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FSA threatens to kill the 48 captured Iranians within 48 hours


Mar 24, 2012
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A brigade of the Free Syrian Army has given the Syrian regime 48 hours to release opposition detainees and stop the shelling of civilians before it begins executing a number of Iranian hostages accused of helping the President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, Al Arabiya TV reported on Friday.

In a video aired by Al Arabiya, members of the Bar’a brigade in the East Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus, said, “If the Syrian regime, backed by the Iranian regime, does not release detainees and stop the shelling on unarmed civilians and indiscriminate killing of innocent of people within 48 hours from the release of this statement, an Iranian prisoner will be killed for each martyr who is killed.”

In a previous video aired by Al Arabiya, and which can be viewed at: Kidnapped Iranians are Revolutionary Guards, FSA says in Al Arabiya video, the Al Bara’a brigade claimed that it kidnaped 48 members of the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guards and denied Iran’s claims that they were pilgrims.

The brigade “captured 48 of the Shabiha (militiamen) of Iran who were on a reconnaissance mission in Damascus,” said a man dressed as an officer of the Free Syrian Army, in the video aired by Al Arabiya.

“During the investigation, we found that some of them were officers of the Revolutionary Guards,” he said, showing ID documents taken from one of the men, who appeared in the background with a large Syrian independence flag held by two armed men behind them.

Abdel Nasser Shmeir, interviewed later by Al Arabiya and presented as the commander of Baraa Brigade, gave similar details.

“They are 48, in addition to an Afghani interpreter,” he said, claiming that the captives were members of a 150-strong group sent by Iran for “reconnaissance on the ground.”

Iran has appealed to Turkey and Qatar, both with close relations with the Syrian opposition, for help in securing the release of the hostages it claims were pilgrims visiting the Sayyida Zeinab shrine, a Shiite pilgrimage site in the southeastern suburbs of Damascus.

Shmeir said his men “have not yet entered into any contacts” about the hostages.

Killing of captured Iranians to begin in 48 hours, Syrian brigade warns
Unless and until Muslim recognize their real enemy, they will be killed in groups. this is the ultimate humiliation brought to us by Allah. Its Him who is trying to teach us a lesson. But its us who are happy in blood letting of our brothers.

Shame on you FSA! You are being used by the imperialists just like many other who have been used before against their own brothers. In the end you will get nothing and the powerful gang of countries behind you will get their strategic interests. No wonder today's Muslim is lethargic and looked down everywhere. These are the two 'azaabs' that Allah brings on nations which dont comply to His commands according to Surah Al-Baqr.
syria is not father land of asaad family as soon as they realize its better for them give people freedom of choice you bastard dictator

Syrians have WAY MORE freedom than Saudi, Bahrain, Qatar, etc. citizen have.

Majority of Syrians support Assad, but it doesnt matter to the West/Arabs, since they couldnt care less what Syrians actually want - goal is to install puppet regime in Syria and to weaken Iran.

Syria is transitioning to pure democracy, and Assad even suggested he wouldnt participate in presidential elections (under UN supervision). West/Arabs arent interested either, as I said above - they couldnt care less what Syrians actually want.
Maşallah FSA, inşallah they don't kill civilians but i think they are Iranian soldiers for information, helping terrorism and massacre by assad.
I live in Iran you moron, who are you to say there is a "crisis"? do you live in Iran?

imports are now more expensive but internal companies will now make anything we can't important and they will be cheaper.

Everybody have watched how the Iranian Rial failed big time. Your economy is falling, and your leaders know it. Thats the reason why your people are protesting.

Looking at the two scums that thanked your comment is a good indicator to what a retard you are.
hezbollah took back land which the zionists scum stolen, they have NO reason to send any missiles.
why have your ***** zionist not tries to attack lebanon again?

Why do so? The border was never so quite. No reason to attack Lebanon again. Besides that; seems to be that Syria is creating Hezbollah's fall.
what a retard. go back to watching fox news.
I live in Iran and there is no crisis. no one denies prices are increasing, but my relatives in the west are also complaining about rising prices in their countries.
You worry about your eurozone and make sure you collapse hahahaha

Comparing Iran to the west? Hahahahahaha. Even Afghanistan has took measures against your phony currency:

Afghanistan imposes currency curbs in response to Iran rial dive | Reuters

Your economy is falling, your currency is worth less than toilet paper and your proxies are losing more and more territory in the region. Look what your country has become: a joke.
Comparing Iran to the west? Hahahahahaha. Even Afghanistan has took measures against your phony currency:

Afghanistan imposes currency curbs in response to Iran rial dive | Reuters

Your economy is falling, your currency is worth less than toilet paper and your proxies are losing more and more territory in the region. Look what your country has become: a joke.
What are you?An Arab hiding behind European flag?
Big mouthing will get you nowhere.Just sit and watch if FSA kills these 48,then what happens.Before that,just close your mouth and wait.
Syrians have WAY MORE freedom than Saudi, Bahrain, Qatar, etc. citizen have.

Majority of Syrians support Assad, but it doesnt matter to the West/Arabs, since they couldnt care less what Syrians actually want - goal is to install puppet regime in Syria and to weaken Iran.

Syria is transitioning to pure democracy, and Assad even suggested he wouldnt participate in presidential elections (under UN supervision). West/Arabs arent interested either, as I said above - they couldnt care less what Syrians actually want.

Bullshxt!! I am tired of this "majority support assad" crap if its really so why Assad didnt let democratic elections happen two years ago just like how protestors wanted? But no he choose kill protestors , shell cities just like his father did and all hell started after that. If a leader really got majorities' suppport then he would have nothing to worry about democratic elections.
Maşallah FSA, inşallah they don't kill civilians but i think they are Iranian soldiers for information, helping terrorism and massacre by assad.

Yeah now they're "Iranian soldiers" because FSA's killing them. And when Assad bombs terrorists, somehow the terrorists are identified as innocent civilians.
FSA and other terrorist groups in syria are really wild and bastard, they execute prisoners and blowing bombs up in middle of streets, They use people's houses such as trench and Now they are going to kill some Iranian prisoners, it shows who exactly they are and they never ever care to human right, democracy and freedom .the only thing they want is power to make a new horrible dictatorship that is 100 times worst than what assad was.... it's shame.

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