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FSA threatens to kill the 48 captured Iranians within 48 hours

Bullshxt!! I am tired of this "majority support assad" crap

* Even Qatar admits majority of Syrians support Assad, and you cant blame them to be pro-Assad.

* If majority would have been against him, Assad would be long gone, like Shah was gone since majority of Iranians were against him.

* The most anti-Assad demonstrations could gather was tens of thousands, thats like 0,1% of population.

* "Rebels" dont have Syrian locals support, they even cried in West media about it.

Bullshxt!! why Assad didnt let democratic elections happen two years ago just like how protestors wanted?

Lets get facts straight: Assad endorsed gradual transition to full democracy and free elections. It doesnt happen over night. New constitution already voted for, same as free election of the Parliament. President elections would happen next, under UN supervision as Assad suggested, but West/Arabs and terrorists said wouldnt accept their results, and such major shift in Syria's leadership should happen in the peaceful time, not during war.

Also dont forget protesters were only 0,1% of population, thats not majority of Syrians by any stretch. Or you prefer that any time 0,1% of people hit the streets, government should do exactly as they demand? Especially since some of the demands were ridiculous. Proper demands and democracy are being implemented as we speak, despite major objection from the West/Arabs.

But no he choose kill protestors , shell cities just like his father did and all hell started after that. If a leader really got majorities' suppport then he would have nothing to worry about democratic elections.

Do you have any evidence of Assad killing peaceful protesters? Because what thinking people are tired of is baseless anti-Syrian propaganda. During those two years not a single evidence of that was provided.

Shelling happens against thousands of terrorists occupying certain districts, after government asked civilians to leave those areas, and together with the Red cross they try to evacuate civilians.

Again - Assad isnt afraid of the free elections - it was already many times proposed by Assad (with UN supervision, and he even went as far as promised he wouldnt participate in elections), but these democratic elections are dismissed by the West.
* Even Qatar admits majority of Syrians support Assad, and you cant blame them to be pro-Assad.

* If majority would have been against him, Assad would be long gone, like Shah was gone since majority of Iranians were against him.

* The most anti-Assad demonstrations could gather was tens of thousands, thats like 0,1% of population.

* "Rebels" dont have Syrian locals support, they even cried in West media about it.

Lets get facts straight: Assad endorsed gradual transition to full democracy and free elections. It doesnt happen over night. New constitution already voted for, same as free election of the Parliament. President elections would happen next, under UN supervision as Assad suggested, but West/Arabs and terrorists said wouldnt accept their results, and such major shift in Syria's leadership should happen in the peaceful time, not during war.

Also dont forget protesters were only 0,1% of population, thats not majority of Syrians by any stretch. Or you prefer that any time 0,1% of people hit the streets, government should do exactly as they demand? Especially since some of the demands were ridiculous. Proper demands and democracy are being implemented as we speak, despite major objection from the West/Arabs.

Do you have any evidence of Assad killing peaceful protesters? Because what thinking people are tired of is baseless anti-Syrian propaganda. During those two years not a single evidence of that was provided.

Shelling happens against thousands of terrorists occupying certain districts, after government asked civilians to leave those areas, and together with the Red cross they try to evacuate civilians.

Again - Assad isnt afraid of the free elections - it was already many times proposed by Assad (with UN supervision, and he even went as far as promised he wouldnt participate in elections), but these democratic elections are dismissed by the West.
Bro, I have been saying this for years... they still ignore the reality and the facts... if majority of Syrians wanted Alasad out then he would have been out.... but I understand their motivations, its not about democracy or about Syria at all... it's about sects and such... wont go much into details..
I think Turkey and Arab nations should intervene and free the prisoners..They are innocents..You cannot simply sit and watch when innocents(most of them above 50) are captured and are under threat of being executed..Arabs,turks..do something please...You guys have influence in FSA..
I think Turkey of Arab nations should intervene and free the prisoners..They are innocents..You cannot simply sit and watch when innocents(most of them above 50) are captured and are under threat of being executed..Arabs,turks..do something please...You guys have influence in FSA..

