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From pk-15 , JF-17 Thunder and Al Khalid to fifth generation stealth fighter jet project Azm

The Thunder multi-role fighters delivered to Pakistan are fitted with Italian Grifo S-7 multi-track, multi-mode pulse Doppler radar. It has look-down, shoot-down capability. Other radars can be fitted. Some sources claim, that aircraft are fitted with the Russian radars. Avionics systems will be gradually upgraded in later batches. *radar: KLJ-7V1 is Pulse Doppler, mechanically steered Array Radar & is equipped on first batch of 50 JF-17 Block 1. It is a Multi mode Fire Control Radar (FCR)

Hope you will never embarrass yourself again by declaring JF17 block-1 a 3rd gen jet!
You upgraded it later, but it lacked 4th gen abilities when it was inducted.
show me spec sheet of the very first JF-17s delivered to PAF made in China.
Even If India gets 1000 Rafale and 2000 F-35 Still the Chinese army's batons and ironic rods will be enough to teach them the lesson on the art of the war . . .
Wow, if they had guts they would‘ve fought bare handed, they came prepared with rods and sticks but were defeated by our brave soldiers bare handed, so badly the chinese were beaten that they are ashamed to release the number of their casualties and give them a public military honour.
You upgraded it later, but it lacked 4th gen abilities when it was inducted.
show me spec sheet of the very first JF-17s delivered to PAF made in China.

Wow, if they had guts they would‘ve fought bare handed, they came prepared with rods and sticks but were defeated by our brave soldiers bare handed, so badly the chinese were beaten that they are ashamed to release the number of their casualties and give them a public military honour.
We upgraded it later on...hahahah..bro I told you only difference between block 1 and block 2 is radar...so plz stop this shit that the first jf 17 was 3rd gen later on it became 4rth gen..Block 3 is the major upgrade in jf17..
We upgraded it later on...hahahah..bro I told you only difference between block 1 and block 2 is radar...so plz stop this shit that the first jf 17 was 3rd gen later on it became 4rth gen..Block 3 is the major upgrade in jf17..
This is the basic difference between 3rd gen and 4th gen aircrafts.

Generation 3: Supersonic speed; pulse radar; able to shoot at targets beyond visual range.

Generation 4: Pulse-doppler radar; high maneuverability; look-down, shoot-down missiles.
You upgraded it later, but it lacked 4th gen abilities when it was inducted.
show me spec sheet of the very first JF-17s delivered to PAF made in China.

Wow, if they had guts they would‘ve fought bare handed, they came prepared with rods and sticks but were defeated by our brave soldiers bare handed, so badly the chinese were beaten that they are ashamed to release the number of their casualties and give them a public military honour.
You are simply embarrassing yourself
here by calling block 1 a 3rd gen fighter
. It uses KL J7V1 radar with both lookup and look down mode with 100 km range
. A modern capable Bvr SD 10A
. Modern avionics just compare cockpit displays with any 3rd gen fighter out there
. And block 1 will be eventually upgraded to block 2 standard as the project director of JF 17 mentioned
This is the basic difference between 3rd gen and 4th gen aircrafts.

Generation 3: Supersonic speed; pulse radar; able to shoot at targets beyond visual range.

Generation 4: Pulse-doppler radar; high maneuverability; look-down, shoot-down missiles.
Bro jf 17 has pulse Doppler radar, it is quite maneuverable,it also has look down and shoot down missile..
Bro plz stop this,if jf 17 block 2 is 4rth he aircraft,then why the hell the official website still has 3rdgen aircraft...bcoz jf 17 is made in association with China and Chinese aircraft gen are different from European and American ones...you are just embarrassing yourself and nothing more..I don't even know from where the hell you got this criteria for 3rd and 4rth gen aircraft
This is the basic difference between 3rd gen and 4th gen aircrafts.

Generation 3: Supersonic speed; pulse radar; able to shoot at targets beyond visual range.

