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no because its what "sells" learn how the system works ...
I know how the system works doesnt mean I have to agree with it and cant criticize it! I didnt reach where I am by *** kissing! I despise that act and mind you do point it out at every chance I get!
Not at all...never said it nor implying it...But saying your media does need to be double checked...its a fact!

Objective criticism is what I gave the video with a thanks (1 of the 1st to thank the video) coz I agree totally of the impact and influence of media on people!

I am not sure why you people are so bent on taking keeray out of my posts even in ones they dont exist! :unsure: Is it something to do with my flag or some ranting bitch?

If anything, our media is extra-cautious as far as respecting the minorities of our Land go. Please bear in mind that although our media portrays Pakistan negatively at times, it never does that to Islam or Muslims in general.

I couldn't get your angle as to how the video was in any way showing Muslims alone as bad. If anything, the only murder in the video was committed by a Hindu. Did you find anyone here defending his actions? If you do, slap him from my side too.
If anything, our media is extra-cautious as far as respecting the minorities of our Land go. Please bear in mind that although our media portrays Pakistan negatively at times, it never does that to Islam or Muslims in general.

I couldn't get your angle as to how the video was in any way showing Muslims alone as bad. If anything, the only murder in the video was committed by a Hindu. Did you find anyone here defending his actions? If you do, slap him from my side too.
1) Maybe what you call media is just news...I am talking about Bollywood, about how something is blown out of proportion like your countrymate (post 34) @somnath said it sells....and that is the truth in every country!

2) I never said anyone cheering it...I came to comment so said my comment...
That is what I asked....

It was a movie shooting where the director depicted a Muslim (based on his white cap) to be the killer...

All the barber saw was the white hat ...without thinking whom he was killing was an individual who he knows....yet he killed him...

The video also showed how media plays an important role in exploiting this psychology! That is what I am pointing out based on the fact that the video was based on a "movie shooting" ...

Hence I talked about the media...

Yeah Muslims are killers and Hindus should arm themselves with Barber razors and kill all Muslims as a revenge ..... :butcher:

If you see the video a Hindu also becomes a killer after watching what happened on the street.
instead of criticizing try changing yourselves then maybe world will change it's view :-)
I dont represent every tom dick and harry who is going around using a white cap...

They have their own set of believes some which even contradict my own...so that is why I tell Indians all over the forum read up something before talking crap coz sometimes to me that is exactly what it appears as!
1) Maybe what you call media is just news...I am talking about Bollywood, about how something is blown out of proportion like your countrymate (post 34) @somnath said it sells....and that is the truth in every country!

2) I never said anyone cheering it...I came to comment so said my comment...

I too included Bollywood in the scheme. As I said earlier, it's Pakistan which regularly gets demonized by Bollywood, not Muslims or Islam.

Moreover, how exactly do you show a Pakistani without showing him as Muslim? If I'm not wrong, the Pakistani movies also show all Indians as Hindu or Sikh, innit? The movie Waar even shows the two RAW agents as Rama and Laxmi. Now, is it against Hindus or against India?
Yeah Muslims are killers and Hindus should arm themselves with Barber razors and kill all Muslims as a revenge ..... :butcher:

If you see the video a Hindu also becomes a killer after watching what happened on the street.
That is my very point...Which part of my English do you not understand?

And that is the middle name for propaganda! Always show Muslims bad and make life tough for them...
Was the white caps necessary for the director?

I questioned the director...coz it is $$ to make the Muslims bad like how the Americans were at 1st always having Russian and S.American mobs and now the Muslim terrorist! Media...

I said propaganda! When you show such movies ....or make such movies innocents die!

In the movie it was the Muslim who was shown bad so I said it in accordance to the video
Muslims bad and make life tough for them...

Hindu barber saw it and killed his own friend a Muslim...Now if you found hidden meanings then seriously...I have nothing else to say but its your mentality how you are tuned that being a Muslim I will always attack Hindus and what not...read post no. 9

this is exactly whats wrong with muslim mentality you didnt get the video instead you somehow make yourself look like a victim you failed to notice how the hindu guy killed the muslim stop with that double standards

Now tell me it was not the media that fed you made nurtured this mentality of yours...if not the media then there is def something wrong with your mentality for saying such stuff...not to mention the other post calling me a retard coz i question your media?! Wow!

