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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

Anyone know what kind of missile they fired at it?

Apparently the entire ship itself may have sunk but this is not confirmed yet
Apparently it was a Noor missile. An Iranian reverse-engineered version of C-802.
Apparently it was a Noor missile. An Iranian reverse-engineered version of C-802.

So could be this?

I am praying this is not a true news. Forgetting the tragic loss of life alone, after the tragic incident of the airliner being shot, this will almost destroy the reputation of Iranian military. Friendly fire can occur, but it should not happen on this scale.I am waiting for further confirmation but if this is confirmed to be true, then the military will become seriously downgraded in the eyes of not just the Iranians, but globally. Some serious action better be taken.

The airline incident tarnished the reputation of the IRGC. This one will be blamed on Iran's regular army.

I don't think these incidents are just a coincidence. There is currently a lot of pressure on Iran's armed forced forces in light of all the tensions between Iran and the US. Seems like high stress is causing these recent mistakes.
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Noor missile looks like pretty heavy duty stuff, would not be surprised if it actually did sink Konarak

Why would a Iranian ship be in the same area as an target ship during Iranian live fire?

Iran Navy continuing showing incompetence. First it was a Mowj striking the shore and sinking. Now another Mowj fired a missile at a another warship.

Continued gross incompetence by Iranian military. No wonder Israel runs circles around these guys in covert operations. They refuse to adapt risk management in anything they do missile testing, air defense, Navy, live fire exercise.

Noor missile looks like pretty heavy duty stuff, would not be surprised if it actually did sink Konarak

Depends where it made impact, if it was at waterline level ship probably split it 2. If it was like 2006 HZ attack on Israel frigate which exploded above deck it is possible the ship survives but heavily damaged.
these iranians are real good at shooting down there own civilian planes and now there boats ,they are over hyped .at this rate trump dosnt need to do anything
Do they really though? I mean Hezb doesn't get 100,000 rockets and missiles because the Israeli's are so good.

a vast majority (80%) of those rockets are simple katuysha rockets that even Syrian rebels have and the rest are Fajr like artillery rockets.

HZ inventory of F-110s is small. Israel attempts to increase costs on Iran of transportation of advanced weaponry such as F-110 series and anti ship missiles.

HZ having 25 F-110s is terrible, but having 100-200 F-110s is gamechanging.
Worst part about this whole thing is that they were probably filming it for TV broadcasting about naval drills and they probably have the film of it striking the Konarak (which will never be released).
Why would a Iranian ship be in the same area as an target ship during Iranian live fire?

Iran Navy continuing showing incompetence. First it was a Mowj striking the shore and sinking. Now another Mowj fired a missile at a another warship.

Continued gross incompetence by Iranian military. No wonder Israel runs circles around these guys in covert operations. They refuse to adapt risk management in anything they do missile testing, air defense, Navy, live fire exercise.

Depends where it made impact, if it was at waterline level ship probably split it 2. If it was like 2006 HZ attack on Israel frigate which exploded above deck it is possible the ship survives but heavily damaged.

My understanding is that if Konarak was far enough away it would not have been at risk.

However Jamaran was not far enough away that the decoy that the missile accidentally locked onto Konarak. I am not sure if this is because Jamaran fired too early if Konarak was moving away too slowly.

As far as above or below deck, if the decoy was between the ships, missile probably hit above deck. If the decoy was farther than the second ship, then it probably hit below deck but that is just my guess.
My understanding is that if Konarak was far enough away it would not have been at risk.

However Jamkaran was not far enough away that the decoy that the missile accidentally locked onto Konarak. I am not sure if this is because Jamkaran fired too early if Konarak was moving away too slowly.

As far as above or below deck, if the decoy was between the ships, missile probably hit above deck. If the decoy was farther than the second ship, then it probably hit below deck but that is just my guess.

It doesn’t make sense whatsoever.

It’s like soldiers standing at a shooting range and someone walking behind the shooting gallery. Why would that someone be even near the targets?

Also how can the Noor switch targets that easily especially if there is at least a 1KM distance between the two ships?

Seems like the missile is not at fault and in fact it is the Jamaran crew that illuminated the wrong target. Because the missile would follow the initial illuminated target guidance using its INS and then when approaching target it would turn on its active homing radar and locate the vessel and begin terminal phase attack.

So for the wrong vessel to be struck and the missile being at fault means a problem with the seeker. If the seeker could be weak and it basically attacks whatever it can find in the area. Given Iran’s forte in seeker development, I wouldn’t like to believe that.

Something doesn’t add up here. I have a feeling this is human error targeting the wrong vessel. Still doesn’t excuse the fact why there was even a vessel in the Vicinity as the mock target.
Also how can the Noor switch targets that easily especially if there is at least a 1KM distance between the two ships?

How do you know there was a 1 Km distance between them?

So for the wrong vessel to be struck and the missile being at fault means a problem with the seeker. If the seeker could be weak and it basically attacks whatever it can find in the area. Given Iran’s forte in seeker development, I wouldn’t like to believe that.
It didn't attack whatever it could find in the area. It hit the target that made more sense for its algorithm.
these iranians are real good at shooting down there own civilian planes and now there boats ,they are over hyped .at this rate trump dosnt need to do anything

Please take your trolling somewhere else. Despite the fact these events are tragic, unfortunately friendly fires and even shooting down civilian airliners are not unprecedented. If the Americans with their capability are vulnerable to the same things, then I am sure it shows you everyone else too is. You're seeing these two incident in Iran due to the very heightened level of alert the Iranian military has been in during the last few months. Regardless, lessons need to be learned to make sure such things do not continue happening.

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