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Frustrated Americans on the AFPAK war



New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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I have selected some of the amusing, but frustrated comments from Westerners on different forums & news outlets on the Kabul hotel attacks, & the $4 trillion war spending:

a) "The Talibans are nothing but a bunch of turban wearing, flip-flop / sandal floppping, sweaty, smelly, unbathed, dirty, stone aged, bone'em then stone'em women policy followers, goat rapists, anti humanity, NO GOOD SOB's - dress them all up like 3 year old boys with bottle of Vaseline and send to go see the POPE !!!!"

b) "We wasted chopper fuel, time and bullets. All we need to do is to FedEx some suicide vests to them, since they evidently have an irresistible compulsion to don them and detonate."

c) "The republican solution to the national debt is like the father who works all week and brings home his pay check and gives it to the neighbors so that they can buy food, while his family starves; and buys them a new car, while his family walks; and pays all of their medical bills, while his family is dying from disease. Of course he keeps out enough money to take care of himself, just like our government."

d) "Hey liberals how's that anti war president doing for ya? 5 wars now. Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afganistan and Pakistan. The change you wanted right?"

e) "The entire country is one big "loophole in security"!

f) "ten years and we still haven't secured kabul. what a laugh!"

g) "Kabul has a premier hotel? lol wonder what kind of discount prices you can get from travelocity on this little hidden jewel..LMFAO!!!!!"

h) "The lovely smell of corpses this Arab Spring brings."
d) "Hey liberals how's that anti war president doing for ya? 5 wars now. Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afganistan and Pakistan. The change you wanted right?"

Hahaha!! Well said. Id like to see the response. Where did u see this post any link?
I have selected some of the amusing, but frustrated comments from Westerners on different forums & news outlets on the Kabul hotel attacks, & the $4 trillion war spending:

"The Talibans are nothing but a bunch of turban wearing, flip-flop / sandal floppping, sweaty, smelly, unbathed, dirty, stone aged, bone'em then stone'em women policy followers, goat rapists, anti humanity, NO GOOD SOB's - dress them all up like 3 year old boys with bottle of Vaseline and send to go see the POPE !!!!"
Oh wow! And the world's only super power armed to its noggins with those fancy war toys at its disposal hasn't been able to screw this bunch of turban wearing, flip-flop / sandal floppping, sweaty, smelly, unbathed, dirty, stone aged, bone'em then stone'em women policy followers, goat rapists, anti humanity, NO GOOD SOB's even after 10 years??? Jeeez!

a) "Sounds like karzai is about to find himself unemployed soon. Where does he think he gets his support from? Oops- that's right- the opium trade!"

b) "We wasted our blood and treasure on THIS country?"

c) "How can there be a security transfer if there is no security?"

d) "To use a nice little saying we used to use in the USAF..."This is one gigantic clusterf***."

e) "How stupid can we get, inserting ourselves inbetween a bunch of squabbling, murderous stone age tribes."

f) "the longer the western world feeds these ungrateful muzzies, the stronger they will be to fight us... why don't they feed their people with the proceeds from their opium production?

let them worry about themselves.

freaking goat bangers!"
a) "The Talibans are nothing but a bunch of turban wearing, flip-flop / sandal floppping, sweaty, smelly, unbathed, dirty, stone aged, bone'em then stone'em women policy followers, goat rapists, anti humanity, NO GOOD SOB's - dress them all up like 3 year old boys with bottle of Vaseline and send to go see the POPE !!!!"

f) "the longer the western world feeds these ungrateful muzzies, the stronger they will be to fight us... why don't they feed their people with the proceeds from their opium production? "

g)"freaking goat bangers!"

That's some nasty generalization. But no worries, I'm ROFLMFAO.

Though it would have been perfect in the member's club.
since they evidently have an irresistible compulsion to don them and detonate."[/I]

e) "The entire country is one big "loophole in security"!

These two are particluarly hilarious posts. :rofl: :rofl:
a) "i know what the problem is ! we're not sending pakistan enuff money ! let's STEAL more money from medicare and social security and pay them more .i'm already below the poverty level so what diff does it make ?"

b) "Karzi, you apparently have mistaken us for someone who gives a crap."

c) "All the middle eastern countries need to be dug up and flown into outspace......."

d) "I say bring our boys HOME!! Let them Kill each other like they have bean doing for hundreds of years that is their way"

e) "Remember Obama's Nobel Peace Prize speech! "The only way to achieve peace is through war"!"