I too included Bollywood in the scheme. As I said earlier, it's Pakistan which regularly gets demonized by Bollywood, not Muslims or Islam.
Yet the director decided to choose a white cap not a cross... :agree:

When there is something bad gonna happen, the azan just happens to be played...nothing Islamic about that...Its all Pakistan...
Moreover, how exactly do you show a Pakistani without showing him as Muslim? If I'm not wrong, the Pakistani movies also show all Indians as Hindu or Sikh, innit? The movie Waar even shows the two RAW agents as Rama and Laxmi. Now, is it against Hindus or against India?
How to show Pakistani? Must you show? Why the obsession? we rarely show Indians in ours coz we have moved on...sure some war related or independence related movies might show Indians but that is history it happened...but apart from that nope...

Pakistani movies dont give a crap about Hindus and Sikhs! That is your mentality and when did our movie go to world level? WAAR was about WAR and you are our buddy on the frontier! Did you want us to show Russians on Indian soil?! Make sense!

the only Pakistani movie that hit International award:

Saving Face is a 2012, Academy and Emmy winning, documentary film was about woman abuse nothing Hindu nor Indian!
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That is my very point...Which part of my English do you not understand?

I already answered your point in one od my previous posts .... please check.

Regarding Muslims shown as evil

Muslims are the ones who pose with swords like super heroes and threaten to kill Kafirs when they see any practices which are not is Quran.... have you seen any Hindu trying to kill a Muslim because he is facing towards West and praying??
That is my very point...Which part of my English do you not understand?

I questioned the director...coz it is $$ to make the Muslims bad like how the Americans were at 1st always having Russian and S.American mobs and now the Muslim terrorist! Media...

I said propaganda! When you show such movies ....or make such movies innocents die!

In the movie it was the Muslim who was shown bad so I said it in accordance to the video

Hindu barber saw it and killed his own friend a Muslim...Now if you found hidden meanings then seriously...I have nothing else to say but its your mentality how you are tuned that being a Muslim I will always attack Hindus and what not...read post no. 9

Now tell me it was not the media that fed you made nurtured this mentality of yours...if not the media then there is def something wrong with your mentality for saying such stuff...not to mention the other post calling me a retard coz i question your media?! Wow!

Yet the director decided to choose a white cap not a cross... :agree:

When there is something bad gonna happen, the azan just happens to be played...nothing Islamic about that...Its all Pakistan...

How to show Pakistani? Must you show? Why the obsession? we rarely show Indians in ours coz we have moved on...sure some war related or independence related movies might show Indians but that is history it happened...but apart from that nope...

Pakistani movies dont give a crap about Hindus and Sikhs! That is your mentality and when did our movie go to world level? WAAR was about WAR and you are our buddy on the frontier! Did you want us to show Russians on Indian soil?! Make sense!

the only Pakistani movie that hit International award:

Saving Face is a 2012, Academy and Emmy winning, documentary film was about woman abuse nothing Hindu nor Indian!

Please explain this clip. It's from a film called Moosa Khan, which released in 2001 and stars none other than Shaan.

Besides, one must also look at the volume of films produced by the Indian and Pakistani film industries. Anyways, I'm not a fan of Bollywood and will make no effort to defend them anymore.

Which again brings me to the point, that you have every right to feel disappointed with references to Pakistan in our media, but not with respect to Islam or Muslims.
I already answered your point in one od my previous posts .... please check.

Regarding Muslims shown as evil

Muslims are the ones who pose with swords like super heroes and threaten to kill Kafirs when they see any practices which are not is Quran.... have you seen any Hindu trying to kill a Muslim because he is facing towards West and praying??
1stly, its the 21st century....no one should pose with swords

2ndly, threaten to kill kafirs when they are behaving like one! Kafir means to reject and they clearly have rejected their own faith by posing as whatever you are suggesting...this is why you can never win because you dont even know what a Muslim is...had you known the basics...you could easily expose them and humiliate them for they are far from Islam...but you prefer to be like them and nodd to whatever they declare!