Generation 4: Pulse-doppler radar; high maneuverability; look-down, shoot-down missiles.
The block 1 satisfies your definition of 4th gen
Pulse doppler
High maneuverability
Look down shoot down
Bvr all of it is present ... don't argue unnecessarily
Su 30mki cockpit
images (3).jpeg

Su 30mki cockpit
images (3).jpeg
Jf 17 cockpit
images (2).jpeg

Even jf 17 cockpit is better than mki
But still you are so much dumb that you won't accept that you are wrong.
You upgraded it later, but it lacked 4th gen abilities when it was inducted.
show me spec sheet of the very first JF-17s delivered to PAF made in China.

Wow, if they had guts they would‘ve fought bare handed, they came prepared with rods and sticks but were defeated by our brave soldiers bare handed, so badly the chinese were beaten that they are ashamed to release the number of their casualties and give them a public military honour.
No point arguing with a blind mind. Can't you see the date of article?
If you behave like this, and then cry for being trolled then I am sorry, its not our fault.
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It is Pakistani website not Chinese

Why are you pakis so insecure with Tejas that you peddle fake info for exaggerating, why does it make you feel so much insecure.

The design is made by dassault wtf🤣? Does Dassault have patent for Delta design considering Tejas is a cranked delta wing design.

any country willing to induct JF-17 first needs Russian approval as supply of RD-93 engine.
Which claim that Maruts didn’t fly sorties, they rekt a whole pakistani tank formation during battle of longewala.
You are continuously referring Tejas and Maruts. Here are some interesting clips from Indian sources.

Director General Aeronautics and Chief Executive of CEMILAC Dr. K. Tamil Mani told The Hindu
He said the aircraft is capable of carrying nearly three tons of weapon systems, including laser guided and 500 kg bombs, has a top speed of 1,350 km per hour, capability of withstanding 7 G gravitational force and a 400-500 km radius of operation. However, before it is inducted, the Air Force wants the aircraft to improve its angle of attack from 24 degrees to 28 degrees, possess capability for refueling in air and to possess modern missile systems.


Although originally conceived to operate around Mach 2, the Marut in fact was barely capable of reaching Mach 1 due to the lack of suitably powerful engines.

The Marut never realized its full potential due to insufficient power. The Marut "was technically obsolete by the time it was first delivered in 1964".

Source: Gupta, Amit. Building an Arsenal: The Evolution of Regional Power Force Structures. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997. ISBN 0-27595-787-X.

And more can follow if you insist.
Pakistan is independent in overhauling and upgrading its JF-17. Therefore, the journey of Thunder will not stop at Block 3 only. We are more than hopeful and believe for future blocks 4, 5 and 6 or even for the next fifth generation version.
tejas vs jf17 it is a topic discussed million times yet again it is on the table ..:hitwall:
PAF's F-16s already carry different EW pods with capabilities similar to SPECTRA EW suite of Rafale. A modern western EW suite has made its way through Rafale into IAF so its being considered almost "invincible". PAF has had EW suite on its dedicated DA-20 falcon aircraft of unknown configuration since a long time. JF-17 is also capable of carrying EW pods. Its not advisable to underestimate any foe, however as you dwell deeper into dynamics of air combat, you will realise that some stats look extra ordinarily favoured on paper only. In practicality, unexpected events occur.

I beg to disagree

I want them to under-estimate us, i want them to keep the same attitude they had on Feb 26, 2019.

It's that attitude that resulted in PAF's complete domination of IAF on Feb 27 despite having a fraction of the resources. The JF17's dominated the Mirage 2000's, forcing them to disengage and exit the combat area because they knew if they stayed within the area the JF17's would launch their BVRAAM's since they had the firing solution.

The 'Raptor of Asia', the greatest fighter aircraft after the F22, the SU30MKI (cobra dancer, Israeli Jammers, Avionics, BARS Radar, Mini AWAC) was literally cucked by the PAF where it did not have a firing solution. PAF F16's had them locked and fired AMRAAM's.

Let them under-estimate us, let them think that the Rafale is God's answer to combat aircraft. But as we saw on Feb 27, aviation combat does not happen 1 on 1 and is heavily influenced by force multipliers.

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