f) "Shut up Karzai and take those rockets up your butt like a good Afghan"

g) "Look no further than Al-CIAda working for Texas war profiteers"

h) "Those pig crap idiot muzzies over there are just plain kill crazy. It doesn't matter who they are killing just as long as they can kill as many as possible. And get to their "72 virginians" (I personally hope they all wear spurs). Religion, ethnic backround or country of origin of the victims doesn't matter. I don't believe that the taliban isn't involved as they kill more muzzies than non muzzies."
a) "Get the F out NOW! Leave the miserable SOB's to fend for themselves, kill each other, destroy clinics that help THEIR OWN PEOPLE! The Taliban are animals and should be treated as such. CARPET BOMB AFGHANISTAN AND LEAVE!"

b) "The Afghans will blame the US and Obama will blame Bush............what a shame."

c) "Not to worry people. We'll finish a strong second in Afghanistan. Just like we did in Vietnam and Iraq."

d) "I say bring our troops back, then I'm taking all of the guys to strip clubs. It's party time!!"

e) "I think Afghanistan is doing very well murdering its own people if left alone perhaps they'll become extinct."

f) "You would think they would have a whole truck load of these suicide bombers. More of them can get to their virgins that way."

g) "Let's get out now and let the towel heads kill themselves. They are still in the stoneage and we should leave them to die in poverty and violence."

h) "when are the taliban going to realize how lame they are?!?! seriously, the ONLY way they fight really is with suicide attacks..or IED's...how can they honestly think they get 72 virgins for being a bunch of little girls?!?!?!"
a) "Wow muslims killing muslims,beautiful.Lets get some popcorn and enjoy."

b) "Just as we have our Obama to endure, the Afghani people have also received what they deserve. Shame on all of us..."

c) "The religion of peace ..... Working overtime."

d) "We have lots of toxic waste and horrible felons in America. Why not send them all to a place where they will fit in: Afghanistan."

e) "Afghanistan is nothing more than a big litter box and in 10 years the US has not been able to clean the turds out. No matter how much money we pour into this country and no matter how many of our heroic men and women die there, it will never change."

f) "Afghanis doing what Afghanis do best......"

g) "Shitstanistan is chock full of lunatics we need to either wipe the entire populace off the face of the Earth or GET OUR TROOPS the HECK OUT of THERE!!!!!!"

h) "Send more troops. At least 500,000 more. Start the draft. Cut Social Security and NASA to fund the surge. Cut off food stamps. Let U.S. poor and elderly die in the streets. Strip search all passengers before boarding planes. National ID. Random searches in your email. Tap your phone. We need to get those 20-30 terrorists hiding over there. Never mind the 15,000 people murdered each year in the United States by U.S. citizens with U.S. made weapons."
a) "I guess they finally got that large supply of tennis shoes they have been waiting on. Now their troops can run away in comfort when the Taliban attack them."

b) "He's no different than George W. Bush, just a different color"

c) "Let them kill each other. No money and especially no food imports to them. Let them eat their 'Poppys'!"

d) ""Afghanistan says its army ready for US drawdown." I bet that the Taliban is reallyyyyy scaredddddd."


f) "Like Tarzan, Karzai chose to live in jungle with wild animals (Taliban) rather than with the white man (America)"

g) "Karma is a drug, who's moods change rapidly, He should be assassinated."

h) "all i see are fields for my horses" genghis khan,,,

updated for afghanistan,,,

"all i see are fields for my nuclear waste"
a) "Grab the little schmuick Karzi and do to him and all the leaders what the Russian mob does, kill him, and everyone on both sides of his family, this helps to ensure no one even related to that little schmuck survives to pollute the earth any longer."

b) "send all the blacks and the mexicans to this stupid war"

c) "Replace Karzai!
With who?
Bin Laden?
He's dead,
What's the difference?"

d) "let's get the @#$% out of there and enjoy the retribution phase of the tilaban with pop corn and a cold beer."

e) "Stick you head back in your butt, Karzai... You are no leader......."

f) "We have committed economic suicide."
a) "time to say goodbye to afghanistan.....they have had centuries to advance to the level of civilized and have clearly demonstrated they cant..."

b) "Crap, where is the Bigot-spray? This website is infested with them."

c) "Muslims are only fit to kill or clean toilets"

d) "Are you kidding me? What else would you expect from the Muslim US President?"

e) "Obama is doing a good job of destroying the US: At least he's doing a good job at something"

f) "Save the taxpayers money, and our troops, and blow afghanistan off of the earth, problem solved."

g) "Are these so-called "peace talks" sanctioned by autopen or some other electronic device?

Did they call for a "CEASE FIRE" yet?"

h) "karzi and obuma are both weak turds and our enemies know it."

i) "Turd festivus...how much? how long? Do U.S. citizens all have to swallow the shlt being handed by Obummer"

j) "Well here we are, negotiating with terrorists & asking Pakistan to our dirty work. What a joke our nation has become"
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