3rdly, if any crazy freak wears a white cap says ALLAH HU AKHBAR does that make him Muslim? What if someones else like one of you posted that politicians are taking advantage of this...how do we know it is not that at work?

Muslims are not blood thirsty animals as you depict them because your media says so! that is your media brainwashing you and you falling for it even when you know it is ! :tsk:

As for the Hindu trying to kill or not...Do you need me to remind you of Tamil Tigers, or maybe even of Gujrat massacre? Or any other such incidents? I did not drag them because I am not here to pollute the thread!

And because of this continuing propaganda.....there is never going to be any form of understanding because you actually believe not even think but believe a Muslim is one who wears a white cap and poses with a sword!
So far the comments by two Pakistanis on the thread show a permanent victimhood complex, insecurity and propensity to sloganeering (im glad my ancestors did this, zinadabad blah blah).

Its actually a decent video, but expecting brainwashed dogmatic fools to have an open mind is quite futile.
your media also airs anti india anti hindu programs we can see your debates where your respected politicians bash hindus and India so nothing's wrong with that ...thats how it works for every rival country.
And I talked about media spreading propaganda...did I exclude my media? No it was Indians crying crocodile tears for Hamid Mir...not us we sided ISI just so we dont need to side shitholes like media lying anchors! See the difference? No then God only can help you!

Almost every Pakistani member of this forum has bashed at least 1 politician! Hence we are not what our politicians are...Maybe you didnt observe but that is not our fault!

that's right!like i said change yourselves before criticizing everyone
And I said I am not responsible for every mad man with a white cap and posing with a sword for all I know he could be politically paid, he could be a jahal he could be anyone but a Muslim! Now its your lack of knowledge of the word Muslim....A Muslim is a person who worships god and his actions speak of it because its a noun acting out the verb Islm (which is the root word for Islam)! See you didnt even know that so dont try to paint things you dont even know with your limited colours!

So far the comments by two Pakistanis on the thread show a permanent victimhood complex, insecurity and propensity to sloganeering (im glad my ancestors did this, zinadabad blah blah).

Its actually a decent video, but expecting brainwashed dogmatic fools to have an open mind is quite futile.

Really, what about the turned on bashing of the Indians who turned towards this? That a Pakistani and a Muslim is always a bad thing and will always be against me!

For your info I was 1 of the first to thank that video but no you people with your media washed mentality...enough said there! :tsk: :tsk: :tsk:

How about I generalize about you lets see on this thread alone

All Indians can think of is that the Muslim is victimized (2 Indians already said it loud and clear)

Insecurity yet they are the media worshippers

and sloganeering ...Pakistan is already made to cry over it is 60yrs too late! and we are def safe from having to watch such directors who choose a white cap for their villains over a secular villain but that would not serve his motif $$$$
And I talked about media spreading propaganda...did I exclude my media? No it was Indians crying crocodile tears for Hamid Mir...not us we sided ISI just so we dont need to side shitholes like media lying anchors! See the difference? No then God only can help you!

Almost every Pakistani member of this forum has bashed at least 1 politician! Hence we are not what our politicians are...Maybe you didnt observe but that is not our fault!

And I said I am not responsible for every mad man with a white cap and posing with a sword for all I know he could be politically paid, he could be a jahal he could be anyone but a Muslim! Now its your lack of knowledge of the word Muslim....A Muslim is a person who worships god and his actions speak of it because its a noun acting out the verb Islm (which is the root word for Islam)! See you didnt even know that so dont try to paint things you dont even know with your limited colours!

stop uttering nonsense about Hamid Mir. !he is probably one of the sensible media person thats left ,please if you cant respect journalist like mir at least dont try to kill them ....now you wonder how and the why world see you as evil ?is that what you were preached?
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