Since they are Iranians,that makes them soldiers.Thats Arab's logic.You can not expect them to interfere,because all of them are arming FSA to teeth,both Turkey and Arab regimes.
I think Turkey of Arab nations should intervene and free the prisoners..They are innocents..You cannot simply sit and watch when innocents(most of them above 50) are captured and are under threat of being executed..Arabs,turks..do something please...You guys have influence in FSA..

I think we helped last time, but they look furious now and maybe won't listen, also every time we help iran all we get is more hate so....
Execution...... Wow the taliban face of FSA ...... As I foretold.... New Taliban and Al Qaeda in making. What Humanrights say about this executions.
Bullshxt!! I am tired of this "majority support assad" crap if its really so why Assad didnt let democratic elections happen two years ago just like how protestors wanted? But no he choose kill protestors , shell cities just like his father did and all hell started after that. If a leader really got majorities' suppport then he would have nothing to worry about democratic elections.
Asad held a democratic election, but some people decided to boycott it have you forgotten it so soon?
Well if Iran has democratic election or if Syria has democratic elections they will not be accepted by the west because the results are not their liking and they were not held under their supervision.

They will preach the rest of the world about morality and against terrorism but will openly help and finance FSA terrorists who are killing their own people indiscriminately.

They want to break Iran Syria Hezbollah nexus for the sake of Israel. Its better we understand this now.

As I said in the previous post, Muslim have become a joke of the world. They are looked down by other nations, they are used as cannon fodder for strategic interests of powerful interests and they keep fighting amongst themselves on petty and artificial issues. So as long as we dont have unity of purpose, we dont reform our societies, Muslim world will remain a killing field for competing and powerful interests of world, until we become powerful interest ourselves. Think about it.
Iran is fully involved militarily in Syria with 15000 IRGC soldiers operating there. FSA must go ahead with the warnings if Vampire Asad doesn't stop the crazy shelling of residential areas. All external terrorists belonging to Mehdi Army of Moqtada, Hizbollah Terrorist or Iranian fighters must be executed immediately on capture as a warning to keep them away from Syria.
Iran is fully involved militarily in Syria with 15000 IRGC soldiers operating there. FSA must go ahead with the warnings if Vampire Asad doesn't stop the crazy shelling of residential areas. All external terrorists belonging to Mehdi Army of Moqtada, Hizbollah Terrorist or Iranian fighters must be executed immediately on capture as a warning to keep them away from Syria.

Drunk :coffee:
Iran is fully involved militarily in Syria with 15000 IRGC soldiers operating there. FSA must go ahead with the warnings if Vampire Asad doesn't stop the crazy shelling of residential areas. All external terrorists belonging to Mehdi Army of Moqtada, Hizbollah Terrorist or Iranian fighters must be executed immediately on capture as a warning to keep them away from Syria.
you guys are supporting terrorism and violence in public and PDF. interesting!
even IF they are soldiers, no one has right to kill them, because they are prisoners.
shame on Wahhabis who are killing innocent people and spreading terrorism in the world.
None is angel in Syrian conflict. After seeing some FSA commanders boast about their civilian killings - the world has lost sympathy for them and this was demonstrated when power ignored their calls for arms.
Iran is fully involved militarily in Syria with 15000 IRGC soldiers operating there. FSA must go ahead with the warnings if Vampire Asad doesn't stop the crazy shelling of residential areas. All external terrorists belonging to Mehdi Army of Moqtada, Hizbollah Terrorist or Iranian fighters must be executed immediately on capture as a warning to keep them away from Syria.
Only because you say they should be executed,doesn't mean they will be executed.You are just a typical non-important Arab living in a puppet country called UAE.Your opinion about executions here worth as much as a millet.
This is what you get. Iran supports terrorist against Turkey and other dictators in Syria. Eventually the bill will come to you and you will pay greatly. What go's around, comes around. This is only the beginning. When war starts between Iran and Israel, the real punishment will begin.
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