someone who openly defends Sharia...

Birde bu trolle cevap vermeyin birdahada canı sıkılıp gitsin piskopat... Forummurat gitti bu geldi...Nasıl bir işemeli sıçmalı ayinden çıkıp geldi bilemiyorum ama nereden geldiyse gider belki cevap vermezsek...

What happened to your belifs of "freedom of thought" and "freedom of speech" mrs. democrat?

Every people with a different opinion than yourself and your companions are according to you brainwashed.

Exactly! I think Muslims whom wanted to exercising their religion was oppressed and insulted.

You sound like a leftwing TKP. Do we really have to talk about the military coup?
I'm sure that you know as much as I know that the military killed and killed and killed on both sides. Communists and Right wing people.

And yes communism was an treat back in time. Don't come here and try to make it look like "peaceful people suddenly get attacked"
Your left wing media did even make tons of series about this topic.

How can you be so sure about my "cult", You don't know what I'm supporting or willing to vote for?

Oh I almost forgot to tell.
I'm from Sivas - Sarkisla (anladin sen onu) ;)
You have no right to whine if your opinion based on oppressing others.
Ik dacht dat jij een kontenlikker was van AKP. Gezien dat jij in het andere topic Efes festival wou bannen. AKP is inderdaad een stelletje mongolen, alleen maar stomme speeches geven en vijanden maken.

Not every sharia stander is for AKP =S This shows again your niveau of knowledge.
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